There are currently 113 names in this directory beginning with the letter Q.
Math. १ चतुर्थांश (पु.) २ (as a quarter of a circle) वृत्तपाद (पु.), पाद (पु.) ३ (in case of coordinates) चतुर्थक (पु.) ४ (as in device or instrument) क्वाड्रंट (पु.)
(of or relating to a quadrant, included in or in the shape of a fourth part of a circle) वृत्तपादसम, पादसम, वृत्तपाद-
Math. १ (of relating to or resembling a square) वर्ग-, वर्गात्मक २ (having terms of second degree as the highest) द्विघाती, द्विघात-
Elec.Eng.(as a system composed of two electric dipoles of equal but oppositely directed electric moment) चतुर्धुव (पु.) (also quadripole)
१ गुण (पु.) २ (as degree of excellence or conformance to a standard ... etc.) गुणवत्ता (स्त्री.) attribute धर्म, अंगगुण character लक्षण, गुण property गुणधर्म
(as subdivision into quanta; expression in terms of quantum theory) क्वांटीकरण (न.), क्वांटन (न.)
(to subdivide as energy into small finite increments, to calculate or express as the phenomena of radiation etc. in terms of quantum mechanics; to putinto a definite quantum state) क्वांटीकरण करणे, क्वांटन करणे
१ (of, relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity - as opposed to qualitative) मापात्मक २ (as based upon quantity) परिमाणात्मक
१ (as a determinate or estimated amount; as total amount or number) राशि (स्त्री.) २ (as the character of something that makes it possible to measure or number it or to determine that it is more or less than something else) परिमाण (न.)
१ (as the basic unit of discrete values of certain quantities, such as orbital angular momentum, energy in electromagnetic radiation; as, one of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided) क्वांटम (न.) (अ.व. क्वांट
quantum electrodynamics
(as quantum mechanics applied to electrical interactions) क्वांटम विद्युतगतिकी
quantum jump
(as an abrupt transition, as of an electron, an atom or a molecule from one discrete energy state to another with absorption or emission of a quantum of energy) क्वांटम प्लुति, क्वांटम उडी (also called quantum transition)
quantum mechanical
(of or relating to quantum mechanics) क्वांटम यांत्रिक (as in quantum- mechanical theory of nuclear motion न्यूक्लीय गतिविषयक क्वांटम यांत्रिक सिद्धांत)
quantum mechanics
(as the mechanics of phenomena to which the quantum theory may be applied; as a general mathematical theory dealing with the interactions of matter and radiation in terms of observable quantities only) क्वांटम स्थितिगतिशास्त्र nonrelativstic quantum
quantum number
(as a number assigned to each of the various values of a quantised quantity in its discrete range) क्वांटम अंक electron quantum number इलेक्ट्रॉन क्वांटम अंक inner quantum number अंतःक्वांटम अंक magnetic orbital quantum number चुंबकीय कक्षीय क्वांटम अंक
quantum statistics
(as statistics of the distribution of particle of specified type in relation to their energies, the latter being quantised) क्वांटम सांख्यिकी
quantum theory
(as an extensive branch of physical theory based on Max Planck's concept of radiant energy subdivided into finite quanta) क्वांटा सिद्धांत
(as a short oral or written test oft. taken without special preparation) चाचणी परीक्षा (स्त्री.) (pl . quizzes)