There are currently 369 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Babinet's compensator
Light (a device used, in conjunction with a Nicol prism, for the analysis of elliptically polarised light) बॅबिनेचा प्रतिपूरक
back electromotive force
Elec.Eng.(an electromotive force which opposes the normal flow of current in a circuit - sometimes called counter e.m.f.) विरोधी विद्युतगामक (विरोधी इ.एम.एफ.) back e.m.f.
(a sudden oft. violent backward movement or recoil; an action or reaction in a reverse direction suggesting such a backward movement or recoil etc.) विगति (स्त्री.)
१ Acous. etc. (something for deflecting, checking or otherwise regulating- as a flow) बाधिका (स्त्री.) २ व्यारोध (पु.)
१ (to equal or equalise in weight, number, form or proportion; to weigh in or as if in a balance) संतुलित करणे, संतुलित होणे, समतोल असणे २ (as to bring to a state or position of equipoise) तोलून धरणे, तोल सांभाळणे, संतुलणे
१ समतोल (पु.) २ (act of balancing) संतुलन (न.) ३ तुला (स्त्री.), तराजू (पु.) chemical balance रसायन तुला hydrostatic balance द्रवस्थितिक तुला physical balance भौतिक तुला spring balance स्प्रिंग तुला torsion balance मोटन तुला
Elec.Eng.(as a device used on polyphase or ३ wire system to equalise the voltages between the phases or the sides of the system, when unbalanced loads are being delivered) संतुलक (पु.)
(of or relating to ballistics or to a body in motion when the characteristics of such motion are determined by the laws of ballistics) प्राक्षेपिक, प्रक्षेप-
band spectrum
Light (a typeof spectrum consisting of broad bands, each usu. having one sharp edge) वर्णाली (स्त्री.) (वर्ण colour; आली row or continuous line)
१ दंड (पु.) दंडिका (स्त्री.) २ पट्टी (स्त्री.) ३ (as a unit of pressure)बार (न.) ४ Math. दंडिका (स्त्री.) (as in a- ) बार (पु.)
Meteor.(an instrument giving rough indications of changes in atmospheric pressure) हवादाबदर्शी(पु.)
barrel distortion
Light Optics (a type of distortion produced by a lens by which the image of a square appears with sides curved outwards giving a sort of barrel shape) मध्यवर्धित विरुपण pincushion distortion मध्य आकुंचित विरुपण
१ (as any obstruction) अवरोध (पु.), २ रोधिका (स्त्री.) ३ (as a material object or set of objects that separates, keeps apart or demarcates or serves as a barrier) प्राचीर (न.) (as in potential barrier विभव प्राचीर) (प्राचीर an enclosure, fence or wall)
barrier layer
१ Elec.(the surface of contact between a semiconductor and a metal that acts as an alternating current rectifier) रोधिका स्तर २ Electronics प्राचीर स्तर
१ पाया (पु.) २ आधार (पु.) ३ Math.(as in logarithms) आधारांक (पु.) ४ तळ (पु.) ५ Chem. आम्लारि (पु.)
(a vessel containing a medium as water, oil, sand etc. for regulating the temperature of something placed in or upon it and used esp. in chemistry) मज्जनी (स्त्री.) cold bath शीत मज्जनी hot bath उष्ण मज्जनी oil bath तैल मज्जनी sand bath वालुका मज्जनी
Elec.(a group of two or more primary cells or accumulators, electrically connected in series or in parallel) बॅटरी (स्त्री.), विजेरी संच (पु.) primary battery प्राथमिक बॅटरी storage battery संचयी बॅटरी voltaic battery व्होल्ट बॅटरी
१ शलाका (स्त्री.), दंड (पु.) २ (as a collection of nearly parallel rays, as of light or X rays) किरणशलाका (स्त्री.), किरणपुंज (पु.) (as of particles such as electrons) कणपुंज (पु.) ३ (a light ray) प्रकाशकिरण (पु.), कवडसा (पु.) ४ (of a balance) (तराजूची) द
१ Eng. बेअरिंग (न.), धारवा (पु.) २ (relative position or directions- oft. pl.) दिशा (स्त्री.), संबंध (पु.)
१ (each of the pulsations of amplitude recurring at regular intervals produced by the union of sound waves etc.) विस्पंद (पु.) २ (as,one swing of the pendulum etc.) ढोल (पु.) ३ ठोका (पु.)
becquerel rays
(after Antoine H Becquerel, Fr. physicist - rays emitted by a radioactive substance - used before adoption of terms alpha rays, beta rays and gamma rays) बेकेरेल किरण (पु.अ.व.)
(abbr.b) Elec.Comm. (after Alexander Graham Bell - a unit ten times the size of the more frequently used decibel) बेल (न.)
१ वाकवणे, वाकणे २ (to causeto turn at an angle or on a curve from a straight line, course or pattern or to deflect) नमन करणे, नमन होणे
beta decay
Nucleonics (a radioactive transformation of atomic uncleus in which the atomic number is increased or decreased by १ by the simultaneous emission of a beta particle, etc. as, the delay of an unstable elementary particle in which an electron or positron is emitted) बीटा ऱ्हास
Math.(the quality or state of being between two others in an ordered series) अंतरात्व (न.) region
Nucleonics (it accelerates protons - it is so called because it produces energies in bevs) बेव्हाट्रॉन(पु.)
Math.(having two paths, one for each of two moving points- used of a curve) द्विपथी unicursal
bifilar suspension
(the suspension of a body by two parallel verticle wires or threads which gives a considerable controlling torque) द्वितंतुक निलंबन
१ (compounded or consisting of two parts, characterised by two) द्विअंगी २ Astron. (of stars etc.) द्वैती ३ Math. द्विवर्णक, द्विवर्णी
१ (something that is constituted of two figures, things or parts) द्विअंगी (न.) २ (as binary star) द्वैती तारा (पु.)
binary star
Astron. १ (a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation) द्वैती तारा २ (as system) द्वैती संहति (also binary system)
Accus.(of or relating to two ears, involving the use or function of two ears) द्विकर्णी, द्विकर्ण- (also biaural)
binding energy
Nucleonics (total energy required to separate the protons and neutrons in a nucleus) बंधन ऊर्जा
(the application of physical principles and methods to biological problems; the physics of living organisms) जीव भौतिकी (स्त्री.)
(a body which, when raised to incandescence, emits a continuous spectrum of light rays, approximated to by carbon and tungsten) कृष्णिका (स्त्री.)
blackbody radiation
(the characteristic thermal radiation emitted by a blackbody when heated) कृष्णिका प्रारण (also called Planckian radiation)
blackbody temperature
(the temperature at which a blackbody would emit the same radiation as it emitted by a given radiator at a given temperature) कृष्णिका तापमान
१ (as air under pressure blown into a furnace; as a stream of air used tointensify heat in a furnace etc.) झोत (पु.) २ (as the ignition of detonation of an explosive charge) उत्स्फोट (पु.) explosion
१ (the act or process of whitening or lightening the colour of something) विरंजन (न.) २ (as a chemical or preparation used in bleaching) विरंजक पदार्थ (पु.)
block diagram
१ (a perspective diagram of three dimensional object used orig. for physiographic illustration of parts of the earth's surface but later adapted to other uses) त्रिमिति आकृति, खंडकाकृति (स्त्री.) २ (a drawing in which labelled squares, rectangles and other arbitrary figures represent the relative position and functions of the parts of an apparatus) स्थूल आरेख
नील, निळा green हरित, हिरवा indigo आकाशी, अस्मानी infrared अवरक्त orange नारिंगी red रक्त, लाल, तांबडा ultraviolet जंबुलातीत, पराजंबु violet जंबु, जांभळा yellow पीत, पिवळा
१ वस्तु (स्त्री.) (as in celestial body खवस्तु) २ पदार्थ (पु.) (as in elastic body प्रत्यास्थी पदार्थ) ३ काय (पु.) (as in one body model एककाय प्रतिकृति)
body centred
(of a space lattice- having like points at both ends of every vector paallel and equal to that between the corner and the centre of the unit cell; having identical atoms or atomic groupings at and about the corners and the centre of the unit cell) अंतःकेंद्रित
Bohr theory
(a theory of the structure of the hydrogen atom that was later elaborated to apply to atoms of other elements) बोहर सिद्धांत
Elec.Eng. Heat (a very sensitive resistance thermometer used in the detection and measurement of feeble thermal radiation and esp. adapted to the study of infrared spectra) बोलोमीटर (पु.)
bomb calorimeter
Heat (a form of apparatusused for determining the calorific values of fuels) बॉम्ब कॅलरीमापी
(to subject a body or substance to the impact of rapidly moving paticles, as electrons or alpha rays) भडिमार करणे, वर्षाव करणे, मारा करणे
१ (as chemical bond - unit of force joining two atoms together in a molecule - generally consisting of a pair of shared electrons) बंध (पु.) २ (generally) बंध (पु.) (अ.व. बंध)
Bose Einstein quantum statistics
(after Satyendra Nath Bose, Indian physicist and Albert Einstein, Am. Physicist) बोस आइनस्टाईन क्वांटम सांख्यिकी
१ बाटली (स्त्री.), कुपी (स्त्री.) २ Elec.Comm.(a colloquialism for thermionic valve) बॉटल (स्त्री.)
bound charge
Elec.Eng. Magn.( an induced electrostatic charge which is bound by the presence of the charge of opposite polarity which induced it) बद्ध प्रभार
boundary layer
(the region of retarded flow in a fluid close to the surface of a body past whichthe fluid flows) सीमा स्तर
Eng. etc.(as a device for applying resistance to the motion of a body) रोधक (पु.), बेक (पु.) hydraulic brake द्रविक रोधक, द्रविक बेक vacuum brake निर्वात रोधक, निर्वात बेक
brake horsepower
(abbr. BHP) Eng.(the power of an engine or other motor as calculated from the force exerted on a friction brake or absorption dynamometer applied to the flywheel orthe shaft) रोधक अश्वशक्ति, बेक अश्वशक्ति (बी एच पी)
Braun tube
(after Karl F. Braun, Ger. physicist - an evacuated glass vessel fitted with electrodes for producing a narrow beam of cathode rays that form a bright spot on a fluorescent screen placed at the end of the tube) बाऊन नलिका
१ (as to separate or split into smaller units or parts) वियोजित करणे, वियोजन करणे, - चे वियोजन होणे २ भंग पावणे, तोडणे, तुटणे, फोडणे, फुटणे
Elec.Eng.(a device or instrument that breaks - a term commonly used to denote circuit breaker) वियोजी (पु.)
Nuclear Eng.(to produce a fissionable element, asplutonium, from nonfissionable element, as uranium २३८ by bombardment with neutrons from radioactive element so that more fissionable material is produced that is used up) प्रजनित करणे, - चे प्रजनन करणे, प्रजनित होणे (अ.क्रि.)
breeder reactor
Nuclear Eng.(a reactor in which the breeding of fissionable material takes place) प्रजनक क्रियाधानी (न्युक्लीय प्रजनक क्रियाधानी) (also breeder or converter)
breeding ratio
Nuclear Eng. (the number of fissionable atoms produced per fissionable atom destroed) प्रजनन गुणोत्तर
Brewster's law
Light (the angle of polarisation at the surface of a medium is the angle whose tangent is equal to the refractive index of the medium) बूस्टरचा नियम
१ (something suggesting a bridge to serving the function of connecting) सेतु (पु.) २ Elec.Eng.(an electrical instrument or network for measuring or comparing resistances, impedances, inductances etc.) सेतु (पु.), बिज (पु.) ३ Civ.Eng. पूल (पु.), सेतु (पु.)
द्युति (स्त्री.) brilliance द्युति, चमक fluorescence प्रतिदीप्ति gloss चकाकी incandescence तापदीप्ति iridescence वर्णदीप्ति luminescene दीप्ति lustre (or luster) तेज phosphorescene स्फुरदीप्ति thermoluminescene ताप अनुदीप्ति
British Thermal Unit
(abbr. B.T.U. or B.Th.U.) Heat (the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one Fahrenheit degree) बिटिश औष्णिक एकक (बी.टी.यू)
१ (having extension from side to side of a specified dimension) रुंद २ (marked by ample extent from side to side; not narrow) विस्तृत
१ (to send out from a transmitting station for an unlimited number of receivers) परिक्षेपण करणे, प्रसारित करणे २ Radio ध्वनिक्षेपण करणे
broadside on
(with the side or longer dimension foremost) पार्श्व आस्थित (पार्श्व - side, आस्था - to stand or remain on or by)
Brownian movement
(after Robert Brown, Scot. botanist- as the peculiar random movement exhibited by microscopic particles of both organic and inorganic substances when suspended in liquids or gases that is caused by the impact of molecules of fluid surrounding the particle
Elec.Eng.(a conductor commonly in the form of a bundle of copper strips or wire gauze etc. arranged to mke electrical contact between a stationary, and moving surface) बश (पु.), कुंचा (पु.)
(any of various devices etc. designed primarily to reduce shock due to contact) उभयरोधी (पु.), बफर (पु.)
bulk modulus
(the ratio of the intensity of stress to the volume strain produced by stress - used of an elastic medium subjected to volume compression) म
(to keep afloat on a liquid; to keep floating in the air - usu. used with up) प्लावित करणे (प्लु- प्लवते itself means float प्लावित kept afloat, and hence the pfx. उत् is unnecessary) (is buoyed up प्लावित केला जातो, प्लावित होतो)
Hyd. etc.(the property of floating on surface of liquid or in a fluid the property of a fluid by which it exerts an upward force on a body placed in it) प्लावकता (स्त्री.) buoyancy (pl. buoyances; buoyancies)
१ (a usu. removable lining or sleeve of metal or other material that is inserted or screwed into an opening to limit its size, resist wear or erosion etc.) अस्तर (नलिका वगैरे) २ Elec. Eng.(as an insulating sleeve inserted in an opening in a metal plate or case to protect a through conductor from abrasion and possible short circuit) अस्तरण (न.), बुशिंग (न.)
(a passage to one side; an auxiliary passage; a path for shunting part or all of an electric current around one or more elements of circuit) उपमार्ग (पु.), पार्श्वसारी (मार्ग वगैरे)