Kaempferia rotundabot. कॅफेरिआ रोटंडा (भुईचाफा)
Kainozoic era Caenozoic era
KankarGeol. कंकर (न.) (also called caliche)
kaolinकेओलिन (न.), चिनीमाती (स्त्री.) (also kaoline)
kaoliniteGeol. केओलिनाइट (न.)
kappa particleBot., Zool. कॅप्पा कण
Karvia callosaBot. कारव्हीआ कॅलोसा (कारवी)
kary-(in comb.) केंद्रक- karyo-
karyasterCyt.(a group of chromosomes arranged like the spokes of a wheel) केंद्रकतारका (स्त्री.)
karyoblastZool. केंद्रकजनकपेशी (स्त्री.), मूललोहितजनकपेशी (स्त्री.)
karyocyteZool. केंद्रकपेशी (स्त्री.), मूललोहित पेशी (स्त्री.)
karyogamicCyt.(of or relating to karyogamy) केंद्रकयुग्मन-
karyogamyCyt.(a fusion of cell nuclei) केंद्रकयुग्मन (न.)
karyogramBiol. केंद्रकआलेख (पु.)
karyology(nuclear cytology) केंद्रकशास्त्र (न.)
karyolymphCyt. केंद्रकरस (पु.) (also nuclear sap)
karyolysisZool.(dissolution of the cell nucleus) पेशीकेंद्र विलयन (न.)
karyomereCyt.(a swollen condition sometimes seen in chromosomes towards the end of a nuclear division) फुगीर सूत्रावस्था (स्त्री.)
karyomicrosomeCyt.(nuclear granule) केंद्रककणिका (स्त्री.)
karyonCyt.(nucleus of a cell) केंद्रक (न.) (also caryon)
karyoplasmCyt.(nucleoplasm) केंद्रक द्रव्य(न.) (also karyoplasma)
karyoplasmaticCyt. केंद्रक द्रव्य-
karyoplasmatic ratioCyt. केंद्रक द्रव्य गुणोत्तर
karyorrhexisCyt. केंद्रकखंडन (न.), पेशीकेंद्र खंडन (न.)
karyothecaCyt.(nuclear membrane) केंद्रक पटल (न.)
karyotinCyt.(the reticular usu. stainable material) कॅरिओटिन (न.)
karyotype१ Bot. (the sum of the specific characteristics of a cell nucleus including chromosome number, form, size and points of spindle fibre attachment) केंद्रकप्ररुप (न.) २ Zool. गुणसूत्र रचना (स्त्री.)
katabionsBiol.(organisms in which katabolic processes predominate over anabolic processes; as animals) अपचय जीव (पु.अ.व.)
katabolismBiol.(the sum total of the disruptive metabolic processes in an organism, organ, or cell) अपचय (पु.) anabolism (also catabolism)
kataboliteBiol. अपचयज (न.)
katadromous१ Bot. (said of the venation in the ferns when the first nerves in each leaf segment come off on the basal side of the mid rib) प्रशिरा विन्यासी २ Zool. (said of fish migrating to water of greater density to spawn) समुद्राभिगामी (also catadromous)
katakineticBiol.(tending to discharge energy) ऊर्जाविसर्जी
katakinetomereBiol. (energy poor stable protoplasm molecules) ऊर्जान्यून रेणु (पु.)
kataphaseCyt.(the stages of mitosis from the formation of the chromosomes up to the division of the cell) सूत्रपेशीविभाजन (न.)
katepimeronZool. अपाधिपार्श्वक (न.) (अप + अधि + पार्श्वक)
katepisternumZool. अपाधिउरोस्थि (स्त्री.) (अप + अधि + उरोस्थि)
Keber's organZool. (in some Pelecypoda a glandular organ connected with the epithelial lining) परिहृद ग्रंथि (also pericardial gland)
keelBot. नौतलाभ (न.) (संरचना इ.)
kelpBot.(a general term for large sea weeds) केल्प (न.)
keratinBot., Zool.(any of various sulfur containing fibrous proteins that form the chemical basis of epidermal tissues) शृंगी (न.), केरॅटिन (न.) (also ceratin)
keratinisationZool.(conversion into keratin or keratinous tissue) केरॅटिनन(न.)
keratohyalineZool. केरॅटोहायलिन (न.)
keratolysisBot., Zool.(the process of breaking down or dissolving keratin) शृंगीनाशन (न.), केरॅटिननाशन (न.)
keratolytic(causing keratolysis) शृंगीनाशक, केरॅटिननाशक
keratolytic propertyBot., Zool. शृंगीनाशक गुणधर्म, केरॅटिननाशक गुणधर्म
kernel१ (grain, seed) दाणा (पु.) २ (core) गाभा (पु.) ३ गर (पु.)
keto glutarateChem. केटो ग्लुटेरेट
keto glutaric acidChem. केटो ग्लुटेरिक आम्ल
keto glutaric dehydrogenaseChem. केटो ग्लुटोरिक डीहायड्रोजनेज
keto uracilChem. केटो युरॅसिल (न.)
ketone groupChem. कीटोन गट
ketoseChem.(a sugar containing one ketone group per molecule) कीटोज (न.)
key enzymeChem. संविकर (पु.)
key enzyme theoryChem. संविकर सिद्धांत
kidney shapedBot. वृक्काकार
kidney tubule nephric tubule
kigelia pinnataBot. कायजेलिआ पिन्नाटा (घंटापात्र)
kinesisZool. (as in behaviour) गतिक्रम (पु.)
kinestheticZool. गतिसंवेदी (also kinaesthetic)
kineticPhys.१ (of or relating to motion supplying motive force) गतिज २ (relating to kinetics) बलगतिक
kinetic energyPhys. गतिज ऊर्जा
kinetic equilibriumPhys. गतिज समतोल
kineticsबलगतिकी (स्त्री.), बलगतिशास्त्र (न.)
kinetidZool. गतिजपिंडयुग्म (न.)
kinetinChem. कायनेटिन (न.)
kinetodesmaZool. गतिज बंध (पु.)
kinetogenesisZool.(evolution of animal structures presumed to be due to animal movements) गतिज विकास (पु.)
kinetomeresBiol.(molecules of protoplasm which may be energy rich and reactive or energy-poor and stable) ऊर्जारेणू (पु.अ.व.)
kinetonucleusZool. गतिज केंद्रक (न.) (also kinetoplast)
kinetosomeZool. गतिज पिंड (पु.)
kingdomBiol.(one of the three primary divisions into which natural objects are commonly classified - animal kingdom, mineral kingdom, plant kingdom) सृष्टि (स्त्री.) class १ वर्ग २ प्रवर्ग clone फुटवा division प्रभाग family कुल, कुळ form रुप genus प्रजाति group
kingdom animalia animal kingdom
kingdom plantae plant kingdom
kininsBot.(a group of plant hormones) कायनिन्स (न.अ.व.)
kinoplasmCyt.(protoplasm which appears to be composed of fibrils and which in cell division composes the spindle fibres, attraction sphere and astray rays) तर्कुद्रव्य (न.) (also kinoplasma)
Kjeldahl trapBot. केल्डाल पाश
Kleinovia hospitaBot. क्लेनोव्हिआ हॉस्पिटा (क्लेनोव्हिआ)
klinokinesisBot., Zool.(movement that is induced by stimulation and that involves esentially random alteration of direction) स्वैरगति (स्त्री.)
klinotaxisBot., Zool.(directional orientation involving turning towards a stimulus) स्वैरानुचलन (न.)
klinotrophicBot.(placed at a slant to the direction of a given stimulus) उद्दीपनानुवर्ती
kneeZool. जानु (पु.), गुडघा (पु.)
knobBot.(a root tuber in some orchids) गुंडी (स्त्री.)
knoblike१ गुंडीच्या आकाराचा २ मुंडकसदृश
knollemykorrhizaBot.ग्रंथिल कवकमूल (न.)
Koch's postulatesBot.(also Koch's laws) कॉख आधारतत्त्वे
kojic acidChem. कोजिक आम्ल
Krause's membraneZool. क्रॉज पटल
Kreb's cycleक्रेब्स चक्र (also called citric acid cycle)
kremnophyteBot.(a plant which grows alongside a steep wall) प्रवणोद्भिद (पु.) (प्रवणभूमि उद्भिद)
kurtosisBot. ककुदता (स्त्री.)
kydia calycinaBot. किडिआ कॅलिसिना (वारंग)
kymograph(a device having an arrangement for tracing on paper a graphic record of motion or pressure) कायमोग्राफ (पु.) (also cymograph)
kynocilliaZool. गतिरोमक (पु.अ.व.)