D layerRadio D स्तर (पु.)
d.c.Elec.Eng. डी.सी. (दिष्ट धारा) (also D.C.) (abbr. of direct current)
d.c. dynamo direct current dynamo
d.c. generator direct current generator
Dalton's lawChem. (after John Dalton, Eng. chemist and physicist) डाल्टनचा नियम
damageहानी पोचवणे, नुकसान पोचवणे
damageहानि (स्त्री.), नुकसान (न.)
damagedहानी पोचलेला, नुकसान झालेला
damaging(causing or able to cause damage) हानिकारक
damp१ ओलसर २ (in case of weather) दमट, सर्द
dampसर्द हवा (स्त्री.), दमटपणा (पु.)
damp१ (as to diminish progressively the vibration or oscillation of; as to retard) -चे अवमंदन करणे, अवमंदित करणे, अवमंदन होणे २ ओलसर करणे (to damp down- चे अवमंदन करणे, अवमंदित करणे
damp proofingआर्द्रतारोधन (न.)
damped harmonic motionअवमंदित आवर्त गति
damped harmonic oscillationअवमंदित आवर्त दोलन
damped linear oscillatorअवमंदित रेखीय दोलक
damped oscillationElec.Eng., Elec.Comm.(an electrical or mechanical oscillation in which there is an appreciable diminution of oscillation amplitude during successive cycles) अवमंदित दोलन
damped oscillatory systemअवमंदित दोलन संहति
damped wavesRadio (electromagnetic waves radiated from a damped oscillatory circuit) अवमंदित तरंग
damper१ Elec.Eng., Acous etc. अवमंदक (पु.) २ आर्द्रक (पु.)
damping(as the checking of a motion due to resistance, as by friction or similar cause) अवमंदन (न.)
damping coefficientअवमंदन गुणांक
damping collisionअवमंदी संघात
damping constantअवमंदन स्थिरांक
damping downEng. Met. - चे अवमंदन करणे, -चे अवमंदन होणे
damping factorElec. Comm. etc. (as the factor expressing the rate of decay of oscillations in a damped oscillatory system) अवमंदन गुणक, ऱ्हास गुणक (also decay factor)
damping magnetElec.Eng. अवमंदी चुंबक
dampnessओलावा (पु.), ओलसरपणा (पु.), दमटपणा (पु.)
danger१ धोका (पु.) २ संकट (न.)
danger coefficient(the danger coefficient of a substance for particular nuclear reactor is the change in reactivity caused by inserting that substance in the reactor) संकट गुणांक
danger pointधोका बिंदु (पु.)
danger zoneसंकट क्षेत्र (न.), धोक्याचे क्षेत्र (न.)
dangerous१ धोकादायक २ घातक
dangerouslyधोकादायक रीतीने, भयंकर रीतीने
Daniell cell(after John F. Daniell, Eng. chemist and physicist,its inventor) डॅनिअल घट (डॅनिअल विद्युतघट)
dark१ कृष्ण,काळा २ काळोखी ३ अदीप्त (as in cathode dark space कॅथोड अदीप्त प्रदेश)
darkकाळोख (पु.), अंधार (पु.), अंधःकार (पु.)
dark adaptation(w.r.t. the sensitivity of eye etc.) अंधार अनुकूलन, अंधःकार अनुकूलन
dark adaptedअंधार अनुकूलित, अंधःकार अनुकूलित
dark conductionअदीप्त वहन
dark currentPhotoelectric Cells अदीप्त धारा
dark discharge(an electrical discharge in a gas without the production of visible light) अदीप्त विमोच (विद्युन्मोच)
dark field illumination(for observing very small particles or very fine lines) कृष्णक्षेत्री दीपन
dark line spectrumकृष्णरेषा वर्णपंक्ति, कृष्णरेषा स्पेक्ट्रम
dark slideप्रकाशरोधी स्लाइड
dark spaceअदीप्त प्रदेश Aston dark space ऍस्टन अदीप्त प्रदेश catode dark space कॅथोड अदीप्त प्रदेश Faraday dark space फॅरॅडे अदीप्त प्रदेश
darken१ अंधार करणे २ काळा करणे, काळा होणे
darknessअंधार (पु.),काळोख (पु.), अंधःकार (पु.)
darkroomअंधारखोली (स्त्री.)
data१ दत्त (न.), पक्ष (पु.) २ आधारसामग्री (स्त्री.) (sing. datum)
data processingआधारसामग्री प्रक्रियण
date(the period of time to which something belongs esp. historically) काळ (पु.)
datingवयमापन (न.) (as in radio carbon dating रेडिओकार्बनी वयमापन)
datum१ (pl. data) (something that is given either from being experientially encountered or from being admitted or assumed for specific purposes; something upon which an inference or an argument is based) दत्त (न.), पक्ष (पु.) २ (pl. data but oft. sing. in constr.) (as a material serving as a basis for the discussion, inference or determination of policy etc.; detailed information of any kind) आधारसामग्री (स्त्री.) ३ (pl. datums) (a point or line or a surface w.r.t. which positions as elevations are measured or indicated) गणना (स्त्री.) (as in datum line गणना रेषा)
daughter elementजन्य मूलद्रव्य (also called decay product)
Davy's safety lampMining (after Sir Humphry Davy, Eng. Chemist its inventor) डेव्ही दीप (also called Davy)
dbElec.Comm.(abbr. of decibel) डेसिबल (न.)
dead space(of a gas thermometer) निष्क्रीय भाग
deadbeatElec.Eng.(a term applied to an instrument or other oscillating system when it iscritically damped etc.) रुद्धदोल-
debrisGeol. डबर (न.), भग्नशेष (पु.), मलवा (पु.)
debunchingThermionics (the action or forces of mutual repulsion between electrons causing bunches of electrons to spread, both laterally and longitudinally) विगुच्छन (न.)
decade(the time period of ten years) दशक (न.)
decade resistance boxदशकीय रोध पेटी
decalescenceMet. (the decrease in temperature when the rate of heat absorption during transformation exceeds the rate of heat input while heating metal through a transformation range) तापहीन ऊष्माशोषण (न.) recalescence पुनरुष्मोत्सर्जन
decalescentतापहीन ऊष्माशोषी
decalescent pointतापहीन ऊष्माशोषी बिंदु (as of a metal)
decant(to draw off as a liquid without disturbing the underlying sediment or precipitate or the lower liquid layers) निवळी ओतणे
decantationनिवळी ओतणे (न.)
decanter(a vessel used to decant or to receive decanted liquids) निवळीपात्र (न.)
decarbonate(to remove carbon dioxide or carbonic acid from) -चे विकार्बाएनेटन करणे
decarbonisation(the process of decarbonising) विकार्बनन (न.)
decarbonise(to remove carbon from) -चे विकार्बनन करणे, विकार्बनित करणे
decarbonisingविकार्बनन करणारा, विकार्बनित करणारा
decarburation(the process of decarburising) विकार्बनन(न.) decarburisation
decarburise(to remove carbon from) -चे विकार्बनन करणे, विकार्बनित करणे
decayक्षय (पु.), ऱ्हास (पु.)
decay constant(the ratio of the rate of disintegration of a radioactive substance to the amount of the substance left unchanged) ऱ्हास स्थिरांक, क्षयांक (पु.)
decay electronsऱ्हास इलेक्ट्रॉन (पु.अ.व.)
decay factor damping factor
decay product(any nuclide, radioactive or stable, resulting from the radioactive disintegration of a radionuclide, directly or as a result of successive transformation in a radioactive series) ऱ्हास उत्पादित वस्तु (also called daughter element)
decelerate(as to lessen the speed of; to slow down) अवत्वरण करणे, अवत्वरण होणे
deceleratingअवत्वरक, अवत्वरणी
decelerating electrodeअवत्वरणी इलेक्ट्रोड
deceleration(the rate of decrease in velocity) अवत्वरण (न.)
decibel(abbr. db) Elec.Comm.(as a unit for expressing the ratio of two amounts of electric or acoustic power etc.) डेसिबल (न.)
decimal fractionदशांश अपूर्णांक
decimal pointदशांश बिंदु, दशांश चिन्ह
decimal systemदशांश पद्धति
decimalisationदशांशन (न.)
decimaliseदशांशरुप देणे, दशांशन करणे
declination१ Astron.(as the angular distance of a heavenly body from the celestial equator) दिक् पात (पु.) २ Surv. etc. (the angle formed between a magnetic needle and the geographical meridian when the needle points east or west of true north - also called variation) दिक्पात (पु.)
decline१ अपकर्ष होणे, ऱ्हास होणे २ (as temperature etc.) कमी होणे, खाली येणे
decomposability(the quality or state of being decomposable) अपघटनक्षमता (स्त्री.)
decomposable(that can be decomposed) अपघटनक्षम
decompose(to separate or resolve into constitutent parts or elements orinto simpler compounds; to cause chemical disintegration of; to break up into constitutent elements) -चे अपघटन करणे, -चे अपघटन होणे
decomposingअपघटक, अपघटनकारी
decomposition(the separation of resolution into constitutent parts or elements or into simpler compounds) अपघटन (न.) disintegration विघटन dissociation विचरण division विभाजन segregation विलग्नन
decomposition voltageElec.Eng.(the minimum voltage which will cause continuous electrolysis in an electrolytic cell) अपघटन व्होल्टता
decouplingElec.Comm.(the reduction of common impedance between the input and output circuits) वियुग्मन (न.)
decoupling circuitवियुग्मन परिपथ
decrease१ घट करणे, घट होणे, घटणे २ कमी करणे, कमी होणे
decreasing१ घटणारा २ कमी होणारा
decrement१ (the act or process of becoming gradually less) क्षय (पु.) २ (as abbr. of logarithmic decrement - the ratio of the maximum amplitude of one oscillation to that of the next in an oscillating system subjected to damping ) क्षयांक (पु.) ३ Math.(as a negative increment) घट (स्त्री.)
deduce१ (to derive by logical process; as to infer) निगमन करणे २ तर्क करणे
deducible१ निगमनीय २ तर्क करण्याजोगा
deduct१ वजा करणे २ (as to deduce; infer) निगमित करणे ३ Math. निश्चित करणे
deductionLogic, Math. १ (the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning; as the inference from the evidence - as opposed to indution) निगमन (न.) (as in experimental deduction प्रयोगागत निगमन) २ (an act or process of deducting; subtraction) वजा करणे (न.), वजात (स्त्री.)
deductiveनिगमनिक, निगमात्मक
defect१ (as an irregularity in a surface or a structure that spoils the appearance or causes weakness or failure) दोष (पु.) २ (want or absence of something necessary for completeness etc.) उणीव (स्त्री.)
defect conduction hole conduction
defective१ सदोष २ उणीव असलेला
defective visionसदोष दृष्टि
defects in solidsघन पदार्थातील दोष (पु.अ.व.)
defects of visionदृष्टिदोष (पु.अ.व.)
definableव्याख्येय व्याख्या करण्याजोगा
define१ व्याख्या करणे २ (as to determine with precision) निश्चित करणे
defining baffleसीमक बाधिका
definite१ निश्चित २ Math. निर्दिष्ट (as in definite integral) निर्दिष्ट संकलक)
definitelyनिश्चितपणे, नक्की
definition१ व्याख्या (स्त्री.) २ निश्चयन (न.)
deflagrating spoonजाळपळी (स्त्री.)
deflect(as to turn from a straight course or fixed direction; to bend) विक्षेपित करणे, विक्षेपित होणे
deflectingविक्षेपी, विक्षेपक
deflecting coupleविक्षेपी बलयुग्म, विक्षेपक बलयुग्म
deflecting electrodeविक्षेपी इलेक्ट्रोड
deflecting forceविक्षेपक बल
deflection१ (a turning aside; a turning from a straight line or given course - the term implies bending esp. downward or curving) विक्षेपण (न.) (वि - apart away; क्षिप् - to throw, cast, let go) २ (the state of being turned aside) विक्षेप (पु.) aberration (also
deflection angleविक्षेप कोन
deflection factor(of a cathode ray tube) विक्षेपक गुणक
deflection of lightप्रकाशाचे विक्षेपण
deflection plane(w.r.t. cathode-ray tube) विक्षेपण प्रतल
deflectional sensitivity(w.r.t. cathode ray tube) विक्षेपणात्मक संवेदिता
deflocculantअनूर्णक (पु.), अनूर्णी (पु.)
deflocculateअनूर्णित करणे, अनूर्णित होणे
deflocculationअनूर्णन (न.)
deflocculent deflocculant
defocusing effectsविनाभीयन परिणाम (पु.अ.व.)
deform(as to spoil the form or shape of; to alter the form or shape of; to change to shape) विरुपित करणे, विरुपित होणे
deformabilityविरुपणक्षमता (स्त्री.)
deformable electronविरुपणक्षम इलेक्ट्रॉन
deformation bandविरुपण पट्ट
deformation potentialविरुपण विभव
deformityविरुपता (स्त्री.)
defrostवितुषार करणे, वितुषार होणे (वि - without, away from; तुषार - frost, ice, snow)
degas(to free from gas; remove gas from) वायुनिष्कासन करणे
degasificationवायुनिष्कासन करणे (न.)
degassingवायुनिष्कासन (न.)
degeneracy factorअपजनन गुणक
degeneracy parameterअपजनन प्राचल
degenerate(of a gas) अपजनित
degenerate electron gasElectronics अपजनित इलेक्ट्रॉन वायु
degenerate gasAstorn. Electronics अपजनित वायु
degeneration१ अपजनन (न.) २ Radio (as the process by which the part of the power in the output circuit in an amplifying device is caused to act upon input circuit, so as to restrict amplification, etc. - the same as negative feedback) अपजनन (न.) regeneration
degenerativeअपजननी, अपजनन-
degenerative feedbackअपजननी पश्चप्रदाय, अपजनन पश्चप्रदाय
degradation१ (as the impairment in respect to some physical property etc.) नीचयन (न.) २ (as of a chemical compound) नीचयन (न.) ३ (of energy etc.) अवक्रमण (न.)
degradation of energyऊर्जेचे अवक्रमण, ऊर्जा अवक्रमण
degrade१ (as to lower or impair in respect to some physical property etc.) नीचयन करणे, नीचयन होणे २ (of a chemical compound) नीचयन करणे, नीचयन होणे ३ (as to lower to lower level etc.) अवक्रमित करणे, अवक्रमित होणे
degraded१ नीचयित, नीचयन झालेला २ अवक्रमित
degraded bandअवक्रमित पट्ट
degree१ (as one of the divisions or intervals marked on the scale of a measuring instrument or a gauge; the principal unit of measure for arcs and angles; unit of temperature etc.) अंश (पु.) २ (as extent or extermity or relative position) मात्रा (स्त्री.), कोटि (स्त्री.) ३ Math.(as of expression, equation etc.) घात (पु.) ४ (commonly) प्रमाण (न.)
degree of dissociationविचरणांश (पु.)
degree of freedomChem.Mech. etc. (as capacity of variation possessed by a system by reason of variability of one of its factors as temperature, pressure, etc.) मुक्ततेची कोटि, मुक्तता कोटि (as in particle..... has two degrees of freedom.... कणाची मुक्तता कोटी दोन इतकी असते)
dehumidificationआर्द्रता निष्कासन (न.)
dehumidifiedआर्द्रता निष्कासित
dehumidified airआर्द्रता निष्कासित हवा
dehumidifier(a substance or apparatus for dehumidifying) आर्द्रता निष्कासक (पु.)
dehumidify(to remove moisture from) आर्द्रता निष्कासन करणे
dehydrateनिर्जल करणे, निर्जल होणे
dehydrater(as drying agent) निर्जलक (पु.) (also dehydrator)
dehydrating agent dehydrater
dehydrationChem. निर्जलन (न.)
deionisation potentialविआयनन विभव
deionisation timeThermionics विआयनन काल
delMath.(also called nabla, symbol ) (a differential operator used in vector analysis) डेल (पु.) (सं. )
delayविलंब करणे, विलंब होणे, उशीर लावणे, उशीर करणे
delayविलंब (पु.), उशीर (पु.)
delayed expansionविलंबित प्रसरण
delicacy(as nicety, fineness) सूक्ष्मता (स्त्री.)
delicate(of an instrument or device- exhibiting great delicacy or extreme sensitivity; marked by or given to keen sensitivity) सूक्ष्म (as in delicate balance सूक्ष्म तुला, सूक्ष्म तराजू)
delineationरेखन (न.) diagram
deliquesce(to dissolve gradually and become liquid by attracting and absorbing moisture from the air) आर्द्रविद्राव्य होणे
deliquescenceआर्द्रविद्राव्यता (स्त्री.)
delivery chamberप्रदान कक्ष
delivery tubeनिकास नळी, निकास नलिका
delta१ (symbol or ) डेल्टा (पु.) (सं. किंवा ) २ Geol. डेल्टा (पु.), त्रिभुज प्रदेश (पु.)
delta rayElectronics (an electorn ejected by an ionising particle in its passage through matter) डेल्टा किरण ( किरण) (also ray)
deltaic(of like, relating to or typical of a delta) डेल्टीय (also deltic)
deltoidडेल्टाभ (पु.), त्रिभुजाभ (पु.) (अ.व. डेल्टाभ, त्रिभुजाभ) (pl. deltoids or deltodei)
demagnetisation(the process of demagnetising or the state of being demagnetised) विचुंबकन (न.)
demagnetise(to deprive of magnetic properties) विचुंबकित करणे
demagnetisingविचुंबकी, विचुंबकन-
demagnetisingविचुंबकी, विचुंबकन-
demagnetising fieldविचुंबकन क्षेत्र
dematerialisationNucl. Phys. विद्रव्यन (न.) (also called annihilation of matter)
dematerialiseविद्रव्यन करणे, विद्रव्यन होणे
demodulateअनापरिवर्तन करणे
demodulationElec.Comm. (the inverse of modulation) अनापरिवर्तन (न.)
demodulatorअनापरिवर्तक (पु.)
demonstrate१ प्रयोगनिर्देशन करणे २ प्रात्यक्षिक करून दाखवणे
demonstration१ प्रयोगनिर्देशन (न.) २ प्रात्यक्षिक (न.)
demonstrativeप्रत्यक्षकारी, प्रात्यक्षिक-
demonstratorप्रयोगनिर्देशक (पु.)
demountable(as furnace etc. designed to allow disassembly with minimum damage to component parts) वियोज्य, जुळवणी काढून घेता येण्यासारखा
denominatorMath. छेद (पु.)
densitometer(as of a photoplate) घनतामापी (पु.)
densitometer traceघनतामापी अनुरेख
densityघनता (स्त्री.) current density धारा घनता electron density इलेक्ट्रॉन घनता energy density ऊर्जा घनता line density रेषा घनता photometric density अनुदीप्तिमितीय घनता surface density पृष्ठ घनता
density bottle specific gravity bottle
deodorisaionनिर्गंधीकरण (न.)
depend(with on or upon) अवलंबुन असणे
dependabilityअवलंबनक्षमता (स्त्री.)
dependenceअवलंबन (न.) (also dependance)
dependent variableMath. परचल (पु.), अवलंबी चल
depolarisationविधुवण (न.)
deposit(to lay down or let fall or drop by a natural process; to become precipitated; as to settle) निक्षेपित करणे, निक्षेपित होणे
deposit(something laid, placed or thrown down esp. matter deposited by some natural process) निक्षेप (पु.)
deposition(act or process of depositing) निक्षेपण (न.)
depression१ (the angular distance of an object beneath the horizontal plane that passes through the observer) अवनमन (न.) (as in angle of depression अवनमन कोन) २ Meteror.(a region of low barometric pressure surrounded by higher pressure) न्यूनदाब क्षेत्र(न.), न्यूनदाब (पु.) ३ (as of boiling point,etc.) घट (स्त्री.) ४ खळगा (पु.)
depression constant१ अवगमन स्थिरांक २ Chem. घट स्थिरांक
depth१ खोली (स्त्री.), गभीरता (स्त्री.) २ गहनता (स्त्री.)
depth gaugeEng. गभीरता प्रमापी, गभीरता गेज
depth of fieldक्षेत्र गभीरता
depth of focusनाभि गभीरता
depth soundingगभीरता परिज्ञापन (न.)
derange(to put out of plae or order; to throw into disorder or to disturb the operation or functioning of) अपविन्यस्त करणे
derangementअपविन्यास (पु.)
derivation of formulaसूत्राची व्युत्पत्ति
derivativeव्युत्पन्न, साधित
derivative१ Chem.(as a substance that can be made from another substance to one or more steps) साधित पदार्थ (पु.), अनुजात पदार्थ (पु.) २ Math. विकलज (पु.), विकलनांक (पु.)
derivative vectorविकलज सदिश
derive१ (to gather or arrive at, as a conclusion, by reasoning and observation, as to deduce, to have or take origin) व्युत्पन्न करणे, व्युत्पन्न होएणे, साधित करणे, साधित होणे २ (to obtain a substance actually or theoretically from a parent substance; to be formed from) साधित करणे, साधित होणे, अनुजात होणे ३ (as to trace the origin or derivation of) व्युत्पत्ति दाखवणे ४ (as to take or receive esp. from a source; to acquire, get or draw etc.) प्राप्त करणे, प्राप्त होणे
derived१ व्युत्पन्न, साधित २ अनुजात
derivtion१ व्युत्पत्ति (स्त्री.) २ (as a process) व्युत्पत्तिदर्शन (न.)
derved unitसाधित एकक, अनुजात एकक
descend१ अवरोहण करणे २ उतरणे, खाली येणे
descending१ अवरोही २ उतरता
descent१ अवरोह (पु.) (as a process) अवरोहण (न.) २ उतरण (स्त्री.), उतार (पु.)
describe१ वर्णन करणे २ (to represent by a drawing, figure, model or picture; to delineate) रेखाटणे, चित्रण करणे ३ Math.(as a circle etc.) काढणे, रचना करणे
described१ वर्णन केलेला, वर्णित २ रेखाटलेला, चित्रित केलेला, चित्रित ३ काढलेला,रचना केलेला
description१ वर्णन (न.) २ रेखाटन (न.), चित्रण (न.)
descriptiveवर्णनात्मक, वर्णनपर
descriptive geometryरचनात्मक भूमिति
design१ (as to conceive and plan out in mind; to plan or have in mind as a purpose) संकल्पन करणे २ (to outline or sketch in proportion for creating a work of art or to serve as pattern in the practical arts) संकल्पचित्र काढणे
design१ (as a drawing or outline from which something may be made) संकल्पचित्र (न.) २ (as general arrangement or planning etc.) संकल्पन (न.) drawing
designedसंकल्पित केलेला, संकल्पित
desilverisation(the act or process of desilverising) विरजतन (न.)
desilverise(to remove the silver from) विरजतन करणे (also desilver)
desorb(to remove by the reverse of adsorption or absorption) विशोषण करणे
destroyनष्ट करणे, नाश करणे
destructibilityनाशवंतपणा (पु.)
destructibleनाशवंत, नष्ट करण्यासारखा
destruction१ नाश (पु.), विनाश (पु.) २ (as a process) नाशन (न.)
detach(to separate esp. from a larger mass and usu. without violence or damage; as to separate) विलग करणे, विलग होणे segregate
detachableविलगी, विलगी करण्यासारखा
detachable anodeविलगी ऍनोड
detachedविलग, विलग केलेला
detachment(act or fact of detaching) विलगन (न.)
detailedसविस्तर, विस्तृत, तपशीलवार
detailed analysisविस्तृत विश्लेषण
detailed balancingElectronics सविस्तर संतुलन, सर्वस्पर्शी संतुलन
detect१ (as to discover or determine the existence, presence or fact of; to determine the presence as of a signal) संसूचित करणे २ Radio (to convert as, a modulated wave or current into the original modulating wave or current; as to demodulate) अनापरिवर्तन करणे
detected१ संसूचित २ अनापरिवर्तित
detection१ संसूचन (न.) २ Radio (also called demodulation) अनापरिवर्तन (न.)
detector१ संसूचक (पु.) २ Radio (as demodulator) अनापरिवर्तक (पु.) ३ Geol. (as a geophone) भूकर्ण (पु.)
detector coefficientRadio अनापरिवर्तक गुणांक
determinability१ निर्धारणीयता (स्त्री.) २ निश्चेयता (स्त्री.)
determinableनिर्धारणीय, निश्चितीयोग्य
determinant१ निर्धारक (पु.) २ Math. सारणिक (पु.)
determinate१ (having defined limits) परिमित २ निर्धारी, निर्धारित, निश्चित ३ Math.(of a number - having a fixed value -opposed to indeterminate) निर्धार्य, निश्चेय
determinationनिश्चितीकरण (न.), निश्चिती (स्त्री.), निर्धारण (न.)
determinative(having power or tendency to determine; limiting) निर्धारणी
determineनिश्चित करणे, निर्धारित करणे
determinedनिश्चित, निर्धारित
determiner(one that determines) निर्धारक (पु.)
determining factorनिर्धारी कारक
determinism१ (the theory that all occurances in nature are determined by antecedent causes or take place in accordance with natural laws) निर्धार्यतावाद (पु.) २ (the quality or state of being determined) निर्धार्यता (स्त्री.)
detonableविस्फोटनीय detonatable
detonate(to explode almost instantaneously; to cause to detonate) विस्फोट करणे, विस्फोट होणे
detonating fuseविस्फोटी फ्यूज
detonation१ (a chemical reaction producing vigorous evolution of heat and sparks or flame) विस्फोटन (न.) २ विस्फोट (पु.) explosion
deuterium(the hydrogen isotope of atomic mass २ ) ड्यूटिरिअम (पु.) (also called heavy hydrogen- symbol D, H2 or 2H)
deuteron(the nucleus of the deuterium atom - symbol d) ड्यूटरॉन (पु.)
deutonड्यूटॉन (पु.) (the same as deuteron)
develop१ विकास करणे, विकास होणे २ (to express as a mathematical equation or formula etc. in expanded form) विस्तार करणे, विवरण करणे ३ Photog. चित्रव्यक्ती करणे
developable१ विकसनक्षम २ विस्तारक्षम, विवरणक्षम
developed१ विकसित २ विस्तारित, विवरण केलेला ३ Photog. चित्रव्यक्त
developer१ विकासक (पु.) २ Photog. चित्रव्यक्तक (पु.)
developingविकसनशील, विकासशील
development१ (act or process of developing) विकसन (न.) २ (the whole process of growth and differentiation in the structure of an entity) विकास (पु.) ३ (as a gradual unfolding by which something is developed) विस्तार (पु.), विवरण (न.) ४ Photog. चित्रव्यक्ति (स्त्री.)
deviate(to turn out of a previous course; to diverge or to turn aside) विचलित करणे, विचलित होणे
deviation(turning aside or away; the instance amount or degree of this) विचलन (न.) aberration
deviation ratioRadio विचलन गुणोत्तर
deviceसाधन (न.) apparatus
dewMeteor. दव (न.) fog धुके, नीहार frost हिमतुषार fume धूम mist मिहिका smog धूहार smoke धूर
dew point(the temperature at which a given sample of moist air will become saturated and deposit dew) दवांक (पु.)
dew point hygrometerदवांक आर्द्रतामापी
dewar flask(after Sir James Dewar, scot. chemist and physicist who invented it - a usu. glass or metal container with at least two walls....... etc.) ड्यूआर चंबू, ड्यूआर पात्र Dewar vessel
dextr-(in comb.) १ (right; on or toward the right) दक्षिण- २ (as dextrorotatory) दक्षिणघूर्णनी dextro-
dextrorotary dextrorotatory
dextrorotation(opposed to levorotation) दक्षिणघूर्णन (न.)
dextrorotatory(opposed to levorotatory) दक्षिणघूर्णनी (also dextrorotary)
di-(in comb.- two, twice, double) द्वि- mon- (also bi-)
diagonalMath. कर्ण (पु.), कर्णरेषा (स्त्री.)
diagonal compression stressकर्णतः संपीडन प्रतिबल
diagonal tension stressकर्णतः ताण प्रतिबल
diagonallyकर्णतः, कर्णरेषेने
diagonally oppositeMath. कर्णाभिमुख, कर्णात
diagram१ आकृति (स्त्री.) २ (a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes) आरेख (पु.) block diagram १ त्रिमिति आकृति, खंडकाकृति २ स्थूल आरेख line diagram रेखाकृति delineation रेखन outline आराखडा sketch रेखाचित्र tracing अनुरेखन
diagrammatic१ आकृतीय २ आरेखी diagrammatical
diagrammatic presentation१ आकृतीय मांडणी २ आरेखी मांडणी
diagrammatic representation१ आकृतीय प्रतिरुपण २ आरेखी प्रतिरुपण
dial resistance boxतबकडी रोघ पेटी
dialysateव्याश्लिष्ट (पु.) dialyzate
dialyse(to subject to dialysis; separate or obtain by dialysis) व्याश्लेषण करणे, व्याश्लेषित होणे
dialyser(an apparatus in which dialysis is carried out) व्याश्लेषणपात्र (न.), व्याश्लेषक (न.)
dialysing membraneव्याश्लेषक पटल, व्याश्लेषी पटल
dialysisChem.(the separation of colloid from a substance in true solution by allowing the latter to diffuse through a parchment membrane) व्याश्लेषण (न.)
diamagneticMagn.(having negative magnetic susceptibility) प्रतिचुंबकीय
diamagnetic susceptibilityप्रतिचुंबकीय प्रभाव्यता
diamagnetism(the property of being diamagnetic) प्रतिचुंबकत्व (न.)
diameterMath. व्यास (पु.)
diametrically oppositeMath. व्यासाभिमुख, व्यासांत
diamond pencil(a tool tipped with diamond as for ruling gratings on metals) हिरा पेन्सिल
diaphragmमध्यपट (पु.), मध्यपटल (न.)
diathermancy(the ability to transmit infrared radiation) अंतःस्तापनशीलता (स्त्री.), ऊष्णतापार्यता (स्त्री.) (also diathermacy)
diathermanousअंतस्तापनशील, ऊष्णतापार्य
diathermic१ (as diathermanous) अंतस्तापनशील,ऊष्णतापार्य २ (of or relating to diathermy) अंतस्तापनविषयक, ऊष्णतापारणविषयक
diathermy(the use of high frequency electromagnetic wave to generate heat in living tissue for therapeutic purposes) अंतस्तापन (न.), ऊष्णतापारण (न.)
diatomicद्विअणुक, द्विअणु-
dichroic१ द्विवर्णी २ पराद्विवर्णी ३ धुवणद्विवर्णी
dichroism१ द्विवर्णता (स्त्री.) २ Light Optics (the property of some bodies of differing in colour with the thickness of the transmitting layer etc.) पराद्विवर्णता (स्त्री.) ३ ( the property of some surfaces of refecting light of one colour and transmitting light of one colour and transmitting light of another colours) धुवणद्विवर्णता (स्त्री.)
dichromatic१ द्विवर्णी २ दृष्टिद्विवर्णी
dichromatismOptics १ (as the state or condition of being dichromatic) द्विवर्णता (स्त्री.) २ (partial colour-blindness in which only two of fundamental colours or two colours and their combinations are perceptible) दृष्टिद्विवर्णता (स्त्री.)
dichroscopeद्विवर्णदर्शी (पु.)
dielectric(a nonconductor of direct electric current; a substance in which a steady electric field can be set up with a negligible flow of current) पराविद्युत (पु.)
dielectric constantDiel.Elec. Magn. पराविद्युत स्थिरांक (also called permitivity)
dielectric currentElec. Magn. पराविद्युत धारा
dielectric heatingपराविद्युत ऊष्मन
dielectric hysteresisपराविद्युत हिस्टेरिसिस
dielectric loss(energy loss in a dielectric due to an alternating electric field) पराविद्युत हानि
Diesel(after Rudolf Diesel, Ger.mechanical engineer and inventor relating to diesel cycle or engine) डीझेल-
diesel(्diesel engine) डीझेल इंजिन (न.) डीझेल अभियंत्र (न.)
diesel cycleI.C. Eng. १ डीझेल चक्र २ डीझेल आवर्तन
diesel engineडीझेल इंजिन, डीझेल अभियंत्र
differ१ (as to be unlike or distinct in one or more respects or characteristics; be unlike in nature or form) भिन्न असणे, भेद असणे, फरक असणे २ (to be of unlike or opposite opinion) मतभेद असणे, मतभेद होणे
difference१ भिन्नता (स्त्री.), भेद (पु.), फरक (पु.) २ (the degree or amount by which things differ in quantity or measure) अंतर (न.), फरक (पु.) (as in difference oflongitudes रेखांशातील अंतर)
difference of phase phase difference
difference of potential potential difference
difference toneAcous. भेदस्वरक (पु.)
differentभिन्न, विभिन्न, निरनिराळा
differential(of relating to, or constituting a difference or distinction; relating to quantitative differences as of motion, area, pressure etc., producing effects by reason of such differences) भेददर्शी, विभेदनी
differential१ Math. विकलक (पु.) २ विभेद (पु.)
differential absorptionNucl. Phys. भेददर्शी अवशोषण
differential calorimeterऊष्मांतरमापी (पु.), विभेदनी कॅलरीमापी
differential cross sectionNucl. Phys. भेददर्शी काटछेद
differential diffusionविभेदनी विसरण
differential forceविभेदनी बल
differential galvonometerElec.Eng., Magn. भेददर्शी गॅल्व्हानोमीटर
differential ionisation chamberNucl.Phys. भेददर्शी आयनन कक्ष
differential Joule-Thomson effectNucl.Phys. विकलित जूल-थॉमसन परिणाम
differential range curveNucl. Phys. भेददर्शी व्याप्ति वक्र
differential range curveNucl. Phys. भेददर्शी व्याप्ति वक्र
differential steam calorimeterHeat Thermodynamics भेददर्शी बाष्प कॅलरीमापी
differential thermocoupleHeat Thermodynamics भेददर्शी तापयुग्म
differential thermometer(a thermometer for indicating difference in temperature) तापांतरमापी (पु.), विभेदनी तापमापी
differentially(in a differential manner; so as to constitute or create a differential) विभेददर्शक रीतीने, विभेदनात्मक रीतीने, विभेदतः
differentiate१ विभेद करणे २ Math. विकलन करणे
differentiated१ विभेदित, भिन्नकृत २ विकलित
differentiated pulseElectronics विभेदित स्पंद, भिन्नकृत स्पंद
differentiating१ विभेदकारी २ विकलनकारी
differentiation१ विभेदन (न.) २ Math. विकलन (न.)
diffractविवर्तित करणे, विवर्तित होणे
diffraction१ Light विवर्तन (न.) २ Acous. (the alteration in the direction of propagation of a sound-wave etc.) विवर्तन (न.) (वि away, apart वृत् to turn, to roll on; वर्तन turning on, rolling on)
diffraction fringeविवर्तन झल्लरी
diffraction gratingLight (one of the most useful optical devices for producing spectra) विवर्तन जाल
diffraction spectrumविवर्तन पंक्ति
diffractometerविवर्तनमापी (पु.)
diffuse(to permit or cause to spread freely; to spread out; to undergo diffusion) विसरित करणे, विसरित होणे
diffuse radiationHeat Thermodynamics विसरित प्रारण
diffuse reflectionविसरित परावर्तन
diffuse scatteringNucl.Phys. विसरित विकिरण
diffuse seriesLight विसरित श्रेणी
diffused junction(as in a semiconductor- a junction which has been formed by the diffusion of impurity within a semiconductor crystal) विसरित संधिस्थान
diffused reflectionविसरित परावर्तन
diffusibilityविसरणशीलता (स्त्री.)
diffusion(the process by which particles as molecules and ions intermingle as a result of their random thermal motion; as scattering, spreading etc.) विसरण (न.)
diffusion barrier(as porous partition, such as thin sheet of silver zinc alloy) विसरण प्राचीर
diffusion cloud chamberविसरण अभ्र कक्ष
diffusion coefficientविसरण गुणांक, विसरण स्थिरांक diffusion constant
diffusion of gasesवायूंचे विसरण
diffusion thermoeffectविसरण ताप परिणाम
diffusivity१ (the quantity of heat passing normally through a unit area per unit time divided by the product of specific heat, density and temperature gradient) विसरणशीलता (स्त्री.) २ (as diffusion coefficient) विसरण गुणांक (पु.)
digester(as a strong closed vessel in which substances may be heated under pressure) पाचित्र (न.)
digital computerअंकीय संगणित्र
dihedral angle(angle between two intersecting planes) द्वितल कोन
dilate(to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent; to swell) विस्फारित करणे, विस्फारित होणे
dilatometer(as an instrument for measuring thermal dilatation or expansion etc.) विस्फारणमापी (पु.)
dilute(to make thinner or more liquid by admixture as with water, to make less concentrated; diminish the strength, activity of) विरल करणे, विरल होणे
dilution१ विरलन (न.) २ (state of being diluted) विरलता (स्त्री.)
dimension१ (as measurement of any sort such as breadth, length, thickness, etc. specif. the physical characteristic of length, breadth etc. - implying more frequently the accurate measurement) मिति (स्त्री.) २ Alg. घात (पु.) ३ (as size, extent - usu. used in pl.) परिणाम (न.)
dimensional(having dimension; of or relating to dimension) मितीय
dimensional analysisमितीय विश्लेषण
dimensionless१ मितिहीन, विमिति- २ अपरिमाणी
dimensions of physical quantities१ भौतिक राशींच्या मिती (स्त्री.अ.व.) २ भौतिक राशींची परिमाणे (न.अ.व.)
diminishकमी करणे, कमी होणे
dimorph(either of the two crystalline forms of a dimorphous substance) द्विरुपिक (पु.)
dimorphism(as crystallisation in two different forms) द्विरुपता (स्त्री.) polymorphism
dimorphousChem.(crystallising in two different forms) द्विरुपिक, द्विरुप- (also dimorphic)
diodeThermionics डायोड (पु.) डायोड व्हाल्व (पु.) breakdown diode भंजी डायोड crystal diode स्फटिक डायोड double diode द्वि-डायोड equivalent diode समतुल्य डायोड gas diode वायु डायोड junction diode संधिस्थान डायोड semiconductor diodeअर्धवाहक डायोड twin diode युग्म
diopterLight (the unit of power of a lens) भिंगांक (पु.) (also dioptre)
dioptricOptics (that effects or serves in refraction of a beam of light) अपवर्तनी, अपवर्तन- dioptrical
dioptric systemOptics अपवर्तनी पद्धति
dioptrics(a branch of optics dealing with the refraction of light, esp. by lenses) अपवर्तन शास्त्र (न.)
dioptry(focal powr expressed in diopters) भिंगांकता (स्त्री.)
dipElec. Eng., Geol. etc.(as inclination downward; the angle between earth's magnetic field at any point and the horizontal; as implying inclination of strata measured to the horizontal) नति (स्त्री.), नमन (न.)
dip circleElec.Eng.(an instrument for accurate measurements of magnetic dip - also called inclinometer) नतिमापी (पु.)
dip needleElec.Eng., Mining, surv. etc. नति सूचि (also dipping needle)
dip of the horizonAstron. etc. क्षितिज नति
dipolarद्विधुवीय, द्विधुव-
dipole(a pair of equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles of opposite sign separated esp. by a small distance) द्विधुव (पु.), द्विअग्र (न.)
dipole antennaRadio द्विधुव ऍन्टेना, द्विधुव आकाशग
dipole radiation fieldद्विधुवाचे प्रारण क्षेत्र
dipping needle dip niddle
direct१ सरल, सरळ, थेट २ प्रत्यक्ष, समक्ष ३ Elec. दिष्ट
direct-च्या अभिमुख करणे, - कडे वळवणे
direct coupled amplifierElec.Eng. सरल युग्मित प्रवर्धी
direct currentElec. Eng. (an electric current flowing in one direction only and substantially constant in value) दिष्ट धारा alternating current (abbr. d.c. or D.C.)
direct current dynamoदिष्ट धारा विद्युतजनित्र, दिष्ट धारा डायनामो (डी.सी.डायनामो) (also d.c. dynamo)
direct current generatorदिष्ट धारा जनित्र (डी.सी. जनित्र) (also d.c. generator)
direct method१ सरल पद्धति २ प्रत्यक्ष पद्धति
direct proportionसमानुपात (पु.)
direct stressप्रत्यक्ष प्रतिबल, अक्षीय प्रतिबल (also axial stress)
direct vision prismLight सरल दृष्टि प्रिझम
direct vision spectroscopeLight सरल दृष्टि पंक्तिदर्शी
directed१ दिष्ट २ (with to, towards) -च्या अभिमुख केलेला, - कडे वळवलेला
directionदिक् (स्त्री.), दिशा (स्त्री.)
direction findingRadio दिशा वीक्षण (न.)
direction finerRadio (a directional receiver in which the directions of maximum and minimum signal response can be varied) दिशावीक्षणी (स्त्री.)
direction focusingदिशा नाभियन
direction of electric fieldविद्युत क्षेत्राची दिशा
directionalदिशिक, दिशात्मक
directional anennaRadio दिशात्मक ऍन्टेना, दिशात्मक आकाशग
directional arraysElectronics दिशिक विन्यास (पु.अ.व.)
directional couplerदिशिक युग्मक
directional gain directivity index
directional intensityNucl.Phys. दिशिक तीव्रता
directional receiverदिशिक ग्राही
directional receptionElectronics दिशिक ग्रहण
directivityAcous. Radio (the property of being directional or the measure of that property) दिशिकता (स्त्री.)
directivity factor(of a transducer used for sound emission etc.) दिशिकता गुणक
directivity indexदिशिकता निर्देशांक
directlyप्रत्यक्षपणे, प्रत्यक्ष
directly oppositeप्रत्यक्ष संमुख, अगदी विरुद्ध
directly proportionalसमानुपाती
directly varying directly proportional
dirigible(that can be directed; steerable) दिष्टतम, संचाल्य
disc१ चकती (स्त्री.), तबकडी (स्त्री.) २ बिंब (न.) (also disk)
discharge१ Elec.(as to relieve electrical tension or release the energy of by withdrawal or emission of that which charges) विप्रभारित करणे, विप्रभारित होणे २ विसर्जन करणे, विसर्जित होणे
discharge१ Elec. विमोच (पु.) (विद्युन्मोच) २ Elec.(the act or process of discharging) विमोचन (न.) (विद्युन्मोचन) ३ विसर्जन (न.) arc discharge प्रज्योत विमोच corona discharge वर्णवलय विमोच dark discharge अदीप्त विमोच electrodeless discharge इलेक्ट्रोडहीन विमोच gas
discharge in cascadeसोपानी विमोच (विद्युन्मोच)
discharge keyNucl.Phys. विमोच फळ, विमोच चावी
discharge tubeविमोच नलिका
discharging१ विप्रभारण (न.) २ विमोचन (न.) (विद्युन्मोचन)
discharging currentविमोचन धारा
disconenct१ खंडित करणे २ संबंध तोडणे, अलग करणे
disconformityअपसंगति (स्त्री.)
disconnected१ खंडित २ विसंबद्ध, संबंध तोडलेला, अलग केलेला
disconnetion१ खंडित करणे, खंडित होणे २ बंद करणे, बंद होणे
discontinued१ खंडित २ बंद ठेवलेला, बंद झालेला
discontinuity१ Elec.Eng.(also disconnection) (as a break, whether intentional or accidental, in the conductivity of an electrical circuit) खंड (पु.) २ (of space, time etc.) असातत्य (न.) ३ (of a curve etc.) खंड (पु.) ४ खंडत्व (न.)
discontinuousअसंतत, खंडित
discontinuous spectrum१ खंडित वर्णपंक्ति २ असंतत वर्णपंक्ति
discordविसंवाद (पु.) dissonance विसंवादिता
discordantविसंवादी (also dissonant)
discover१ शोधून काढणे २ शोध लावणे ३ (to get the knowledge of or realise) आढळून येणे
discovererशोधक (पु.), शोध लावणारा (पु.)
discrepancyविसंगति (स्त्री.)
discrete(as detached, separate. constituting a separate entity; consisting of distinct, unconnected or unrelated parts) विविक्त
discretenessविविक्तता (स्त्री.)
discriminantMath. विवेचक (पु.)
discriminant१ विवेचित करणारा, विवेचन- २ विभेदनकारी
discriminate१ (as to serve to distinguish; to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of) विवेचित करणे, विवेचित होणे २ (as to make distinction or to distinguish as objects, qualities by discerning or exposing their differences) विभेदन करणे, विभेदित होणे
discriminating१ विवेचित करणारा, विवेचन- २ विभेदनकारी
discrimination१ विवेचन (न.) २ विभेदन (न.) (as in colour discrimination वर्ण विभेदन)
discriminatorElec.Eng. विवेचक (पु.)
discriminator recorderविवेचक अभिलेखी
discriminatory१ विवेचनकारी २ विभेदनकारी
disintegrate(to break or decompose into constitutent elements or into parts) -चे विघटन करणे, विघटित होणे
disintegrationविघटन (न.) decomposition
disintegration constantविघटन स्थिरांक partial disintegration constant आंशिक विघटन स्थिरांक total disintegration constant पूर्ण विघटन स्थिरांक
disjoinवियुक्त करणे, वेगळा करणे
disorderअव्यवस्था (स्त्री.)
disperse(as to cause to break up and go in different ways, to break up as light into colours of the specturm by refraction or diffraction, to distribute more or less evenly throughout) अपस्करण करणे, अपस्कृत होणे
dispersionअपस्करण (न.) abnormal dispersion अपसामान्य अपस्करण selective dispersion वरणी अपस्करण
dispersion constantoptics अपस्करण स्थिरांक
dispersion electronअपस्करण इलेक्ट्रॉन
dispersion of lightप्रकाशाचे अपस्करण
dispersiveअपस्करणी, अपस्करण-
dispersive powerLight अपस्करण शक्ति
dispersivityअपस्करणता (स्त्री.) (as in refractive dispersivity अपवर्तन अपस्करणता)
displacedविस्थापित, विस्थापित झालेला
displaced liquidविस्थापित द्रव
displacement१ (the act or process of displacing; the state of being displaced) विस्थापन (न.) २ Diel. (as electric displacement) विद्युत विस्थापन (न.) angular displacement कोनीय विस्थापन downward displacement अधोमुखी विस्थापन electric displacement विद्युत विस्थापन
displacement antinodeAcous. विस्थापन प्रतिनिस्पंद
displacement coordinatesविस्थापन सहनिर्देशक (पु.अ.व.)
displacement currentElec.Radio विस्थापन धारा
displacement lawविस्थापन नियम
displacement methodविस्थापन पद्धति
displacement nodeAccous. विस्थापन निस्पंद
displacement of waterजलविस्थापन (न.), पाण्याचे विस्थापन
displacement planeविस्थापन प्रतल
displacement pressureविस्थापन दाब
displacement resonanceविस्थापन संस्पंदन
displacement vectorविस्थापन सदिश
displacer cylinderविस्थापक चिति, विस्थापक सिलिंडर
displacingविस्थापन करणारा, विस्थापनकारी
displacive(of a crystal) विस्थापन-
disposition(an ordering or arranging or a state of being ordered or arranged usu. systematically or in an orderly way and esp. of the parts of a whole) विन्यसन (न.)
disproportion(absence of proportion; lack of symmetry or proper relation) व्यनुपात (पु. (वि without, absence of, lack of ; अनुपात short for समानुपात proportion)
disproportionalव्यनुपाती disproportionate
disproportionatelyव्यनुपाती रीतीने
disregardदुर्लक्ष करणे overlook
disruptविदारित करणे, फाटाफूट करणे
disruptionविदारण (न.), फाटाफूट (स्त्री.)
disruptive forceविदारी बल
dissect(as tocut so as to separate into pieces; to expose the several parts and their locations and connections esp. with precision for scientific examination) विच्छेदन करणे, विच्छेदित करणे
dissectibleविच्छेदनक्षम, विच्छेदनयोग्य
dissectible dynamoविच्छेदनक्षम विद्युतजनित्र
dissectingविच्छेदनकारी, विच्छेदन-
dissection(the act or process of dissecting; the state of being dissected) विच्छेदन (न.)
disseminate१ (to propagate; to diffuse; to spread or send out freely or widely) विखुरित करणे, विखुरित होणे, प्रसार करणे, प्रसार होणे २ (as disease) फैलाव करणे, फैलाव होणे
disseminatedविखुरित, प्रसारित
disseminationविखुरण (न.), प्रसारण (न.)
dissimilarityअसमरुपता (स्त्री.)
dissipate(as to break up and drive off; to cause to disappear esp. by dispersion or diffusion) अपाकृत करणे, अपाकृत होणे (अपाकृ to drive away, dispel, take away or reduce or lessen)
dissipation(act of dissipating or the state of being dissipated) अपाकरण (न.)
dissipation of heatऊष्मा अपाकरण
dissipative(of or relating to dissipation; tending to dissipate) अपाकरणशील, अपाकरण-
dissipative systemNucl.Phys. अपाकरण पद्धति
dissociate(to separate into discrete units or parts; specif. to subject to chemical dissociation; to undergo dissociation) -चे विचरण करणे, -चे विचरण होणे
dissociationChem.(the process by which a chemical combinatuion breaks up into simpler constitutents usu. capable of recombining under other conditions) विचरण (न.) (वि - away; चर - to move; hence विचरण) decomposition
dissociation constantChem. विचरण स्थिरांक
dissociation energyविचरण ऊर्जा
dissolveविरघळवणे, विरघळणे
dissonanceविसंवादिता (स्त्री.) discord
dissymmetric(characterised by dissymmetry) विसमनित dissymmetrical
dissymmetricallyविसमनित रीतीने, विसमनित रीत्या
dissymmetry(absence or lack of symmetry) विसमनिति (स्त्री.)
distance(as the degree or amount of separation between two points, lines, surfaces or objects in geometrical space) अंतर (न.)
distance time graphअंतर काल आलेख
distil१ Chem.(as to evaporate or turn to vapour and recondense or condense by cold and recollect as liquid) ऊर्ध्वपातन करणे, ऊर्ध्वपातन होणे २ (to get, extract or make by distillation, by a process suggesting distillation, or as if by distillation) -चे आसवन करण
distil(distilling or distillation) आसवन (न.) (to distil out or off ऊर्ध्वपातनद्वारा ........ काढून टाकणे, ऊर्ध्वपातनद्वारा ........ दूर करणे)
distillateऊर्ध्वपतित (न.)
distillation१ Chem. (a process of evaporation and recondensation used for separating liquids into various fractions according to their boiling points or boiling ranges) ऊर्ध्वपातन (न.) २ आसवन (न.) evaporation
distilled१ ऊर्ध्वपातित २ आसवित
distinct visionसुस्पष्ट दृष्टि
distinctionविभेद (पु.) विभिन्नता(स्त्री.)
distinctive propertyव्यवच्छेदक गुणधर्म, व्यवच्छेदी गुणधर्म
distinguishभेद करणे, भेद दाखवणे
distinguishableभेद दाखवण्याजोगा
distort(to twist out of a natural, normal or original shape or condition; wrench into an unnatural shape or condition) विरुपित करणे, विकृत करणे
distorted imageविकृत प्रतिमा
distortionविरुपण (न.), विकृति (स्त्री.)
distributed inductanceElec.Eng. वितरित प्रेरितता
distributed parameter systemElec. Magn. वितरित प्राचल पद्धति
distributed windingElec.Eng. वितरित कुंडलन
distributing centreवितरण केंद्र
distributionवितरण करणारा, वितरण-
distribution factorElec.Eng. वितरण गुणक
distribution graphवितरण आलेख
distribution of molecular velocities(as the expression giving the distribution of speeds among the molecules of a perfect gas in steady state) रेणु वेग वितरण
distributorElec.Eng. वितरक (पु.)
disturbanceRadio (any signal originating from a source other than the wanted transmitter, e.g. atmospherics, unwanted stations, valve noise etc.) विक्षोभ (पु.)
diurnal heat waveदैनिक ऊष्मा तरंग
diveबुडी मारणे, सूर मारणे
diveबुडी (स्त्री.), सूर (पु.)
diverपाणबुड्या (पु.) (as in Cartesian diver डेकार्टचा पाणबुड्या, कार्टेशिअन पाणबुड्या)
diverge(to draw apart or move in different directions from a common point - opposed to converge) अपसृत होणे
divergence१ (a drawing apart- as of lines extending from a common centre- the term denotes deviation of two or more things which from a common meeting point proceed in different directions - opposed to convergence) अपसरण (न.) (short for केंद्रापसरण; अप away off सु
divergent - convergent nozzleअपसारी अभिसारी तोटी
divergent beamअपसारी किरणशलाका
divergent lensLight, Optics अपसारी भिंग (also diverging len)
divergent lens systemअपसारी भिंग संहति (also called negative lens system)
divergent raysअपसारी किरण (पु.अ.व.)
diverging lens divergent lens
divert१ फाटा फोडणे २ दिशा बदलणे ३ वळवणे
divide१ as to sepatate into wo more parts) विभाजन करणे २ Math. भागणे
divided१ विमुक्त २ विभाजित
divided touchविभक्त स्पर्श
divider१ विभाजक (पु) २ Math. भाजक (पु.) ३ (as an instrument विभाजनी (स्त्री.)
diving bellCiv. Eng.( as a watertight working chamber, open at the bottom, which is lowered into water beneath which excavation or other works are to proceed) निमज्जन कोष्ठ
divisibility१ विभाज्यता (स्त्री.) २ भाज्यता (स्त्री.)
division१ विभाजन (न.) २ Math. भागाकार(पु.) ३ भाग (पु.) decomposiiton segment
doctor's thermometerज्वरमापी (पु.)
doctrine१ वाद (पु.) २ तत्त्व (न.)
domain१ (as a region of space, together with its bounding points, curves or surfaces) अधिक्षेत्र (न.) २ Math. (as of a function, real numbers, coefficients of an equation etc.) अधिक्षेत्र (न.), सत्तागट (पु.) region
domain structureअधिक्षेत्र संरचना
domain theoryअधिक्षेत्र सिद्धांत
dominanceप्रभाविता (स्त्री.)
dominantप्रभावी, वर्चस्वी
dominant intervalMusic वादी (पु.)
dominant modeप्रभावी प्रकार
dominant waveप्रभावी तरंग
donar impurity(an impurity which may induce electronic conduction) दाता अपद्रव्य, दाता अशुद्धि
dope(any of various thick liquid or pasty preparations) प्रलेप (पु.)
dopeप्रलेपन करणे, प्रलेप लावणे
doping१ प्रलेपन (न.) २ (as addition of impurities to a semiconductor) अशुद्धि प्रलेपन (न.)
dosage१ (regulaiton of dose) डोस करून देणे (न.) २ डोस (पु.), मात्रा (स्त्री.)
dosage monitorNucl. Phys. डोस नियंत्रक, मात्रा नियंत्रक
doseडोस (पु.), मात्रा (स्त्री.)
dotटिंब (न.), बिंदु (पु.)
dot productMath. (as it is being commonly written AB - the scalar product of two vectors - also called as inner product or scalar product) (सदिशांचा) टिंब गुणाकार
dotted curveबिंदुकित वक्र
doubleद्वि-, दुहेरी, द्विक
double antennaद्विक आकाशग, द्विक ऍन्टेना
double bandद्विपट्ट (पु.)
double beam balanceद्विदंड तुला
double bondChem. (a chemical bond consisting of two covalent bonds between two atoms in a molecule) द्विबंध (पु.)
double cathode-ray tubeद्वि कॅथोड किरण नलिका
double contact keyElec. Magn. द्विस्पर्श की, द्विस्पर्श चावी
double current furnaceElec.Eng. etc.द्विधारा भट्टी
double current generatorElec.Eng. द्विधारा जनित्र
double diodeThermionics द्वि- डायोड (पु.)
double electric layerदुहेरी विद्युत स्तर
double electron jumpNucl. Phys. द्वि इलेक्ट्रॉन उडी
double excitationNucl. Phys. दुहेरी उत्तेजन
double factorial symbolक्रमगुणन द्विचिन्ह
double focusingNucl. Phys. द्विनाभीयन
double frequencyद्विवारंवारता (स्त्री.)
double frequency oscillatorRadio द्विवारंवारता ढोलक
double layerद्विस्तर (पु.)
double layer potentialद्विस्तर विभव
double mirrorदुहेरी आरसा, दुहेरी दर्पण
double oscillographElectronics दुहेरी दोलनलेखी
double poleElec.Eng.(said of switches, circuit breakers etc.) द्विअग्र (न.)
double refractionद्वि अपवर्तन (न.) circular double refraction वृत्तीय द्वि- अपवर्तन optical double refraction प्रकाशीय द्वि- अपवर्तन
double touchद्विस्पर्श (पु.)
double touch methodद्विस्पर्श पद्धति
double tuned amplifierद्विमेलित प्रवर्धी
doubledद्विकृत, द्विगुणित
doublerRadio etc. द्विकर (पु.) (as in frequency doubler वारंवारता द्विकर)
doubletLight, Radio etc.(as something consisting of two identical or similar parts; a set of two identical or similar things) द्विक (न.) apparent doublet आभासी द्विक matched doublet अनुरुपित द्विक optical doublet प्रकाशीय द्विक separated doublet विभक्त द्विक
doubly१ द्वितः २ (in a twofold manner) द्विधा
doubly charged particlesNucl. Phys. द्वितः प्रभारित कण (पु.अ.व.)
doubly magic numbersNucleonics अतिस्थायित्व संख्या (स्त्री.अ.व.)
doubly periodicNucleonics द्वितः आवर्ती
doubly refractingOptics द्वितः अपवर्तनी
downstream(in the direction of flow of a stream) प्रवाहाच्या दिशेने, अनुवाह-
downstreamingHeat Thermodynamics १ अनुवाह (पु.) २ अनुवहन (न.)
downthrust(as a downward movement of an object under impact or steady pressure) अवप्रणोद (पु.)
downwardअधोमुखी, अधोमुख-, अधः-
downward displacementअधोमुखी विस्थापन
downward forceअधोमुखी बल, अधोबल (न.)
dragAerodynamics Hydrodynamics (as retarding force acting on a body moving through a fluid, as air, parallel and opposite to the direction of motion; also something that retards motion) कर्षण (न.)
dragging coefficientOptics कर्षण गुणांक
drawing१ रेखाचित्र (न.) २ (a representation on a plane surface by means of lines) आरेखन (न.) design संकल्पचित्र layout रेखांकन
drift१ (as random motion) अनियमित गति (स्त्री.) २ (as progressive motion) अनुगमन (न.) ३ (as, displacement) अपोढ (पु.)
drift spaceRadio etc. (as in an electron tube, a region substantially free of externally applied alternating fields, in which relative repositioning of electrons takes place) अनुगमन प्रदेश
drift timeNucleonics अनुगमन काल
drift tubeNucleonics अनुगमन नलिका
drift velocityNucleonics अनुगमन वेग
drillवेधन करणे, भोक पाडणे
drill(an instrument for making holes) वेधणी (स्त्री.), गिरमिट (न.)
drilling machineवेधणी (स्त्री.)
driver amplifierचालक प्रवर्धी
driving turning forkचालक नादकाटा
drop१ थेंब (पु.) २ (as a fall or descent in space) पात (पु.)
dropping electrodeबिंदुसर इलेक्ट्रोड
drum१ ड्रम (पु.) २ (of an ear) कर्णपटह (पु.) कानाचा पडदा (पु.)
dry१ शुष्क, कोरडा २ निर्द्रव
dry cellElec.Eng. शुष्क घट
dryingशुष्कन (न.), सुकवणे (न.)
drying agentशुष्कक (पु.), निर्जलक (पु.)
dualisticद्वैतवादी, द्वैत-
dualistic theoryद्वैत सिद्धांत
ductile(capable of being drawn out into wire or thread) तंतुक्षम
ductility(the quality or state of being ductile) तंतुक्षमता (स्त्री.) pliability
dumbbell formडंबेल आकृति, डंबेल रुप
dummy(as an imitation, copy or likeness of something intended for use as a substitute) डमी (स्त्री.), प्रतिकाय (न.)
dummy antenna artificial antenna
dust१ रज (पु.), धूलि (स्त्री.) २ (as something reduced to minute portions) भुकटी (स्त्री.)
dust tubeधूलि नलिका (स्त्री.)
duster(a sprinkler) भुकटी फवारा यंत्र (न.)
dustproofधूलिरोधक (also dust tight)
dyad(as two units treated as one; a bivalent element, atom or radical) द्विक (पु.) (also diad)
dyadicद्विकीय (also diadic)
dyeरंजक (पु.), रंगद्रव्य (न.) colour
dynamic१ (of or relating to power; relating to physical force or energy; of or relating to forces producing motion- as against static) गतिक २ (of or relating to dynamics) गतिकीय, गतिशास्त्रविषयक dynamical
dynamic characteristicगतिक वैशिष्ट्य
dynamic electricity(as opposed to static electricity) गतिक विद्युत
dynamic equilibriumगतिक समतोल
dynamic frictionगतिक घर्षण
dynamic reflectionNucl.Phys. गतिक परावर्तन
dynamical equilibriumगतिक समतोल
dynamical variablesगतिक चल (पु.अ.व.)
dynamics(a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies of matter) गतिकी (स्त्री.), गतिशास्त्र (न.) mechanics
dynamoविद्युतजनित्र (न.) डायनामो (पु.)
dynamometer(an instrument for measuring mechanical forces or torques usu. by the electic deformaiton produced) डायनामोमीटर (पु.)
dynatronThermionics डायनेट्रॉन (पु.)
dyne(as the unit of force in cgs system) डाइन (न.)