There are currently 1171 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
१ Elec.(symbol for capacitance) C धारिता २ Heat (when used after a number of degrees as ४५ deg.C- the symbol means a temperature on centigrade scale) C (सें.ग्रे.) (सेंटिग्रेड)
१ Eng.etc.(a general term for a strong rope) रज्जु (पु.) तारदोर (पु.) २ Elec. Eng.(as a collection of a number of circuits in a lead sheath for burying in the ground) केबल (न.) ३ (commonly) समुद्रतार (स्त्री.)
Met. Nucleonics (a white metallic element characterised by high absorption of neutrons, and hence used for controlling nuclear reactors) कॅडमिअम (पु.)
cadmium red line
Light (the source chosen for comparing optical wavelength with standards of length such as the standard metre etc.) कॅडमिअम रक्त रेखा
calcite grating space
(as the distance between diffracting surfaces in calcite crystals used in X ray diffraction) कॅल्साइट जाल अंतर
१ (to ascertain or determine by mathematical processes esp. of some intricacy - used in ref. to more complex, difficult and lengthy processes executed with precision and care) परिगणन करणे २ (commonly) गणना करणे, मोजणे, हिशेब करणे compute संगणन करणे
१ (the action or process of calculating; the result of an act of calculating) परिगणन (न.) २ गणन (न.)
१ (to determine or mark the capacity or graduation of) अंशन करणे २ (to rectify the graduations of or to standardise as a measuring instrument) अंशशोधन करणे (अंश degree शोधन exact determination)
१ अंशन (न.) २ (the process of determining experimentally the absolute values corresponding to the graduations on an arbitrary or inaccurate scale of an instrument) अंशशोधन (न.) ३ (as a set of graduations marked to indicate the values - usu. used in pl.) अंशशोधित(न.) (as in pressure calibrations on the steam gauges वाफेच्या प्रमापींवरील दाबासंबंधी अंशशोधिते)
(oft. used in pl. and usu. with pair of hinged legs, used to measure external and internal dimensions) कैवार (पु.) inside callipers अंतःकैवार outside callipers बाह्यकैवार vernier callipers व्हर्निअर कैवार calliper
Heat, Light (the incandescence of a body produced by incidence upon it of infrared rays which are thus converted indirectly into radiant energy of shorter wavelength) ऊष्मादीप्ति (स्त्री.)
calorific value
Heat (the number of heat units obtained by the complete combustion of unit mass of a fuel) ऊष्मीयमान (न.) (also calorific power)
Heating (an apparatus for heating a fluid by circulating it past usu. steam filled heating coils) ऊष्मक (पु.)
Heat(as the vessel containing the liquid used in calorimetry) ऊष्मामापी (पु.), कॅलरीमापी (पु.)
Heat (measurement of thermal constants, such as specific heat, latent heat or calorific value) ऊष्मामिति (स्त्री.), कॅलरीमिति (स्त्री.)
(an electromagnetic appartus for separating isotopes according to their masses on the principle of mass spectrograph) कॅल्युट्रॉन (पु.)
कॅमेरा (पु.), रुपित्र (न.) photographic camera camera कॅमेरा, रुपित्र pinhole camera सूचिछिद्र कॅमेरा, सूचिछिद्र रुपित्र powder camera चूर्ण कॅमेरा, चूर्ण रुपित्र
camera lucida
Optics (a device for facilitating the drawing of an image seen in a microscope or other optical instrument) कॅमेरा ल्यूसिडा (pl. camera lucidas)
(as the luminous intensity as of an electric lamp expressed in candles) कॅन्डल शक्ति (स्त्री.)
(symbol C) Elec. १ (as the property of an electric nonconductor that permits the storage of an electric energy) धारिता (स्त्री.) २ (as radio) धारिता गुणांक (पु.)
१ क्षमता (स्त्री.) २ (the power or ability to hold or receive) धारकता (स्त्री.) ३ (as capacitance) धारिता (स्त्री.)
Nucleonics (the coalescene of an atomic nucleus with an elementary particle as a neutron or electron that may result in an emission as of gamma rays from the nucleus or in fission of nucleus) प्रग्रहण (न.)
(to bring about a capture of) प्रग्रहण करणे K capture K electron capture K इलेक्ट्रॉन प्रग्रहण radiative capture प्रारणी प्रग्रहण
capture gamma rays
(the Y rays emitted as a result of the capture of a particle by a nucleus) प्रग्रहण गॅमा किरण (पु.अ.व.)
(of basic importance; central, basic or critical to any system, construction, organisation or framework) प्रधान
cardinal planes
Light (in a lens, planes perpendicular to the principal axis and passing through the cardinal points of the lens) प्रधान प्रतल
cardinal points
१ Astron. (as the name given to the four principal points of the horizon - north, south, east and west) दिक् बिंदू (पु.अ.व.) २ (as of a compass) दिक् बिंदू (पु.अ.व.) ३ Light (as in a lens or in a system of lenses) प्रधान बिंदू (पु.अ.व.)
(Fr. Cartesius - mod. Latin name of Descartes) (of or relating to Descartes - Rene Descartes, Fr. scientist and philosopher, his writings, theories or methods) कार्टेशिअन, कार्टेशी, डेकार्टचा, डेकार्टी
cartesian coordinates
Math. (as of a point in a plane or of a point in a space) कार्टेशिअन सहनिर्देशक (पु.अ.व.), डेकार्टचे सहनिर्देशक (पु.अ.व.)
Elec. Eng., Elec. Comm., Radioactivity etc. (as a succession of stages as in a process or in the arrangement of the parts of an apparatus) सोपान (पु.)
cascade shower
(a cosmic ray shower which, passing through matter, produces a continuing shower through photons and pair production) सोपानी वर्षण
cascade theory
(of cosmic radiation - the theory of multiplication of electrons, positrons and Y rays in the passage of a cosmic ray particle through matter esp. atmosphere) (वैश्व प्रारणाचा) सोपान सिद्धांत
१ (an instance of a things occurrence; actual state of affairs) स्थिति (स्त्री.) २ (as enclosure of something) पेटी (स्त्री.), -धान (न.), - धानी (स्त्री.) ३ (as an illustration) उदाहरण (न.) ४ प्रकार (पु.) बाब (स्त्री.)
Chem. (the accelertion or retardation of a chemical reaction by a substance which itself undergoes no permanent chemical charge, or which may be recovered when the reaction is completed) उत्प्रेरण (न.)
Math. etc. (the curve assumed by a perfectly flexible, inextensible, infinitely slender cord, suspended at its ends) रज्जुका (स्त्री.), कॅटीनरी (स्त्री.)
(an instrument used for measuring vertical distances not exceeding a few centimetres) ऊर्ध्वतामापी (पु.), कॅथेटोमीटर (पु.) (Gk. kathetos - vertical height; perpendicular line i.e. ऊर्ध्वता)
Elec.(the electrode at which electrons enter a device from the external circuit- opposed to anoe) कॅथोड (पु.) coated cathode लेपित कॅथोड cold cathode शीत कॅथोड photocathode प्रकाश कॅथोड thermionic cathode तापयनिक कॅथोड virtual cathode आभासी कॅथोड (also
cathode dark space
(in a gas discharge tube, the dark band between cathode glow and the negative glow) कॅथोड अदीप्त प्रदेश
(of, at, or relating to a cathode - opposed to anodic; of a chemical element - tending to form a cathode in an electro-chemical cell in relation to another element) कॅथोडी (also kathodic)
Elec. etc. (the ion in an electrolyte which carries the positive charge and which migrates towards the cathode under the influence of a potential difference - opposed to anion) कटायन (न.) (also kation)
caustic curve
Light (a curve to which rays of light are tangential after reflection or refraction at another curve) किरणस्पर्शी वक्र
१ (to stop) बंद करणे, बंद होणे, थांबवणे, थांबणे २ (to become extinct; to pass away) नाहीसा होणे ३ (to come to an end) समाप्त होणे, न राहणे
(of or relating to the sky specif. representing the visible bodies in the sky) खगोलीय, खगोल-, ख-
celestial mechanics
( the application of the methods of analytic mechanics to the determination of the motions of the celestial bodies under the action of gravitation)ख स्थितिगतिशास्त्र (न.) (also called gravitational astronomy)
celestial meridian
(a great circle of the celestial sphere passing through celestial poles and the zenith) ख याम्योत्तर (न.)
celestial sphere
Astron. (an imaginary sphere of indeterminate radius of which the observer is the centre) खगोल (पु.)
१ Elec.(a cup, jar or other vessel or a division of a compound vesel containing electrodes and an electrolyte either for generating electric currents by chemical action or for use in eletrolysis) घट (पु.) (विद्युतघट) २ (विजेरीचा) सेल (पु.) ३ (as chamber)
(abbr. cels) (after Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer who invented centigrade scale) सेल्सिअस
centimetre gramme second
(of relating to or being a system of units based upon the centimetre as the units based upon the centimetre as the unit of length, the gramme as the unit of mass and the mean solar second as the unit of time) सेंटिमीटर - ग्राम - सेकंद- (also
१ (containing or constituting a centre) केंद्रीय, केंद्र- २ (situated at, in or near the centre; occupying a centre) मध्यवर्ती ३ (as basic, essential, principal) केंद्रभूत
केंद्र (न.) geometrical centre आकृति केंद्र instantaneous centre तत्क्षणिक केंद्र metacentre उत्प्लवकेंद्र focus नाभि midpoint मध्यबिंदु nucleusकेंद्रक, न्यूक्लिअस (also center)
centre of action
Meteor.(any of several large oval areas where the average seasonal or annual barometric pressure is distinctly low or high) कार्यक्षेत्र केंद्र
centre of buoyancy
Hyd. (the centre of mass of the fluid displaced by a floating or submerged body) प्लावकता केंद्र (also centre of displacement)
centre of gravity
Mech.(that point in a body at which its weight may be taken to act, and at which the body may be supported in neutral equilibrium) गुरुत्व केंद्र
centre of inertia
(the point that represents the mean position of the matter in a body) जडत्व केंद्र (also called centre of mass)
centre of mass system
(in general any frame of reference moving with the centre of mass ofa system) वस्तुमान केंद्र प्रणाली
(an apparatus rotating at very high speed, designed to separate solids from liquids, or liquids from other liquids dispersed therein) अपकेंद्रित (न.)
(moving, proceeding or acting in direction towarda centre or axis - opposed to centrifugal) अभिकेंद्री, अभिकेंद्र- (अभि towards, केंद्र centre)
(moving, proceeding, or acting in a direction away from a centre or axis - opposed to centripetal) अपकेंद्री, अपकेंद्र- (अप away केंद्र centre)
१ विराम (पु.) २ बंद होणे (न.), थांबणे (न.) ३ नाहीसा होणे (न.) ४ समाप्त होणे (न.), न राहणे (न.)
१ Chem.(as a number of atoms united like links in a chain) शृंखला (स्त्री.) २ Surv., etc. साखळी (स्त्री.), शृंखला (स्त्री.) ३ (as a network etc.) साखळी (स्त्री.), शृंखला (स्त्री.)
chain reaction
Chem. (a chemical reaction that once started can maintain itself by interaction of the starting materials with transitory reactive products etc.; as, self propagating fission of atomic nuclei continued by the further action ofone of the products) शृंखला अभिक्रिया
१ (as a very large box shaped compartment lined with lead etc. an enclosed or compartmented space designed for special purpose) कक्ष (पु.) २ खोली (स्त्री.), कमरा (पु.)
परिवर्तन (न.), बदल (पु.) (in comb.) अंतर (न.) (as in change of position स्थानांतर) alteration फेरफार conversion रुपांतर modification रुपभेद transformation रुपांतरण variation परिवर्तन
change of state
(transformation from one to another of the three states of matter - gaseous, liquid or solid) अवस्थांतर (न.), अवस्थाबदल (पु.)
१ Elec.Radio etc.(as a band of frequencies within which signals from a transmitter must be kept) प्रणाल (पु.) २ (as natural or artificial bed of stream of water etc.) प्रणाल (पु.), नाली (स्त्री.) ३ मार्ग (पु.) ४ जलमार्ग (पु.)
१ (as a nature) स्वरुप (न.) २ (all those qualities that make the thing different from others) लक्षण (न.), गुण (पु.) cf. quality ३ (a graphic symbol as alphabet, letter etc. used as a unit in writing or printing) अक्षर (न.), वर्ण (पु.) ४ (as a mark, sign e
१ (as a trait, quality, property etc.) लक्षण (न.), वैशिष्ट्य (न.) २ Math.(as of logarithm) लागपूर्णांक (पु.)
characteristic spectrum
Radiol.(as an ordered arrangement of X ray wavelengths related to the atomic structure of the material) लक्षणात्मक पंक्ति
१ (as a sheet of tabulated information; as a record by curves etc. of some information, fluctuations etc.) तक्ता (पु.) २ (as an outline map with conspectus of special conditions) नकाशा (पु.) graph आलेख map नकाशा
Automobiles (the frame on which is mounted the body asof an automobile or air plane; the working parts as of a radio, etc.) न्याधार (पु.), साटा (पु.) (pl. chassis or chassises)
(as adsorption by means of chemical forces in contrast with physical forces) रासायनिक अधिशोषण (न.) sorption (also chemosorption)
१ (a science that deals with composition, structure and properties of substances and of the transformations that they undergo) रसायनशास्त्र (न.) २ (as a branch of that science) रासायनिकी (स्त्री.) (as in thermochemistry ऊष्मा रासायनिकी) inorganic
१ Math. (as a straight line joining two points on a curve) जीवा (स्त्री.) २ (as a string of musical instrument) तंतु (पु.) ३ Music स्वरसंघात (पु.) major cord गुरू स्वरसंघात minor chord लघु स्वरसंघात
chromatic aberration
Light, Optics (non coincidence of the component colour images formed by a lens owing to dispersion of the lens) वर्णीय विपथन
(the science of colours as affected by phenomena determined by their differing wavelengths) वर्णिकी (स्त्री.)
Astron.(the lower part of the atmosphere of the sun thousands of miles thick and composed predominantly of hydrogen gas that is responsible for its rosy colour) वर्णावरण (न.)
circle of least confusion
(the minimum cross section of a symmetrical bundle of rays that have no common focus because of spherical aberration) लघुतम संकुलन वृत्त
१ Elec. (as the complete path of an electric current including any displacement current or a specified portion of a circuit) परिपथ (पु.) २ Magn.(as the region through which magnetic flux from any source extends)मंडल (न.)
Math. १ (as a line that bounds a circular plane surface etc.) परीघ (पु.) २ (as the surface or outer limits of a sphere or rounded body) परिधि (पु.)
(of or relating to a form or system felt to be of first significance before modern tiems) अनाधुनिक
१ (not open ; covered) संवृत्त, बंद २ Math., Chem. etc.( as distinguished from open) संवृत (as in closed set Math. संवृत सट, closed chain Chem. संवृत शृंखला)
१ (to cause or bring about the coagulation of; as to curdle clot) साकळवणे, साकळणे २ (as to gather together or form into a mass or group or to solidify completelyor partially) किलाटन करणे, किलाटन होणे
(to unite or join together into one body or product; become integrated into a whole) संलयन होणे
१ (a number that serves as a measure of some property orcharacteristic and that is commonly used as a factor in computations) गुणांक (पु.) (as in absorption coefficient अवशोषण गुणांक) २ Math.(as multiplier) गुणक (पु.)
coefficient of kinematic viscosity
शुद्धगतिकीय विष्यंदिता गुणांक (शुद्धगतिकीय विष्यंदिता) (also kinematic viscosity)
coefficient of restitution
Mech. (as the ratio of the relative velocity after impact to that before impact) प्रत्यवस्थान गुणांक
coercive force
Elec.Eng., Magn.(the opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetised substance to reduce the residual magnetic induction in the material to zero) विचुंबक बल, विचुंबक बलक्षेत्र (also coercive field)
(the property of a material determined by the value of the coercive force when the material has been magnetised to saturation) विचुंबकता (स्त्री.)
(as, molecular attraction by which the particles of a body are united throughout the mass whether like or unlike - as distinguished from adhesion) संसंजन (न.) adhesion
(as to hold together firmly, stickily or solidly- usu. used of a substance stuck to a similar substance) संसंजित होणे
१ (having the quality of cohering) संसंजी, संसंजक २ (as displaying cohesion; as united) संसंजित
Elec.(as one or more turns of conductor when would as a definite unit of an electrical circuit) कुंडल (न.) choke coil चोक कुंडल induction coil प्रेरण कुंडल loading coil भारण कुंडल Tesla coil टेस्ला कुंडल
संपतन होणे, संपाती होणे, संपाती असणे (co सं; incidere to fall on - पतन) (to coincide with -शी संपाती असणे)
१ (as to bring or gather together or to accumulate) संग्रह करणे, संग्रह होणे, संग्रहित होणे, गोळा करणे, गोळा होणे २ (as to assemble) एकत्र साचणे
१ (to render parallel to a certain line or direction; to render parallel a rays of light) समांतरण करणे, समांतरित करणे २ (to adjust the line of sight of to proper position relative to other parts) संधानित करणे
१ (the act of collimating) समांतरण (न.) २ (the state of being collimated) समांतरित अवस्था (स्त्री.)
(lying in the same straight line; having a straight line in common) एकरेखी, एकरेषी, एकरेखीय, एकरेषीय
(the term refers toany interaction between free particles, aggregates of particles or rigid bodies in which they come near enough to exert a mutual influence, generally with exchange of energy) संघात (पु.), (commonly) टक्कर (स्त्री.) elastic collision
collision density
Nuclear Technology (the number of neutron collisions with matter per unit volume per unit time) संघात घनता
collision diameter of molecules
(the distance of closest approach between the centres of any two molecules in a collision) रेणूंचा संघात व्यास
वर्ण (पु.) combinational colour संयोगी वर्ण complementary colour परिपूरक वर्ण primary colour(s) प्राथमिक वर्ण chrome वर्ण, क्रोम dye रंजक, रंगद्रव्य paint रंग pigment वर्णक
१ (formed in columns; relating to, or characterised by columns) स्तंभीय, स्तंभी २ (having the form of a column) स्तंभाकार, स्तंभरुप
Optics ( a defect in the image formed by a lens which, when present, appears towards the edges of the field, the images of points being drawn out into small pear-shaped blobs) कोमा (पु.) (अ.व. कोमी) (pl. comae)
१ (the quality or state of being combined) संयोग (पु.) २ (the act or process of uniting esp. to form a chemical compound) संयोजन (न.)
१ (of or relating to combination; having the quality of combining) संयोगी, संयुक्त २ संयोजनीय
१ (as to join in physical or chemical union etc.) संयोग पावणे, संयोग होणे २ (as, forces, processes etc.) संयोजन करणे, संयोजन होणे ३ (as to cause two or more things to mix together, as to mingle) मिसळणे ४ एक करणे
१ सामान्य, साधारण २ सामाईक (as in common surface of contact सामाईक संपर्क पृष्ठ) ३ Math.(belonging to two or more quantities सम, समान, साधारण ४ साधा (as in common hydrometer साधा तरलकाटा)
१ (to reverse the direciton of by the change of connections) दिक् परिवर्तन करणे २ Math. क्रमपरिवर्तन करणे
१ Elec.Eng.( a part of an electric machine consisting of an assemblage of copper bars, each connected to a coil of the winding but insulated from each other) दिक्परिवर्तक (पु.) २ क्रमपरिवर्तक (पु.)
१ (as marked by concentration in a limtied area; as closely placed or fitted together) संहत २ सधन
(a form of apparatus used for the accurate comparison of standards of length etc.; a form of colorimeter) तुलनित्र (न.)
comparison spectrum
Light (a spectrum formed alongside the spectrum under investigation, for the purpose of measuring the wavelengths of unknown lines) तुलना पंक्ति, तुलना स्पेक्ट्रम
१ (as a separate division or a subdivision as of a plane surface, structure, design etc.) खंड (पु.) २ (as a small chamber, receptacle or container) कक्षक (न.)
(to provide with means of counteracting variation; to neutralise the effect of variation) -चे प्रतिपूरण करणे, प्रतिपूरित करणे
compensating errors
(errors equal in amount but opposite in sense that cancel each other) प्रतिपूरक त्रुटी (स्त्री.अ.व.)
१ (as the quantity or number required to fill a thing or make it complete) परिपूरक (न.) २ Math. (as of an angle etc.) परिपूरक (पु.)
१ (as composed of twoor more separable or analysable items, parts, constituents etc.) संमिश्र २ (as, having many varied interrelated parts, patterns or elements etc.) जटिल ३ Chem.(formed by union of simpler substances as compounds or ions - used of salts, ions and other chemical combinations) जटिल
(the quality or state of yielding to bending under stresses within the elastic limit etc.) अनुवृत्ति (स्त्री.)
(as a constitutent part; as any one of the vector terms added to form a given vector sum or resultant; as an ingredient of a chemical system) घटक (पु.)
१ (of substances - the nature of elements present in a substance and the proportions in which they occur) संघटक (न.) (as in chemical composition रासायनिक संघटन) २ (of forces, etc.) संयोजन (न.)
(to reduce the various size, density or degree of concentration of, by or as if by pressure; to undergo compression) संपीडन करणे, संपीडन होणे
compton effect
(after Arthur H Compton, Am. physicist) कॉम्टन परिणाम, कॉम्टन विकिरण (also compton scattering)
(of a lens - having the concave side of greater curvature than the convex side; concave on one side and convex on the other) अंतर्बहिर्वक्र (अंतर्वक्र व बहिर्वक्र)
१ (to bring or direct towards a common centre or objective; to focus) संकेंद्रित करणे, संकेंद्रित होणे २ (to render less dilute; to render more condensed) संहत करणे, संहत होणे
१ (as, the act or action or process of increasing the strength, as of a solute or gas in a mixure etc.; as the process of increasing the quantity of a substance or form of energy or other entity that exists in a volume of space etc.) संहतन (न.) ३ (as a result of concentrating; a concentrated mass or thing) संहति (स्त्री.)
१ (having a common centre - as opposed to eccentric) संकेंद्री, संकेंद्रीय २ (having a common axis; formed about the same axis, as, coaxial) समाक्ष concentrical
१ (converging, meeting, intersecting, running together at a point; meeting in a point or running parallel) संगामी, एकसंपाती २ (occuring, arising oroperating at the same time) समवर्ती
१ (of a liquid) संघनन (न.) २ (of a gas or vapour) द्रवीकरण (न.), द्रवीभवन (न.) ३ (of light) नाभीयन (न.)
१ (of a liquid - to increase or to cause to increase in density or strength; to become thicker) संघनित करणे, संघनित होणे, -चे संघनन होणे २ (of a gas or vapour - to change orto cause to change to liquid) द्रवीकरण करणे, द्रवीकरण होणे ३ (of light - to focus; to concentrate by passing through a lens) नाभीयन करणे, नाभीयन होणे
condensed film
(a surface film in which the molecules are closely packed and steeply oriented to the surface) संघनित पटल
१ (of a liquid, gas or vapour) संघनित्र (न.), संघननी (स्त्री.) २ (of electricity - apparatusfor receiving and accumulating electricity; a capacitor) संधारित्र (न.) ३ (of light- a lens or mirror usu. of short focal length used to concentrate light upon an object) नाभीयक (पु.)
१ स्थिति (स्त्री.) २ पूर्वआवश्यकता (स्त्री.) (as in Abbe sine condition ऍबी साइन पूर्व आवश्यकता ३ अट (स्त्री.)
१ (to convey in or as if in a channel; to act as a medium for conveying as heat or electricity) -चे वहन करणे २ (asto conduct scientific experiment etc.)(प्रयोग इत्यादि) करणे, चालवणे
(conducting power; also the property ofa material by virtue of which it allows current toflow through it when potential difference is applied - the reciprocal of resistance) प्रवहन (न.) conduction
Elec., Heat etc. (the transfer of heat through matter by communication of kinetic energy from particle to particle rather than by a flow of heated material - as against convection; maintenance of an electric current through metals by a general movement of
(the quality or power of conducting or transmitting as heat or electricity) वाहकता (स्त्री.) acoustic conductivity ध्वनि वाहकता n type conductivity एन प्रकार वाहकता, n प्रकार वाहकता p type conductivity पी प्रकार वाहकता P प्रकार वाहकता semiconductivity
(of relating to, or involving the measurement of conductivity; relating to or by means of conductometry) वाहकतामितीय (also conductimetric)
वाहक (पु.) bad conductor दुर्वाहक good conductor सुवाहक non conductor अवाहक semiconductor अर्धवाहक
१ (a channel or pipe for conveying water or other fluid) प्रणाल (पु.) २ (as pipe) नळी (स्त्री.)
cone of silence
(a conically shaped region above an antenna where, because of the configuration of the antenna system, the field strength is relatively low) शांतता शंकु
१ (relative disposition or arrangement of parts, interrelationships of constituent elements) आविन्यास (पु.) २ (as the structure of chemical compounds esp. with reference to the space relations of the atoms in molecules; any of several limiting apparent po
१ (tomake like, to shape to fit) समनुरुप करणे, अभिसंगत करणे (conform implies the achievement of harmony अनुरुपण or correspondence अभिसंगती by compliance as with a preexisting pattern, form or principle) २ (to have the same shape, outline or contour etc.)
१ समनुरुप, अभिसंगत २ Chem. (as conformational) समआविन्यासी ३ Math. गुणनक्षम (as in conformable matrices गुणनक्षम सारण्या) ४ Geol.(following in unbroken sequence - used of geologic strata) अभिसंगत
१ (the act of conforming or producing conformity) अभिसंगतता (स्त्री.), समनुरुपण (न.) २ (as agreement esp. with a model orplan, as the shape of a molecule esp. with reference to a geometric isomer) समआविन्यास (पु.) form
१ एकरुप २ (relating to the melting point at which there coexist for a molecular compound both solid and liquid phases having the same composition) सम (as in congruent melting सम द्रवण)
१ (acting or operating as if joined, as conjugate foci; bearing to each other a relation characterised by having certain features in common but by being opposite or inverse in some particular) संयुग्मी २ Math. वृत्तपूरक (as in conjugate angles वृत्तपूरक कोन)
(as to join together; of a chemical compound - to unite so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds) संयुग्मन करणे, संयुग्मन होणे
१ (as conjugate; as formed by the union of two compounds or united with another compound) संयुग्मित २ Chem. (of a system of double bonds) एकांतरित (as in conjugated double bonds एकांतरित द्विबंध)
consequent pole
Elec.Eng.(as a pole of a permanent magnet occuring at a point remote from either end. In an electromagnetic circuit, it refers to a pole occurring at a point between two magnetising coils) अनुवर्ती धुव
१ संरक्षण (न.) २ अक्षय्यता (स्त्री.) (as in law of conservation of energy ऊर्जा अक्षय्यता नियम)
conserved quantities
१ (those quantities which obey conservation laws) अक्षय्यी राशी (स्त्री.अ.व.) २ अक्षय्यी परिमाणे (न.अ.व.)
१ Chem.(as a degree of firmness, density, viscosity etc.) सांद्रता (स्त्री.) २ (as agreement or harmony) सुसंगति (स्त्री.)
Math. etc.(an abstract number or a physically dimensional quantity having a fixed or approximately fixed value) स्थिरांक (पु.)
१ (to have within; to hold) अंतर्भाव करणे, अंतर्भाव होणे, आत असणे २ (to have capacity for; to be able to hold) धारण करणे ३ अंतर्विष्ट होणे (as in angle contained by -ने अंतर्विष्ट झालेला कोन)
continuous spectrum
Light ( a spectrum in which all wavelengths are represented without any abrupt discontinuity) अखंड पंक्ति (अखंड वर्णपंक्ति)
१ (as outline of a two dimensional figure; as shape or form etc.) बाह्यरेषा (स्त्री.) २ (as lines of equal elevation on the ground) समोच्च रेषा (स्त्री.)
(as the circulatory motion that occurs in a fluid at a nonuniform temperature; the transfer of heat by automatic circulation of a fluid or transfer of electricity in the form of a surface charge on a moving body) प्रक्रमण (न.) conduction
(to tend toward one point; move towards a single point; to come together - opposed to diverge) अभिसूत करणे, अभिसूत होणे
१ (as act or condition of converging - opposed to divergence) अभिसरण (न.) २ (the state or property of being convergent) अभिसारिता (स्त्री.)
Math.(as a theorem formed by the interchange of hypothesis and conclusion in a given theorem) व्यत्यास (पु.)
१ (change from one form, state or character into another etc.) रुपांतर (न.) २ Math.(as a change or reduction of the form of a mathematical proposition or expression) नवरुपण (न.)
१ (also convertor) Elec.Eng. रुपांतरित्र (न.) २ Met.(as Bessemer converter)रुपांतरित्र (न.) ३ Nuclear Eng. (reactor or breeder which converts fertile material into fissile material through neutron capture e.g. U २३८ to Pu २३९ and Th २३२ to U २३३) न्यूक्लीय (प्रजनक) रुपांतरित्र (न.)
(convex on one side and concave on the other; having the convex side of greater curvature than the concave) बहिःअंतर्वक्र (बहिर्वक्र अंतर्वक्र)
१ (as to bring into a common action, movement, or condition; to regulate and combine in harmonious action) समन्वय करणे, समन्वय साधणे २ Chem. (to attach so as to form a coordination complex) सहबद्ध करणे ३ Chem.( to combine by means of a coordinate bond) सहबद्ध होणे
Math.(any one of a set of numbers used in specifying the location of a point on a line, in space, or on a given plane or other surface) सहनिर्देशक (पु.), (अ.व. सहनिर्देशक)
(the outermost part of the eye just in front of the aqueous humour) पारपटल (न.) (पारदर्शी नेत्रपटल)
(a faint glow adjacent to the surface of an electrical conductor at sufficiently high voltage that results from electrical discharge; a usu. coloured circle often seen around and close to a luminous body caused by diffraction produced by particles of dust etc.) कोरोना (पु.), वर्णवलय (न.)
(having the nature of a particle; relating to, dealing with, or composed of corpuscles) कणिकामय, कणिका-
corpuscular theory
Light (a theory that light consists of material particles sent off in all directions from luminous bodies) कणिका सिद्धांत
(one of several processes of erosion- the wearing away of rocks and soil by abrasive action of material moved along esp. by waves, streams, or glaciers) (प्रवाह) अपघर्षण (न.) erosion
१ (to alter or adjust soas to bring to some standard or required condition- as to correct the reading of a gas volume for temperature and pressure or to correct the lens for spherical aberration) संशुद्धी करणे २ दुरुस्ती करणे, सुधार करणे
१ संशुद्ध २ (as conforming to or agreeing with fact - it implies freedom from fault or error, oft. as judged by some conventional or acknowledged standard) बरोबर, अचूक precise
१ सहसंबंध (पु.), परस्परसंबंध (पु.) २ (as, act of correlation) सहसंबंधन (न.) (also corelation)
१ (to be in conformity or agreement) अनुरुप असणे २ (to be equivalent; be parallel; be the counterpart) तत्सम असणे ३ Math.(to be connected by means of a geometrical transformation or by means of a functional relation) - शी संगत असणे
१ अनुरुपता (स्त्री.) २ तत्समता (स्त्री.) ३ Math. संगतता (स्त्री.) many many correspondence अनेक अनेक संगतता many one correspondence अनेक एक संगतता one many correspondence एक अनेक संगतता one one correspondence एक एक संगतता
(action or process of corrosive chemical change not necessarily accompanied by loss of form or compactness; typically a gradual wearing away or alteration by a chemicalor electro chemical essentially oxidising process) क्षरण (न.), झीज (स्त्री.) erosion
cosmic ray decay electrons
(electrons in a soft component of cosmic rays which originate from the decay of mesons) विश्वकिरण ऱ्हास इलेक्ट्रॉन (पु.अ.व.)
(the creation, origination or manner of coming into being of the world or universe; a theory or account of the origination of the universe) विश्वोत्पत्तिशास्त्र (न.)
(a general description of the world or of the universe; the science that deals with the constitution of the whole order of nature or the figure, disposition, and relation of all of its various parts) विश्वरचना (स्त्री.)
(machine for liberating nuclear energy by bombardment of nuclei by neutron particiles etc.) कॉस्मॉट्रॉन (न.)
१ (to act in opposition to) परस्परांविरुद्ध कार्य करणे २ (to make ineffective by opposite force; to neutralise; nullify) विफल करणे, परिणामहीन करणे
१ (act of counterbalancing) प्रतिसंतुलन (न.) २ (a weight that balances another; counterpoise) प्रतितोल (पु.)
१ मार्ग (पु.) २ क्रम (पु.) ३ ओघ (पु.), गति(स्त्री.) ४ Civ.Eng.(a horizontal layer of bricks or building stones running throughout the length and breadth of a wall) थर (पु.)
Chem. (the union of two atoms by the sharing of a pair of electrons) सहसंयुजा (स्त्री.) covalency
Eng.(a bent part of an axle or shaft; an elbow shaped brace etc.) क्रँक (पु.) कूर्पर (पु.) (कूर्पर elbow)
१ निर्मिति (स्त्री.) २ (as, creatures singly or as an aggregate; the world) सृष्टि (स्त्री.)
Chem.,Eng., Met. etc. (the slow change of dimensions of an object due to prolonged exposure to high temperature or stress; as a slow rising of) सर्पण (न.)
(relating to, indicating or being a state in which or a measurement or point at which some quality, property or phenomenon suffers a finite change or undergoes drastic alteration) क्रांतिक
critical constant
(the critical temperature,critical pressure or critical density of any one substance - usu. used in pl.) क्रांतिक स्थिरांक
critical mass
Nucleonics (the mass of fissionable material,which is just sufficient fora chain reaction of neutrons to be self sustaining) क्रांतिक वस्तुमान (abbr. crit)
critical point
(a point where two phases which are continually approximating each other become identical and form but one phase) क्रांतिक बिंदु
critical potential
(as a measure of the amount of energy necessary to raise an electron from a lower to a higher level) क्रांतिक विभव
critical pressure
(the pressure at which a gas may just be liquefied at its critical temperature; the pressure exerted by a substance in its critical state) क्रांतिक दाब
critical solution temperature
Chem. (the temperature above which two liquids are miscible in all proportions) क्रांतिक द्रावण तापमान (also consolute temperature)
critical state
(as a state attainable by every chemically stable pure substance in which the liquid and vapour phases have the same density) क्रांतिक अवस्था
critical temperature
Elec. Eng., Met.etc. (the highest temperature at which it is possible to separate substances into two fluid phases; the temperature at which magnetic materials lose their magnetic properties etc.) क्रांतिक तापमान
critical velocity
Hyd. etc. (the greatest velocity with which a fluid can flow through a given conduit without becoming turbulent) क्रांतिक वेग
cross section
१ काटछेद (पु.) २ Math.अवछेद (पु.) ३ Nucleonics (when extended to mean a measure of probability of a particular process. It is expressed in units of area) परिक्षेत्र (न.)(as in nuclear reaction cross section न्यूक्लीय अभिक्रिया परिक्षेत्र) horizontal cross
१ ओबडधोबड २ (not altered or prepared for use by any process; as raw) कच्चा ३ (not refined) अशोधित
१ (to press between two hard bodies, to reduce to particles by pounding or grinding) दलन करणे, दलन होणे २ (as to squeeze as sugar-cane,oil seeds etc.) गाळणे
१ (as of earth) कवच (न.) २ (as a hard or brittle external coat or covering of something) पापुद्रा (पु.) ३ Geol.(the hard surface layer formed on many soils esp. when dry or on snow, mud, or lava) परिपटल (न.)
cryogenic system
(a system in which a local temperature lower than the surrounding temperature is produced) निम्नतापी पद्धति
(the brnach of physics that relates to the production and effects of very low temperature) निम्नतापिकी (स्त्री.)
(the determination of freezing points produced in liquid by dissolved substances in order to determine molecular weights of solutes and certain properties of solutions) निम्नतापमानिकी (स्त्री.)
(an apparatus for maintaining the constant low tempeature esp. below O deg.C) निम्नतापस्थापी (पु.)
(a body generally solid, whose atoms are arranged in a definite pattern) स्फटिक (पु.) biaxial crystal द्विअक्षीय स्फटिक mother crystal मातृस्फटिक piezoelectric crystal दाबविद्युतीय स्फटिक
crystal face
(one of the bounding surfaces of a crystal) स्फटिकानीक (स्फटिक + अनिक)( अनिक face) स्फटिकाचा पैलू
crystal latice
(the arrangement of atoms, molecules or ions of a crystal in the form of a space lattice) स्फटिक जालक
(of the nature of or relating to a crystal; having regular arrangement of atoms in space lattice - as opposed to amorphous) स्फटिकी, स्फटिकाकृति, स्फटिक-
(to cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form) स्फटन करणे,स्फटन होणे, स्फटिकीकरण करणे, स्फटिकीभवन होणे (also crystalise)
१ Chem.(one of the grains or small crystals making up a polycrystalline material) स्फटिकक (पु.) २ Geol.(as a mineral) क्रिस्टलाइट (पु.)
(relating to or dealing with crystallography or crystals) स्फटिकविज्ञानविषयक, स्फटिक-
(the science of crystalisation dealing with the system of forms among crystals,their structure and their forms of aggregation) स्फटिकविज्ञान (न.)
१ (the regular solid of six equal square sides) घन (पु.) २ Math.(as the product got by taking a number or quantity three times as a factor)घन (पु.)
१ (having the form of a cube; shaped like a cube) घन-, घनाकृति- २ (as three dimensional) त्रिमिति-, त्रिमितीय ३ Math. घन-, त्रिघात-, त्रिघाती
(an old measure of length; the length of the arm from the elbow to the tip of themiddle finger and usu. equal to about १८ inches but sometimes to २१ or more) हात (पु.)
(broken or refuse glass that is generally added to a batch of new material to facilitate melting in glass manufacturing) काचेची फुटकी (स्त्री.)
Met. (a thick bottomed shallow dish made of bone ash; used in the cupellation of lead beads containing gold and silver, in the assay of these metals) क्यूपेल (न.)
(after Mme.Marie Curie, Pol.Fr.chemist- as a unit of radioactivity) क्युरी (न.) (also called radioactive source strength)
Curie temperature
(after Pierre Curie,Fr. chemist - the temperature at which there is a transition between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases) क्युरी तापमान (also Curie point)
Curie-Weiss law
(after Pierre Curie and Pierre Ernest Weiss, Fr. physicists - a law of magnetism) क्युरी वायस नियम
१ Elec.(the passage of electricity through a body by virtue of a drift of negatively charged electrons through it) धारा (स्त्री.) २ (as electric current) विद्युत धारा (स्त्री.) ३ (as a flow of water, air etc.) प्रवाह (पु.) flow
प्रचलित, चालू alternating current प्रत्यावर्ती धारा direct current दिष्ट धारा hole current वंचिका धारा impressed current प्रभावित धारा instantaneous current तत्क्षणिक धारा ionisation current आयनन धारा leakage current गलन धारा loop current लूप धारा
(a part of a mathematical instrument that moves back and forth upon another part) कर्सर (पु.), सरकरेषा (स्त्री.)
१ (an interval of time during which one sequence of a regularly recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed) चक्र (न.) २ (as one complete performance of a vibration, electric oscillation or current alternation, and other periodic process, etc