There are currently 47 names in this directory beginning with the letter J.
J curveZool. J वक्र (पु.)
JacanidaeZool. जॅकेनिडी (स्त्री.)
jacketBot.(any layer of tissue which covers an archegonium, capsule or sporogonium) आवरण (न.)
jacket cellBot. आवरण पेशी
Jacobson's organZool.जॅकबसन इंद्रिय (also called vomero nasal organ)
Jaminian chainBot.(a series of short threads of water separated by bubbles of air in the vessels of plants) जॅमिन शृंखला Jamin's chain
Janus greenBot., Chem. (a basic monoazoazine dye) जेनस ग्रीन
jasminum grandiflorumBot. जासमिनम ग्रांडिफ्लोरम (चमेली)
jasminum offcinaleBot. जासमिनम ऑफिसिनाले (जाई)
jasminum sambacBot. जासमिनम सांबक (मोगरा)
jatropha curcasBot. जट्रोफा करकास (मोगली एरंड)
jatropha podagricaBot. जट्रोफा पोडॅग्रिका (जमाल गोटा)
jaundiceकामला (स्त्री.), कावीळ (स्त्री.)
Java manZool.(either of two prehistoric men of primitive form known chiefly from more or less fragmentary skulls found in Java) जावा मानव
JavytiidaeZool. जॅव्हिटीडी (स्त्री.)
jawZool. जंभ (पु.), जबडा (पु.)
jejunalZool. अग्रांत्र-, मध्यांत्र-
jejunum(pl. jejuna) अग्रांत्र (न.), मध्यांत्र (न.)
jellBot. (jelly) जेल (न.)
jevenile stage१ Bot.(a special stage in the life history of some algae from which the ordinary plant develops as an outgrowth) बाल्यावस्था (स्त्री.) २ Zool. बाल्यावस्था (स्त्री.)
Johnston's organZool.(a sense organ in the second antennal segment of insects) जॉन्स्टन इंद्रिय
joiningBot.(a node) संधि (पु.)
joint१ Bot.(a node) संधि (पु.) २ Zool. सांधा (पु.), संधि (पु.) ankle j. गुल्फ संधि arthrodial j. gliding j. atlanto-occipital j. शीर्षधर-पश्चकपाल संधि ball and socket j. उलूखल संधि, उखळी सांधा capitular j. मुंडक संधि carpal j. मणिबंध संधि carpometacarpal j.
jointedBot.(having joints) संधित
jordanon speciesBot. जॉर्डनी जाति, सूक्ष्मजाति (स्त्री.)
jugalZool.(a paired membrane bone of the zygoma of the vertebrate skull, lying between the squamosal and the maxilla) युग (न.)
jugularZool.(pertaining to the throat or neck region) गल-
jugular fossaZool. गल खात
jugum१ Bot.(a pair of opposite leaves) युग्मपर्ण (न.) २ Zool.(in some Lepidoptera, a fingershaped process arising from the posterior margin of the fore wing) युगमूल (न.)
juiceBot., Zool. रस (पु.)
julaceousBot. १ (cylindrical and smooth) मसृणदंडी २ (resembling a catkin) निलंबकणिशाभ
junctionZool. संधि (पु.), संगम (पु.)
junctionalZool. संधि-, संगम-
junctional complexZool. संधि जटिल, संगम जटिल
jurassicGeol.(constituting or relating to the period of the Mesozoic era preceding the Comanchean and succeeding the Triassic and the corresponding system of rocks) जुरॅसिक
jurassic(the Jurassic period) जुरॅसिक काल (पु.)
Jurassic periodZool. जुरॅसिक काल
juvenile formBot.(a young plant that has leaves and other features different from those of a mature plant of the same species) बालरुप (न.)
juvenile hormoneZool. आद्य संप्रेरक
juvenile leafBot. कोवळे पान
juxta- glomerular apparatus of kidneyZool. वृक्कातील कोशिकास्तबकसन्निध पेशी juxta glomerular cells of kidney