There are currently 10 names in this directory beginning with the letter Y.
yard१ आवार (न.) २ (unit of length) गज (पु.), वार (पु.)
year of accountखाते वर्ष, लेखा वर्ष
year-bookवार्षिक (न.), सांवत्सरिक (न.)
yield१ उत्पन्न (न.) २ (as a return upon financial investment) लाभ (पु.) ३ प्राप्ति (स्त्री.) (as in redemption yield विमोचन प्राप्ति) ४ उत्पादन (न.) ५ उपज (स्त्री.)
yield elasticity१ (as theory of taxation) कर उत्पन्न लवचिकता २ उत्पादन लवचिकता
yield-gapलाभांतर (न.) (the difference between the yield on government stocks and the yield on ordinary shares)