There are currently 46 names in this directory beginning with the letter J.
J१ Heat (symbol for Joule's equivalent) जूल सममूल्य (सं. j) २ (as abbr. of joule - a unit of energy or work in the mks system of units) जूल (सं. J)
jackEng. etc. (as a portable lifting machine) जॅक (पु.)
jacket(as outer casing or cover; the wrapper or dust cover) वेष्टक (न.)
jacket(to enclose in or with a jacket) वेष्टक लावणे
jacketedवेष्टित, वेष्टक ठेवलेला, वेष्टक लावलेला
jackscrew(a screw operated jack for lifting or exerting pressure) जॅक स्क्रू (पु.)
jade(a general term loosely used to include various mineral substance of tough texture and of a green colour) जेड (पु.), मर्गझ (पु.)
jar१ पात्र (न.) (as in bell jar घंटापात्र) २ जार (पु.) (as in Leyden jar लायडेन जार ३ बरणी (स्त्री.)
jeopardiseधोक्यात घालणे, धोक्यात पाडणे, धोक्यात टाकणे
jerkहिसका (पु.), झटका (पु.) जर्क (पु.) (as in jerk pumpजर्क पंप)
jerkहिसका देणे, झटका देणे
jet(as a forceful rush of liquid, gas or vapour through a narrow or restricted opening) जेट (पु.), फवारा (पु.)
jet and rocket propulsionजेट रॉकेट प्रणोदन
jet engineजेट इंजिन, जेट अभियंत्र
jibEng. जिब (स्त्री.), जिव्हा यारी
jitterElec.Comm. (small rapid irregularities in a waveform arising from fluctuations in supply voltages, components etc.) कंप (पु.)
Johnson noiseElec.Comm.(after John B Johnson, Am. physicist) जॉनसन कुरव, तापीय कुरव (also thermal noise)
joint१ सांधा (पु.), संधि (स्त्री.) २ जोडणी (स्त्री.) (as in joint of sets सटांची जोडणी)
jointing१ संधि (स्त्री.) २ संधीयन (न.)
joule(abbr. J) (after James P Joule, Eng. physicist - as the absolute mks unit of work or energy) जूल (न.)
Joule Clausius velocityजूल क्लॉउसिअस वेग
Joule-Thomson effect(after J P Joule and Sir William Thomson, Brit. physicist जूल- थॉमसन परिणाम)
Joule's equivalentHeat (also called mechanical equivalent of heat - symbol J) जूल सममूल्य (सं. J)
Joule's lawChem., Elec.Eng. जूलचा नियम
journalEng. जर्नल (पु.), धारवा आख (पु.) (that part of a rotating shaft, axle अक्ष आख or spindle etc. that turns in a bearing धारवा)
judgment sampleऐच्छिक प्रतिदर्श
jumpप्लुति (स्त्री.) (प्लु - प्लुति - jumping, jump or leap)उडी (स्त्री.)
junctionसंधिस्थान (न.), संगम (पु.)
junction boxElec.Eng. संधिपेटिका (स्त्री.)
junction diodeसंधिस्थान डायोड
junction rectifierसंधिस्थान दिष्टकारी
justify१ (to prove or show to be just, desirable or useful) औचित्य दाखवणे
juxtaposition१ (the act or an instance of placing two or more objects in a close spatial or ideal relationship) सन्निधीकरण (न.) २ (the condition of being so placed) सानिध्य (न.)