There are currently 66 names in this directory beginning with the letter K.
K capture K electron capture
K electronNucleonics K इलेक्ट्रॉन (पु.)
K electron captureNucleonics (capture of a K-electron by the nucleusof its own atom) K इलेक्ट्रॉन प्रग्रहण
K or k(symbol for kappa) काप्पा (सं. K किंवा k)
kaleidoscopeशोभादर्शक (पु.), कॅलेडोस्कोप (पु.)
kappa(symbol K or k) काप्पा (पु.) (सं. K किंवा k)
katharometerChem. (an apparatus for determining the composition of a gas mixture by measuring thermal conductivity) कॅथॅरोमीटर (पु.)
katoptric systemकॅटोप्ट्रिक पद्धति
keeperरक्षक (न.) (as in magnetic keeper चुंबक रक्षक)
Kennelly Heaviside layer(after Arthur W Kennelly, Am. elec. engineer and Oliver Heaviside, Eng. physicist) केनेली हेवीसाइड स्तर (also Heaviside layer)
key१ कळ (स्त्री.), चावी (स्त्री.) (as in discharge key विमोच कळ, विमोच चावी) २ की (स्त्री.), चावी (स्त्री.) (as in double contact key द्विस्पर्श की, द्विस्पर्श चावी)
kick१ Elec. Magn. (as a throw of galvanometer) क्षेप (पु.) २ (the recoil as of a gun etc.) प्रतिक्षेप (पु.), झटका (पु.)
kilo(short for kilogram) किलो (पु.)
kilogramकिलोग्रॅम (पु.) (also kilogramme)
kilogram calorieHeat किलोग्रॅम कॅलरी (स्त्री.)
kilogram equivalentElec. Magn. किलोग्रॅम सममूल्य
kilojouleElec. Magn. किलोजूल (न.)
kilolitreकिलोलिटर (पु.) (also kiloliter)
kilometreकिलोमीटर (पु.) (also kilometer)
kilowatt(abbr. kw) Elec.Eng. किलोवॉट (पु.)
kilowatt hourElec.Eng. किलोवॉट तास (पु.)
kind१ प्रकार (पु.) २ जाति (स्त्री.)
kinematicशुद्धगतिक, शुद्धगतिकीय kinematical
kinematic viscosityशुद्धगतिकीय विष्यंदिता (शुद्धगतिकीय विष्यंदिता गुणांक) (also coefficient of kinematic viscosity)
kinematicallyशुद्धगतिक दृष्ट्या
kinematics(a branch of dynamics that deals with aspects of motion as acceleration and velocity apart from considerations of mass and force) शुद्धगतिकी (स्त्री.), शुद्ध गतिशास्त्र (न.) mechanics (also cinematics)
kinematograph cinematograph
kinematography cinematography
kinescope(a name sometimes applied to a cathode ray tube used as a picture tube) किनेस्कोप (पु.)
kinescope(a name sometimes applied to a cathode ray tube used as a picture tube) किनेस्कोप (पु.)
kinetic१ (of or relating to motion; supplying motive force) गतिज २ (relating to kinetics) बलगतिक
kinetic energy(energy possessed by a moving body in virtue of its motion) गतिज ऊर्जा
kinetic energy(energy possessed by a moving body in virtue of its motion) गतिज ऊर्जा
kinetic energy headगतिज ऊर्जा शीर्ष
kinetic energy of rotationघूर्णन गतिज ऊर्जा
kinetic energy of translationस्थानांतरण गतिज ऊर्जा
kinetic equilibriumगतिज समतोल
kinetic molecular interpretationगतिज रेणु अर्थनिर्वचन
kinetic molecular theoryगतिज रेणु सिद्धांत
kinetic theory of gasesवायुविषयक गतिज सिद्धांत
kinetics(a branch of dynamics that deals with the effects of forces upon the motions of material bodies) बलगतिकी (स्त्री.), बलगतिशास्त्र (न.) mechanics
klystronElectronics, Radio क्लॉइस्ट्रॉन (पु.)
knife edgeतीक्ष्ण धार (स्त्री.)
knock on(produced or projected as a result of the collision of an energetic particle from outside an atom with an elementary particle inside) प्रघातक्षिप्त (as in knock on electron) प्रघातक्षिप्त (as in knock on electron प्रघातक्षिप्त इलेक्ट्रॉन) (also knocked
knock on atomप्रघातक्षिप्त अणु (पु.)
knock on protonप्रघातक्षिप्त प्रोटॉन
knocked on atom knock on atom
knotगाठ (स्त्री.), ग्रंथि (स्त्री.)
know how१ - विशिष्ट ज्ञान (न.)(as in technical know how तंत्रविशिष्ट ज्ञान) २ पद्धतिज्ञान (न.)
knowledge१ ज्ञान (न.) २ माहिती (स्त्री.)
known(as a letter or some other symbol used in a mathematical euqation to represent a known numbr or quantity) व्यक्त (न.), व्यक्त (राशि वगैरे)
known quantityव्यक्त राशि, ज्ञात राशि
konel metal(as an alloy of nickel, cobalt, iron and titanium) कोनेल धातु
kw(abbr. of kilowatt) किलोवॉट (केडब्ल्यू KW)