H bandZool. H पट्टा (पु.) (also called Hensen's line)
H pieceBot.(a short lateral hypha, joining two longer hyphae and probably aiding in the flow of food materials through the mycelium) H खंड (पु.)
habenulaZool.(pl. habenulae)(as a straplike structure, esp. a nerve centre of the diencephalon) पट्टिका (स्त्री.), प्रतोद (पु.)
habenularZool. पट्टिका-, प्रतोद-
habenular commissureZool. प्रतोद संयोजी
habenular nucleusZool. पट्टिका केंद्रक (also called nucleus habenulae)
habenular trigoneZool. प्रतोद त्रिकोण
habit१ Bot., Zool.(of an organism- as a characteristic mode of growth or occurance; as the general appearance of a plant etc.) प्रकृति (स्त्री.) २ Zool. (as the established normal behaviour of an animal species) सवय (स्त्री.), सराव (पु.)
habitabilityरहिवासयोग्यता (स्त्री.)
habitatBiol.(natural home of plant or animal) प्राकृतिकवास (पु.), निसर्गनिवास (पु.) (also called biotype)
habitat formBot.(as a plant showing features of dwarfing, etc. which can be related to the place where it is growing) प्राकृतिकवास रुप (also called ecad)
habitat groupBiol.(as a set of unrelated plants which inhabit the same kind of situation) प्राकृतिकवास गट
habitationवस्ती (स्त्री.),वास (पु.)
habituateसवय लावून घेणे, सराव करणे
hackle(to separate the long fibres as of flax, hemp or jute from waste material) तंतुकंकतन करणे, विंचरणे
hacklingतंतुकंकतन (न.), विंचरणे (न.)
hadal(of or relating to or being the parts of the occean below ६००० metres) पाताळी, पाताळ-
hadal zoneGeol. पाताळ (न.), पाताळक्षेत्र (न.)
hadrocentric vasular bundleBot. केंद्रकाष्ठिक संवाही पूल
hadromal(as an enzyme present in some fungi which enables them to decompose wood) हॅड्रोमल (न.) (also called hadromase)
hadromaseBot. हॅड्रोमेज (न.) (also called hadromal)
hadromeBot. अतंतुकाष्ठ (न.) (also hadrom)
hadromycosisPlant Pathol. काष्ठकवकता (स्त्री.)
haem-(in comb.) (blood) रक्त-, रुधिर-, लोह haemo( also hem- or hemo)
haemacytometer haemocytometer
haemal(pertaining to the blood or blood vessels) रक्त-, लोहित-, हीमल (also haematal or haemic or hemal or hematal or hemic)
haemal archZool. लोहित चाप, हीमल चाप (also hemal arch)
haemal canalZool. लोहित नलिका, हीमल नलिका (also hemal canal)
haemal spine(as a median ventral vertebral spine formed by the fusion of the haemapophyses below the haemal canal) हीमल कंटक (also ventral spine)
haemal systemZool.रक्त संस्था (also hemal system or blood system)
haemapoiesis haematopoiesis
haemapophysisZool. हीमल पट्टिका (स्त्री.)
haematinChem. हीमॅटिन (न.), हेमॅटिन (न.) (also hematin)
haematin crystalChem. हिमॅटिन स्फटिक (also hematin crystal)
haemato-(in comb.- as haem-) रक्त-, रुधिर- (also haemat or hemat- or hemato-)
haematochromeBot., Zool. (as a red colouring matter) रक्तवर्णक (पु.)
haematocritZool.(an instrument for determining the relative amount of plasma and corpuscles in blood, usu. by means of centrifugation) रक्तपेशीमापी (पु.) (also hematocrit)
haematogenesis haemopoiesis
haematogenousZool. रक्तजन, रुधिरजन
haematoidinZool्ईमॅटॉइडिन (न.) (also hematoidin; bilirubin)
haematologic१ रुधिरशास्त्रविषयक २ रुधिरविषयक, रुधिर- (also haematological)
haematological testरुधिरशास्त्रीय चाचणी
haematologyZool. (a branch of biology that deals with the blood and blood forming organs) रुधिरशास्त्र (न.) (also hematology)
HaematopodidaeZool. हीमॅटोपोडिडी (स्त्री.)
haematopoiesisZool.(as the formation of blood or of blood cells within the living body) रक्तनिर्माण (न.), रक्तौत्पत्ति (स्त्री.), रक्तजनन (न.) (also haemapoiesis or hemapoiesis or hematopoiesis)
haematopoietic haemopoietic
haemerythrinZool.(an iron containing respiratory pigment in the blood of various invertebrates) हीमेरीथिन (न.) (also hemerythrin)
haeminBiol., Chem. हीमिन (न.) (also hemin)
haemo-(in comb. - blood) रक्त-, रुधिर- (also hemo-)
haemochorialZool. (of a placenta) रक्तजरायु- (also hemochorial)
haemochorial placentaZool. रक्तजरायु अपरा
haemochromatosisMed. रक्तवर्णकता (स्त्री.) (also hemochromatosis)
haemochromogenBiol., Chem. रक्तवर्णकजन (पु.)
haemocoelZool. (as primary body cavity) रक्तगुहा (स्त्री.) haemocoele (also haemocele)
haemocoelomZool. रक्तगुहा (स्त्री.) (also hemocoelom)
haemocoelomicZool. रक्तगुहा-
haemocoelousZool. रक्तगुहा-
haemocoelous viviparityZool. रक्तगुहा जरायुजता
haemoconiaZool.(blood dust) रक्त धूलिका (स्त्री.) (also hemoconia or haemokonia or hemokonia)
haemocyaninZool.(as a blue respiratory pigment containing copper) हीमोसायनिन (न.) (also hemocyanin)
haemocyteZool. रक्तपेशी (स्त्री.) (also hemocyte or haematocyte)
haemocytoblastZool. आद्यरक्तपेशी (स्त्री.)
haemocytoblasticZool. आद्यरक्तपेशी-
haemocytolysis haemolysis
haemocytometerZool. रक्तपेशीमापी (पु.) (also haemacytometer)
haemodynamicsZool. (as a branch of physiology that deals with circulatory movements and the forces involved in circulation of the blood) रुधिरगतिशास्त्र (न.) (also hemodynamics)
haemoendothelialZool.(of a placenta) रक्तांतःकला- (also hemoendothelial)
haemoendothelial placentaZool. रक्तांतःकला अपरा
haemoglobinZool.(as an iron containing protein pigment occurring in red blood cells) हीमोग्लोबिन (न.) (also hemoglobin)
haemoglobin moleculeZool. हीमोग्लोबिन रेणु
haemoglobinousZool. हीमोग्लोबिनी
haemolymphZool.(pl. haemolyses or hemolyses also haemocytolyses) (as dissolution or breaking down of red blood cells) लोहित पेशी विघटन (न.), लोहित पेशी विलयन (न.) (also hemolysis or haemocytolysis or hemocytolysis)
haemophiliaMed.(as a tendency to uncontrollable bleeding - a sex linked hereditary blood defect of males) अधिरक्तस्त्राव (पु.), हीमोफिलिआ (पु.)
haemophilicZool. १ (of like or affected with haemophilia) अधिरक्तस्त्रावी २ (blood loving - esp. used of an organism that grows best in medium containing blood) रक्तरागी
haemopoiesisZool.रक्तजनन (न.) (रक्तनिर्माण, रक्तोत्पत्ति) (also haematogenesis; hemopoiesis) (also called haemapoiesis or haematopoiesis)
haemopoieticरक्तजनक, रुधिरजनक, रक्तोत्पादी (also hemopoietic or haematopoietic)
haemopoietic tissueZool. रक्तजनक ऊति, रक्तोत्पादी ऊति
haemorrhageMed.(as escape of blood from ruptured blood vessels) रक्तस्त्राव (पु.) (also hemorrhage)
haemorrhagic diathesisZool. रक्तस्त्रावी प्रवृत्ति
haemorrhoidMed. (usu. in pl.- as hemorrhoids) अर्श (पु.), मूळव्याध (स्त्री.) (also hemorrhoid) (also called piles)
haemorrhoidalZool. १ (of or pertaining to or involving haemorrhoids) अर्श- २ (as rectal) मलाशय-, गुद-
haemorrhoidal(as a haemorrhoidal part) अर्श (धमनी, शीर वगैरे)
haemorrhoidal plexusZool. अर्श जालिका
haemostasisMed.रक्तरोध (पु.) (also hemostasis)
haemostatMed.रक्तरोधी (पु.) (also hemostat)
haemostaticMed.(an agent that checks bleeding) रक्तस्त्रावरोधी (पु.) (also hemostatic)
haemothoraxMed. वक्षरक्त (न.) (also hemothorax)
haerangiumBot.(a funnel like extension formed by filaments from the edge of an ostiole) शंकुवृद्धि (स्त्री.)
hairBot.१ रोम (पु.), केस (पु.) २ (as trichome) प्ररोम (पु.) Zool. ३ केस (पु.), लोम (पु.), रोम (पु.)
hair cellZool. रोम पेशी (स्त्री.)
hair cuticleZool. रोम उपचर्म
hair follicleZool. रोम पुटक (न.)
hair germZool. रोम मूल (न.)
hair glandBot. रोम ग्रंथि (स्त्री.)
hair papillaZool. रोम अंकुरक (पु.)
hair pitZool. रोमगर्त (पु.) (also called cryptostoma)
hair rootZool. केशमूल (न.)
hair sense organZool. केश संवेद इंद्रिय
hair shaftZool. केशदंड (पु.)
hair tractZool. रोमपथ (पु.)
hairinessरोमिलता (स्त्री.), केसाळपणा (पु.)
hairlessरोमहीन, केस नसलेला
hairyBot., Zool. केसाळ, रोमिल
half borderedअर्धपरिवेशित
half inferiorBot.(borne below the androecium in a concave receptacle but free from the axis- used of an ovary as in perigynous flowers) अर्धनिम्न
half lifeChem., Phys. अर्धायुकाल (पु.)
half mutantZool. अर्ध उत्परिवर्ती
half mutantअर्ध-उत्परिवर्त (न.)
half raceBot.(as a race of plants in which only a few of the seedlings show the characters of the race) अर्धवंश (पु.)
half saturationZool. अर्धसंतृप्ति (स्त्री.), अर्धसंपृक्ति (स्त्री.)
half-sibBot., Zool.(as in a sense of half brother) सावत्र सहोदर (पु.) half sibling
hali-(in comb.) १ (as salt) लवण- २ (a sea) समुद्र-
haliplanktonEcol. समुद्रप्लवक (पु.)
halloysiteMin.(as a clay mineral) हॅलॉयसाइट (न.)
halloysitic acidBot., Chem. हॅलॉयसिटी आम्ल
hallucalZool.(relating to great toe or hallux) पदांगुष्ठ-
halobiontEcol.(the organism as a plant that flourishes in the saline habitat) लवणजलजीव (पु.)
halobionticEcol.(strictly confimed to salt water) लवणजलजीवी
halogenic soilBot., Zool. लवणज मृदा
halolimnicZool. (originally marine but secondarily adapted to fresh water) समुद्रसरोवरी
halonateBot.(of a leaf spot fungus or of a spore- having concentric rings) संकेंद्री
halonateBot.(of a leaf spot fungus or of a spore- having concentric rings) संकेंद्री
halophileEcol.(a halophilic organism) लवणजलरागी (पु.)
halophile(as halophilic) लवणजलरागी
halophilicEcol. लवणजलरागी (also halophil or halophile or halophilous)
halophobeBot.(as a plant which will not grow in a soil containing any appreciable amount of salt) लवणविरोधी (पु.)
halophyteBot.(as plant that grows naturally in the soils having the high content of various salts) लवणोद्भिद (पु.) (लवणमृदोद्भिद)
halophyticBot. लवणोद्भिद-
halophytic vegetationBot. लवणोद्भिद वनस्पति
halterZool.(pl. halteres) (as one of the modified second pair of wings in Diptera) संतोलक (पु.) haltere (also balancer or poiser)
hamate१ Bot.(also hamular of hamulose) (hooked) अंकुशाग्री २ Zool. अंकुश- hamated
Hamelia patensBot. हामेलिआ पार्टेस (हमेलिआ)
hamper१ खुंटवणे २ अडथळा आणणे
hamulusZool.(any small hook like structure; as a hooked end of a barbicel) अंकुशक (पु.) (pl. hamuli)
handहात (पु.), हस्त (पु.), कर (पु.) (also manus)
handle cellBot.(as one of a group of cells supporting the outer cover of globule of the Charales) मूठ पेशी (also called manubrium)
hanna soilBot. हॅन्ना मृदा
Hanstron organहॅन्स्ट्रॉन पिंड (also called X organ)
hapanthousBot.(flowering once and then dying) सकृतपुष्पी hapaxanthic
haphazard१ असावचित्त २ (determined by chance) यादृच्छिक
hapio-polyploidअर्धबहुगुणित (पु.)
hapiobionticBot. एकविधजीवी
hapl-(in comb.) Bot, Zool. १(as a single) एक- २ (as haploid- of or relating to the haploid generation or condition) एकगुणित- haplo-
haplo-polyploidCyt.अर्धबहुगुणित- (also polyhaploid)
haplo-polyploidअर्धबहुगुणित (पु.)
haplo-polyploidCyt.अर्धबहुगुणित- (also polyhaploid)
haplobiontBot.(as a plant which has only one kind of individual in its life cycle) एकविधजीवी (पु.), (एकविधजीवी पादप इ.) diplobiont द्विविधजीवी diplont द्विगुणित haplont प्रागुणित
haplocaulescentBot.(having a single axis - used of a plant capable of developing reproductive organs on the primary axis) एकशाखस्तंभी diplocaulescent द्विशाखस्तंभी triplocaulescent त्रिशाखस्तंभी
haplochelic stomataBot. भिन्नज प्ररंध
haplochlamydeousBot. एकपरिदलपुंजी
haplochlamydeous chimaeraBot.(as a periclinal chimaera in which one component is present as a single cell layer forming epidermis) एकपरिवेष्टित विचित्रोतकी (also monochlamydeous chimaera)
haplodioecious heterothallic
haplodiploidBot. अगुणित द्विगुणित-
haplodiploidअगुणित द्विगुणित (पु.)
haplodiploidyBot.(a sex differentiation in which haploid males are produced from unfertilised eggs and diploid females from fertilised eggs) अगुणित द्विगुणितता (स्त्री.)
haplodiplontBot.एबीउद्भिद (पु.) (एकगुणित बीजाणु उद्भिद)
HaplodociZool. हॅप्लोडोकी (स्त्री.)
haplogonidiumBot. एकलगोनिडिअम (पु.) (also called haplogonium)
haplogoniumBot. एकलगोनिअम (पु.) (also called haplogonidium)
haploheteroecious heterothallic
haploidCyt. १ (having a single set of unpaired chromosomes) अगुणित २ (as monoploid) एकगुणित diploid द्विगुणित
haploid(a haploid individual) एकगुणित (व्यक्ति, इ.)
haploid apogamety haploid apogamy reduced apogamy
haploid diploidअ-द्विगुणित (अगुणित-द्विगुणित)
haploid numberCyt.(haploid chromosome number) १ अगुणित अंक २ अगुणित संख्या
haploid parthenogenesisZool. एकगुणित अनिषेकजनन
haploid-diploid twinsZool. अ-द्विगुणित यमज
haploidisationCyt. अगुणन (न.)
haploidyCyt.(the condition of being haploid) एकगुणितता (स्त्री.)
HaplomiZool. हॅप्लोमी (स्त्री.)
haplomonoecious homothallic
haplontBot.(an organism having somatic cells with the haploid chromosome number and only the zygote diploid) प्रागुणित (प्रागुणित पादप इ.) haplobiont
haplophaseBot.(as the haploid stage in the life cycle of plants) एकगुणितावस्था (स्त्री.) (also gamophase)
haplosisCyt.(pl. haploses) (as the halving in the number of the chromosomes at meiosis) अर्धन (न.) diplosis
haplosteleBot. बेलनरंभ (पु.)
haplostemonousBot.(having a single whorl of stamens) एकमंडल पुंकेसरी (also called isostemonous)
haplostromaticBot. एकपीठिक
haplosynoecious homothallic
haploxylicBot.(said of a leaf having one vascular strand) एकवाहीपट्टिक
haptereBot.(as rootlike branches of the holdfast of the brown algae) मूलाभशाखा (स्त्री.)
hapteronBot.(pl. haptera) (as holdfast of a discoid outgrowth or swelling of the stem by which a plant is fixed to its substratum) संलग्नक (पु.), दृढधर (पु.)
haptoglobinChem्ऍप्टोग्लोबिन (न.)
haptonastyBot.(as a movement induced by a touch) स्पर्शकुंचन (न.)
haptotacticBot. स्पर्श अनुचलित, स्पर्श अनुचलनी (also thingmotactic)
haptotropicBot. स्पर्श अनुवर्तनी
haptotropicallyस्पर्श अनुवर्तनदृष्ट्या
haptotropism१ Bot.(esp. of plants a tropism in response to contact) स्पर्श अनुवर्तन (न.) २ Zool.(also thigmotropism) स्पर्शानुवर्तन (न.)
hard१ (as opposed to soft) कठीण २ (strong, unyielding) कठोर, दृढ ३ कडक, टणक ४ (in case of water) दुष्फेन
hard bastBot.(as sclerenchyma present in phloem) कठीण अधोवाही
hard boneZool. कठीण अस्थि
hard palateZool. कठीण तालु
harden१ कठीण करणे, कठीण होणे २ दृढ करणे, दृढ होणे
hardened१ कठिणीभूत २ दृढीभूत, कठोरीभूत
hardening१ कठीण करणे (न.) २ दृढन करणे (न.), दृढन होणे (न.), दृढन (न.)
hardness१ काठिण्य (न.), कठीणपणा (पु.), कठीणता (स्त्री.) २ दृढता (स्त्री.), कठोरता (स्त्री.), दुष्फेनता (स्त्री.)
hardpanBot., Geol., Zool.(an impenetrable layer formed in B horizon of a soil) कठीण स्तर (पु.) (दृढ अधःस्तर)
Hardwickia binataहार्डविकिआ बायनेटा (अंजन)
hardwoodBot. दृढकाष्ठ (न.)
Hardy Weinberg formulaZool. Zool. हार्डी वाइनबर्ग सूत्र
Hardy Weinberg lawZool. हार्डी वाइनबर्ग सिद्धांत
Hardy Weinberg theoremZool. हार्डी वाइनबर्ग प्रमेय
Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumZool. हार्डी वाइनबर्ग समतोल
harm१ हानी पोचवणे, हानी करणे २ इजा करणे
harm१ हानि (स्त्री.) २ इजा (स्त्री.)
harmonic growthZool. सुसंवादी वृद्धि (also isogonic growth)
harpagonesZool.(usu. used in pl.- as an element of the male copulatory apparatus of many insects) ग्राभके (न.अ.व.)
HarrimanidaeZool. हॅरिमॅनिडी (स्त्री.)
Hartig netBot. हार्टिग जाल
Hassal's corpuscleZool. हॅझल कणिका (also corpuscle of Hassal)
hastateBot.(of leaves - triangular with sharp basal lobes spreading away from the petiole) भालाकार, भालाकृति-, कुंताकृति- pedate दीर्णपाली- runcinate वीणाकृति- sagittate बाणाकृति-
hatchZool.१ (to cause to incubate) (अंडी) उबवणे २ अंड्यातून बाहेर येणे
hatch slack pathwayZool. हॅच स्लॅक पथ
hatcheryउबवणी केंद्र (न.)
hatchingZool.१ (the act of producing young from an egg by incubation) (अंडी) उबवण (न.) २ (as eclosion) उत्कवचन (न.)
hatching membraneZool. उत्पत्तिपटल (न.)
Hatschek's grooveZool. हॅचेक खाच
Hatschek's nephridiumZool. हॅचेक वृक्कक
Hatschek's pitZool. हॅचेक गर्त
haulmBot.(a stem of grass) तृणस्तंभ (पु.)
haustellateZool.(having a haustellum) चूषशुण्डी
haustellumZool.(pl. haustella)(a proboscis adapted to suck blood or juices of plants) चूषशुण्डा (स्त्री.)
haustorial१ Bot.(of or relating to haustorium) शोषकांगी, शोषकांग- २ Zool. (as haustellate) चूषशुण्डी
haustorial cellBot. शोषकांग पेशी
haustorial layerBot. शोषकांगी स्तर
haustoriumBot.(pl. haustoria)(as an organ for the absorption of the nutriment) शोषकांग (न.)
Haversian canalZool.(after Clopton Havers, Eng. physician and anatomist- any of the small canals through which blood vessels ramify in bones) हॅवर्सी नलिका
Haversian fringeZool. हॅवर्सी किनार
Haversian lamellaZool. हॅवर्सी पदरिका
Haversian spaceZool. हॅवर्सी पैस
Haversian systemZool.(as a Haversian canal with the concentrically arranged laminae of bone that surrounds it) हॅवर्सी संस्था
headBot.१ (capitulum) शीर्ष (न.), मुंडक (न.) २ Zool. शीर्ष (न.), डोके (न.)
head capZool. शीर्षावरण (न.)
head cavityZool. शीर्ष गुहिका
head processZool. शीर्ष प्रवर्ध
heal१ बरा करणे, बरा होणे २ रोगमुक्त करणे ३ (जखम वगैरे) भरुन येणे
health१ आरोग्य (न.) २ प्रकृति (स्त्री.), स्वास्थ्य (न.)
hearing१ (the act of apprehending sound) श्रवण (न.) २ (the power of apprehending sound) श्रवणशक्ति (स्त्री.)
heartZool. हृदय (न.), हृद् (न.)
heart accelerationZool. हृद्स्पंदन त्वरण
heart diseaseZool्ऋद्रोग (पु.)
heart failureZool. हृद् पात, हृदय विराम, हृदय बंद पडणे
heart inhibitionZool. हृद्स्पंदन संदमन
heart rateZool. (as a measure of cardiac activity usu. exprssed as a number of beats per minute) हृद्स्पंदन वेग
heart regulationZool. हृद्स्पंदन नियमन
heartbeatZool. हृद्स्पंद (पु.)
heartbeatingZool. हृद्स्पंदन (न.)
heartwoodBot.(as, the dense and oft. dark-coloured wood that lies in the inner part of a trunk or branch) अंतःकाष्ठ (न.) (also duramen)
heatऊष्णता (स्त्री.), ऊष्मा (पु.)
heat stressZool. ऊष्मा प्रतिबल
heat treatmentउष्णोपचार (पु.)
heat waveऊष्मालाट (स्त्री.)
heatingऊष्मन (न.), तपन (न.), तापवणे (न.), ऊष्णता देणे (न.)
heavy waterChem. जड जल, जड पाणी
hebetateBot.(bearing a blunt or soft point) कुंठाग्री
hectocotyliferousZool. निषेचनांगयुक्त
hectocotylisationZool. (impregnation with hectocotylus) निषेचनांगन (न.)
hectocotyliseनिषेचनांगन करणे
hectocotylisedZool. निषेचनांगित निषेचनांग-
hectocotylised armZool. निषेचनांग बाहु
hectocotylusZool.(pl. hectocotyli) (in some male Cephalopoda, one of the tentacles modified for the purpose of transferring sperm to the female) निषेचनांग (न.)
hectocotylyZool.(the quality or state of having or being converted into a hectocotylus) निषेचनांगता (स्त्री.)
HegetotheriaZool. हेगेटोथेरिआ (पु.)
Heidelberg jawZool.(a jaw of the kind or style prevalent in Heidelberg - a city in Germany) हायडेलबर्ग जंभ
heightउंची (स्त्री.), उन्मिति (स्त्री.) altitude उंची, उच्चता elevation उन्नति
heightenउंचावणे, उंच होणे
HelaletidaeZool. हेलॅलिटिडी (स्त्री.)
Helecteris isoraBot. हेलिक्टेरिस इझोरा (मुरडशेंग)
Helianthus annuusBot. हेलिऍन्थस ऍनस (सूर्यफूल)
helic-(in comb.)(helix, spiral) सर्पिल, हेलिक्सरुप, हेलिक्स- (also helico-)
helical(of, relating to or having the form of a helix; cylindrically spiral) हेलिक्सरुप, हेलिक्स-, सर्पिल, कुंतल, हळक्ष-
helical configurationZool. हळक्ष संरुपण, हेलिक्स संरुपण
helicineBot., Zool.(relating to helix or spiral) सर्पिल, हेलिक्सरुप
helicoidBiol.१ (having the form of helicoid; coiled like a flat spring) हेलिकॉइडी Bot.२ (where successive daughter axes develop on the same side, in a uniparous cymose branching) एकतोविकासी Zool. ३ (specif. of a gastropod shell) हेलिकॉइडी helicoidal
helicoid cymeZool.(as a surface resembling a screw thread) हेलिकॉइड (पु.)
helicoid cymeBot. एकतोविकासी ससीमाक्ष
helicoid dichotomyBot. एकतोविकासी द्विभाजन
helicosporeMycol.(a rolled up or cork screwlike cylindrical spore) कुंतल बीजाणु (पु.)
helicotremaZool.(as an opening at the apex of the cochlea) हेलिकोट्रेमा (पु.), सर्पिल रंध (न.)
helio-(in comb.) १ सौर- २ (sunlight) आतप- (also heli)
heliophyteBot.आतपोद्भिद (पु.)
HeliornithesZool. हेलिऑर्निथीस (न.)
heliosciophyteBot.(a plant which can live in shade, but does better in the sun) छायाआतपोद्भिद (पु.)
heliotacticBiol.सूर्य अनुचलनी
heliotaxisBiol.(photataxis in which the sunlight is stimulus) सूर्य अनुचलन (न.), सूर्य अनुवर्तन (न.) (also heliotropism)
heliotropicसूर्य अनुवर्ती
helixMath., Phys.(pl. helices)(as a curve traced on a cylindrical or conical surface in such a way that all elements of the surface are cut at a constant angle) सर्पिल (न.), कुंतल (न.), हळक्ष (न.), हेलिक्स (न.)
helix spineZool. कुंतल कंटक
helminth(worm) कृमि (पु.)
helminthicकृमिउद्भूत, कृमि-
helminthologicalकृमिशास्त्रविषयक, हेल्मिंथशास्त्रविषयक
helminthologistकृमिशास्त्रज्ञ (सा.)
helminthology(a branch o zoology that is concerned with helminths; esp. a study of parasitic worms) कृमिशास्त्र (न.) हेल्मिंथशास्त्र (न.)
helodriumBot. झाडी (स्त्री.)
helophyteBot.(a bog plant, esp. a perennial marsh plant) दलदलोद्भिद (पु.)
helotismBot.(a symbiotic relation of plants or animals in which one functions as the slave of another) प्रसहजीवन (न.)
helpसाहाय्य (न.), साह्य (न.), मदत (स्त्री.)
hemal system haemal system
hemapoiesis haematopoiesis
hematin crystal haematin crystal
hematopoiesis haematopoiesis
hemeBot., Zool.(as a deep red iron containing pigment) हेम (न.) (also hem or haem) (also called protoheme)
hemelytronZool.(pl. hemelytra) (as one of the basally thickened anterior wings of various insects) अर्धपक्षवर्त्म (न.)
hemiangiocarpicBot.(descriptive of a fruitbody of a fungus) अर्धावृतफलिक hemiangiocarpous
hemiangiospermBot. अर्धावृतबीज (न.), हेमिँजिओस्पर्म (पु.)
hemiangiospermyBot. अर्धावृतबीजावस्था (स्त्री.), अर्धावृतबीजता (स्त्री.)
hemiascusBot.(as a typical multispored ascus) अर्धऍस्कस (न.)
hemiautophyteBot. अर्धस्वयंउद्भिद (पु.)
hemiazygosZool. अर्धायुग्म-
hemibranchZool.(a single row of gill lamellae borne on each face of a gill arch) अर्धक्लोम (पु.) (क्लोम कल्ला) (also demibranch)
hemicelluloseChem. हेमिसेल्युलोज (न.)
hemicentrumZool. अर्धकाय (पु.), (अर्धकशेरु काय)
hemicephalicZool.(having a poorly differentiated but distinct head - said of dipterous larvae) अर्धमस्तिष्क- hemicephalous
hemicephalous insectZool. अर्धमस्तिष्क कीटक
hemicerebrumZool.(syn. of Adelochorda) हेमिकॉर्डा (पु.)
HemichordataZool.(syn. of Adelochordata) हेमिकॉर्डेटा (पु.)
hemicryptophyteBot.(a plant which develops its buds just above or below the surface) अर्धगूढोद्भिद (पु.) (अर्ध गूढ कलिकोद्भिद)
hemicyclicBot.(having floral leaves partly in whorls and partly in spirals) अर्धचक्रिक (as in hemicyclic flower अर्धचक्रिक पुष्प)
Hemidesmus indicusBot. हेमिडेस्मस इंडिकस (अनंतमूळ)
hemiembryoZool. अर्धभ्रूण (पु.)
hemiformBot.(as a form of life cycle in Uredinales) मितचक्र (न.) (मितजीवन चक्र)
hemigastrulaZool. आद्यार्धभ्रूण (पु.)
hemikaryonCyt.(as a cell nucleus containing the haploid number of chromosomes - as opposed to amphikaryon) अर्धगुणित केंद्रक (न.)
hemikaryoticCyt. अर्धगुणित केंद्रकी
HemimetabolaZool.(insects characterised by hemimetabolism) हेमिमेटॅबोला (पु.)
hemimetabolicZool.(of or relating to hemimetabolism or Hemimetabola) हेमिमेटॅबोली (also hemimetabolous)
hemimetabolismZool. हेमिमेटॅबोलिता (स्त्री.)
hemimetabolous hemimetabolic
hemiparasiteBot. अर्धपरजीवी (पु.) (अर्धपरोपजीवी)
hemiparasiticBot. अर्धपरजीवी
hemipneusticZool. अपूर्णश्वासरंधी
hemipneustic respirationZool.अपूर्ण रंधी श्वसन (अपूर्ण श्वासरंधी श्वसन)
HemiprocnidaeZool. हेमिप्रॉक्निडी (स्त्री.)
HEmiramphidaeZool. हेमिरँफिडी (स्त्री.)
hemisaprophyteBot. अर्धमृतोपजीवी (पु.)
hemisaprophyticBot. अर्धमृतोपजीवी
hemisphereगोलार्ध (पु.), अर्धगोल (पु.)
hemisporeBot.(used esp. of the fungi attacking the skin) चर्मबीजाणु (पु.)
hemitropicBot., Zool. अर्धवर्ती
hemitropousBot. १ (as hemitropic) अर्धवर्ती २ (as amphitropous) ऊभयवर्ती atropous
hemixisZool. अर्धमिश्रण (न.) (also hemimixis)
hemizygousBot., Zool.(having or characterised by unpaired genes or a haploid organism or genetation) अर्धयुग्मनजी (as in a hemizygous sex chromosome) अर्धयुग्मनजी लिंग गुणसूत्र
hemochromatosis haemochromatosis
hemodynamics haemodynamics
hemoendothelial haemoendothelial
hemosiderinChem.(as a yellowish brown granular pigment) हेमोसिडेरिन (न.)
hempBot.(Cannabis Sativa) भांग (स्त्री.)
HenricoborniidaeZool. हेन्रिकॉस्बॉर्निडी (स्त्री.)
Henry's lawChem. हेन्रिचा नियम
Hensen's cellZool. (after Victor Hensen, Ger. physiologist) हेन्सेन पेशी
Hensen's lineHistol.(after Victor Hensen, Ger. Physiologist- as in striated muscle, an indefinite clear line running transversely across the dark area of each fibre) हेन्सेन रेखा (also called H band)
Hensen's nodeZool. हेन्सेन गाठ (आद्य गाठ) (also called primitive node or primitive knot)
heparinChem., Zool. हेपॅरिन (न.)
hepat-(in comb.- liver) यकृत- (also hepato-)
hepaticZool.(of or relating to liver) यकृत-
hepatic caecumZool. यकृत अंधनाल
hepatic diverticulumZool. यकृत अंधवर्ध
hepatic ductZool. यकृत वाहिनी
hepatic lobuleZool. यकृत पालिका
hepatic plateZool. यकृत पट्टिका
hepatic portalZool. यकृत प्रतिहारी
hepatic portal circulationZool. यकृत प्रतिहारी अभिसरण
hepatic portal systemZool. यकृत प्रतिहारी संस्था
hepatic sinusZool. यकृत शिरानाल
hepatoduodenalZool. यकृत आद्यांत्र-
hepatogastricZool. यकृत-जठर-
hepatomaZool. (pl. hepatomata)(as a tumour of liver) यकृतकर्करोग (पु.)
hepatomatousZool. यकृतकर्की
hepatopancreasZool.(as a glandular structure that combines digestive function of the vertebrate liver and the pancreas) यकृत स्वादुपिंड (पु.)
hepatopancreaticZool. यकृत स्वादुपिंडीय, यकृत स्वादुपिंड-
hepatopancreatic ductZool. यकृत स्वादुपिंड वाहिनी
heptamerousBot. सप्तावयवी
heptandrousBot. (having seven stamens) सप्तपुंकेसरी
heptoseChem. हेप्टोज (न.)
herbBot.(as a flowering plant of small or rather small stature) शाक (स्त्री.) tree
herbageBot. १ शाक (स्त्री.) २ झाडपाला (पु.)
herbariumBot.(pl. herbaria) १ (as a collection of dried plant specimens) शुष्क वनस्पति संग्रह (पु.) २ शुष्क वनस्पति संग्रहालय (न.) botanical museum वनस्पति संग्रहालय, वनस्पति संग्रह
herbicolousBot.(living on herbs) शाकवासी
herbivoreZool.(pl. herbivores or herbivora)(a plant eating animal) शाकभक्षी (पु.), शाकाहारी (पु.)
herbivorityZool. शाकाहारिता (स्त्री.)
herbivorousZool. शाकभक्षी, शाकाहारी
hercogamousBot. (incapable of self fertilisation) अस्वपरागेय (also herkogamous)
hercogamyBot. अस्वपरागेयता (स्त्री.) (also herkogamy)
herdbookBot., Zool.(as an official record of the individuals and pedigrees of a recognised breed) कळपनोंद (स्त्री.)
hereditary factorBiol. आनुवंशिक घटक
hereditary faultBiol. आनुवंशिक दोष
hereditary modificationBot., Zool. आनुवंशिक परिवर्तन
heredityBiol. १ आनुवंशिकता (स्त्री.) २ (that factor in evolution which causes the persistence of characters in successive generations) वंशागति (स्त्री.)
heritabilityBiol.(the quality or state of being heritable) वंशक्षमता (स्त्री.)
hermaphrodite१ Bot.(as monoclinous) द्विलिंगी, उभयलिंगी २ Zool. (having both male and female reproductive organs) उभयलिंगी
hermaphrodite१ Bot. द्विलिंगी (पुष्प वगैरे), उभयलिंगी (पुष्प वगैरे) २ Zool. उभयलिंगी (जीव इ.)
hermaphrodite ductZool. (as in Gastropoda) उभयलिंगी वाहिनी
hermaphroditicallyउभयलिंगी नात्याने
hermaphroditismBiol. उभयलिंगता (स्त्री.), द्विलिंगता (स्त्री.)
herpetologistउभयसृपशास्त्रज्ञ (न.)
herpetologyZool.(science relating to reptiles) उभयसृपशास्त्र (न.)
hesperidiumBot.(pl. hesperidia) (a fruit like an orange) नारंगक (न.), हेस्पिरिडिअम (न.)
HesperonithidaeZool. हेस्पेरोर्निथिडी (स्त्री.)
HesperonithiformesZool. हेस्पेरोर्निथिफार्मिस (न.)
heter-(in comb.) विषम, असम (also hetero-)
heterandrousBot. (having stamens of different length or form) असमपुंकेसरी
heterandryBot. असमपुंकेसरता (स्त्री.)
heteroagglutinationPhysiol., Zool., विषमसमूहन (न.)
heteroagglutininविषमसमूहिका (स्त्री.)
heteroauxetic coefficient allometric coefficient
heteroauxinBiol., Chem. हेटरॉक्सिन (न.)
heterobasidiumBot.(a septate basidium) पटेबेसिडिअम (पु.) (also metabasidium)
heterobivalentZool. विषमद्वुयुजी
heteroblasticBiol. १ (having an indirect embryonic development opposed to homoblastic) विषमविकासी (विषम भ्रूण विकासी) २ विषमकोरकी
heterobrachialCyt.(said of a chrmosome bent into two parts of unequal length) विषमभुज
heterocarpousBot.(having more than one kind of fruit) विविधफली
heterocaryon heterokaryon
heterocaryosis heterokaryosis
heterocaryotic heterokaryotic
heterocellularBot. विषमपेशी-
heterocercalZool.(having the upper lobe larger that th lower - used of the tail fin of various fishes) विषमपालि- (विषम पुच्छ पालि-)
heterochelaZool. विषमनखर (पु.)
heterochelousZool. (of a crustacean) विषमनखरी
heterochlamydeousBot.(having a perianth whose calyx and corolla are differentiated)विषमपरिदली
heterochromatinBot., Zool. विषमक्रोमॅटिन (न.), हेटेरोक्रोमॅटिन (न.)
heterochromatin chromosomeविषमक्रोमॅटिन गुणसूत्र, हेटेरोक्रोमॅटिन गुणसूत्र
heterochromatisation१ विषमवर्णायन (न.) २ (as transformation of genetically active euchromatin or inactive heterochromatin) विषम क्रोमॅटिनयुक्त होणे (न.)
heterochromatised१ विषमवर्णायित २ विषम क्रोमॅटिनयुक्त झालेला
heterochromosomeCyt. लिंग गुणसूत्र (न.) (also heterosome or sexchromosome)
heterochronismZool.(departure from the normal time schedule in development) अकालजनन (न.) (also heterochrony)
heterochronogenous soilBot. दुय्यम मृदा
heterochronosticZool. अकालजननी, अकालजनन-
heterochrony heterochronism
heterocoelousZool. विषमगर्ती (as in heterocoelous birds विषमगर्ती पक्षी)
heterocyclic१ विषमचक्रीय २ Chem. विषमवलयी
heterocyclic compoundChem. विषमवलयी संयुग
heterocystBot.(an elarged thick walled cell in Myxophyceae) पुटीपेशी (स्त्री.)
heterodontZool.(of teeth- having different forms adapted for different functions - opposed to homodont) असमदंत-
heterodontZool. असमदंत (प्राणी वगैरे)
HeterodontoideaZool. हेटेरोडाँटायडिआ (पु.)
heterodynamicBiol.(of unequal potentiality) असमक्षम (as in heterodynamic centrosomes असमक्षम तारककाय)
heterodynamic hybridGen.(an hybrid which resembles in many of its characters either the male or female parent) एकाधिक लक्षणी संकर
heteroeciousBot. (said of parasitic fungus) भिन्नाश्रयी (also metoecious)
heteroecismBot., भिन्नाश्रयता (स्त्री.) (also heteroecy or heteroxeny)
heterofertilisationBot. विषमनिषेचन (न.)
heterogametangicBot. (having gametangia of more than one type) विविधयुग्मकधानीय
heterogameteBot., Zool. विषमयुग्मक (पु.)
heterogameticBot., Zool. विषमयुग्मकी
heterogametic sexBot., Zool. विषमयुग्मकी लिंग
heterogametyBiol. विषमयुग्मन (न.), विषमयुग्मकता (स्त्री.)
heterogamic१ Biol. (exhibiting or characterised by diversity in reproductive elements or processes) विषमयुग्मकी २ Bot.(having pistillate, staminate, hermaphrodite and neuter flowers in one inflorescence - opposed to homogamous) असमपुष्पी heterogamous (also oogamous)
heterogamyBiol. १ (condition of being heteroh-gamous- opposed to homogamy) विषमयुग्मकता (स्त्री.) २ विषमयुग्मन (न.) ३ Bot. असमपुष्पता (स्त्री.) anisogamy (also oogamy)
heterogeneityनैकविधता (स्त्री.), असमांगता (स्त्री.)
heterogeneous१ नैकविध, असमांग २ विषमजात, विषमजातीय-
heterogenic(containing more than one allele of a gene) नैकविधजीनी
heterogonic coefficient alometric coefficient
heterogonic growthZool. विसंवादी वृद्धि (also disharmonic growth)
heterogonyBot.(as opposed to homogony) विषमजनन (न.)
heteroicousBot.(said of Bryophyta which has more than one kind of arrangement of antheridia and archegonia on the same plant) भिन्नाश्रयी
heterokaryonBot.(a cell of a fungus that contains two or more genetically unlike nuclei) विषमकेंद्रक (पु.) (also heterocaryon)
heterokaryosisBot.(the condition of having cells that are heterokaryons) विषमकेंद्रकता (स्त्री.) (also heterocaryosis)
heterokaryoticBot. विषमकेंद्रकी (as in heterokaryotic division विषमकेंद्रकी विभाजन) (also heterocaryotic)
heterokaryotiseBot. भिन्नकेंद्रक मीलन (न.)
heterokinesisCyt.(as differential division of chromosomes) विषमविभाजन (न.)
heterokineticCyt. विषमविभाजनी
heterokontBot. विषमकशाभिक (न.), हेटेरोकाँन्ट (न.)
HeterokontaeBot. हेटेरोकाँन्टी (स्त्री.) (हेटेरोकाँन्टी वर्ग)
heterokontanBot. (said of a motile plant or spore bearing flagella not all of the same length) विषमकशाभिक
heteromerismZool. विषमकायता (स्त्री.)
heteromerousBot.(said of flower and lichen thallus) विषमावयवी
heteromeryBot. विषमावयवता (स्त्री.) anisomery
HeteromiZool. हेटेरोमी (स्त्री.)
heteromorphicविषमरुपी (also heteromorphous)
heteromorphic chromosomesZool. विषमरुपी गुणसूत्रे
heteromorphismविषमरुपता (स्त्री.)
heteromorphosisZool. विषमरुपजनन (न.)
heteromorphous heteromorphic
heterophillZool. सर्वरंगरागी (also heterophile or heterophilic)
heterophyllousBot.(having the foliage leaves of mokre than one form on the same plant) विषमपर्णी, विषमपर्ण- homophyllous isophyllous समपर्णी, समपर्ण- monophyllous एकपर्णी, एकपर्ण- (also anisophyllous)
heterophyllyविषमपर्णता (स्त्री.) (also anisophylly)
heteroploidCyt.(as possessing an additional chromosome i.e. above the characteristic number) विषमगुणित
heteroploidyCyt. विषमगुणितता (स्त्री.)
Heteropogon contortusBot्एटेरोपोगॉन कॉन्टॉर्टस (कुसळी गवत)
heteropolyploidZool. असमगुणित
heteropycnosisCyt.(as the tendency of sex chromosomes to undergo precocious condensation) विषमसंघनना (स्त्री.)
heteropycnoticZool. विषमसंघननी
heterosisBot., Zool.(pl. heteroses) संकरी जोम (पु.), संकरी ओज (न.) (also hybrid.vigour)
HeterosomataZool. हेटेरोसोमाटा (पु.)
heterosome heterochromosome
heterosporangyBot.(the formation of more than one kind of sporangium) विविधबोधता (स्त्री.) (विषम बीजाणुधानीता)
heterosporousBot.(characterised by heterospory) विषमबीजाणुक heterosporic
heterosporyBot.(the formation of more than one kind of spores - opposed to homospory) विषमबीजाणुता (स्त्री.)
HeterostraciZool. हेटेरोस्ट्रेसी (स्त्री.)
heterostyledBot. (having styles of one length in some flowers and of different length in others) भिन्नकुक्षिवृंती heterostylous
heterostylyBot.कुक्षिवृंतभिन्नता (स्त्री.), विषमवृंतत्त्व (न.) (विषम कुक्षिवृंतत्त्व)
heterosynapsisCyt.(pairing of two dissimilar chromosomes) विषमसूत्रयुग्मन (न.)
heterothallicBot.विषमजालिक (also haplodioecious or haploheteroecious)
heterothallismBot.(as the existence of physiological differences between the mycelia of many species of fungi) विषमजालिकता (स्त्री.)
heterotrichousZool. (having cilia or flagella of two or more different kinds) विषमरोमी
heterotrophBot., Zool.(a heterotrophic individual) अन्यपोषी (पु.), परपोषी (पु.) (also heterotrophe)
heterotrophicBot., Zool. (needing an organic source of food, unable to synthesise food from simple inorganic substances - opposed to autotrophic) अन्यपोषित, परपोषित
heterotrophic bacteriaZool. परपोषित जीवाणु
heterotrophismBot., Zool. अन्यपोषण (न.), परपोषण (न.)
heterotrophyBot., Zool. अन्यपोषण (न.), परपोषण (न.)
heterotropic chromosomeCyt.(sex chromosome) लिंग गुणसूत्र
heterotypicBiol. (differing from the normal condition) विषमप्ररुपी homotypic समप्ररुपी
heteroxylemBot. विषमकाष्ठ (न.)
heterozygosityGen. विषमयुग्मजता (स्त्री.), विषमयुग्मनजता (स्त्री.)
heterozygoteGen. विषमयुग्मज (न.), विषमयुग्मनज (न.)
heterozygousGen.(possessing both the dominant and recessive characters of an allelomorphic pair) विषमयुग्मजी, विषमयुग्मनजी
heterozygous genotypeGen. विषमयुग्मनजी जीनप्ररुप
heterozygous phenotypeGen. विषमयुग्मनजी दृश्यप्ररुप
hexad(a group of series of six) षटक (न.) monad (also hexade)
hexandrousBot.(having six stamens) षट् पुंकेसरी
hexaploidGen.(an individual having six sets of chromosomes) षट्गुणित (न.)
hexapodZool. (six footed) षट्पाद-
HexapodaZool. हेक्झॅपोडा (पु.) (कीटकवर्ग)
hexarchBot.(having six strands of protoxylem) षडादिकाष्ठ-
hexasomicBot.(an otherwise normal diploid, but having one chromosome represented six times) षट्सूत्रिक (न.)
hexokinaseBot., Chem. हेक्सोकायनेज (न.)
hexophosphate dehydrogenaseChem. हेक्सोफॉस्फेट डीहायड्रोजनेज (न.)
hexosanChem. हेक्सोसन (न.)
hexose monophosphate shuntChem.(pentose pathway) हेक्सोज मोनोफॉस्फेट शंट
hexose phosphateChem. हेक्सोज फॉस्फेट
hiascentBot. (becoming wide open) व्यात्त
hiatusZool.(a large gap or opening) द्वार (न.)
hibernal१ Bot. शीतनिष्क्रिय- २ Zool. शीतकालसमाधिस्थ-
hibernation१ Bot. शीतनिष्क्रियता (स्त्री.) २ Zool.(winter sleep; the condition of partial or complete torpor into which some animals relapse during the winter season) शीतकालसमाधि (स्त्री.)
Hibiscus rosa-sinensisBot. हेबिस्कस रोझासिनेन्सीस (जास्वंद)
hiemal(of or relating to winter; wintry) शीत-
hiemal aspectBot.(appearance and condition of the plants of a community in winter) शीतऋऋतुप्रभाव (पु.)
hierarchicalZool. (sequential) पदानुक्रमी (also hierarchic)
hierarchyZool. १ पदानुक्रम (पु.) २ श्रेणी (स्त्री.)
high energy bondPhys. उच्च दर्जा बंध
higher fungusBot. उच्च कवक
hillटेकडी (स्त्री.), गिरि (पु.)
Hill reactionChem.(after Robin Hill, British chemist) हिल अभिक्रिया
hill tractbot. डोंगराळ प्रदेश
hill washBot.(colluvium) शैलतलमृदा (स्त्री.)
hilum१ Bot.(the scar on a seed where it joins its stalk) नाभिका (स्त्री.) २ (zool.)(also hilus) (a small depression in the surface of an organ, which usually marks the point of entry or exit of bloodvessels, lymphatics or an efferent duct) नाभिका (स्त्री.)
hilum of kidneyZool. वृक्क नाभिका
hilum of liverZool. यकृत नाभिका
hilusZool. नाभिका (स्त्री.)
Himalayan patternZool. हिमालयी प्रकार
himantoidBot.(said of mycelium which spreads out in fan like cords) पंखाभ
hind(placed in the rear) पश्च
hind brain rhombencephalon
hind gutZool. पश्च आंत्र (न.)
hind limbZool. पश्च अवयव (पु.)
hingeZool. बिजागरी (स्त्री.)
hipZool. नितंब (पु.), श्रोणि (स्त्री.)
hip girdleZool. श्रोणि मेखला (also pelvic girdle) (also called os innominatum)
hippocampalZool. अश्वमीन-
hippocampal commissureZool. अश्वमीन संयोजी, हिप्पोकँपल संयोजी
hippocampal formationZool. अश्वमीन रचना, हिप्पोकँपल रचना
hippocampusZool. अश्वमीन (पु.) h. major महा अश्वमीन
hippocrepiform(shaped like a horseshoe) नालाकार
HippomorphaZool. हिप्पोमॉर्फा (पु.)
HippopotamidaeZool. हिप्पोपोटॅमिडी (स्त्री.)
Hiptage beenghalensisBot. हिप्टेज बेंगालेन्सिस (माधवलता)
hirsutebot.(well covered with long but not very stiff hairs) दीर्घलोमी, दीर्घरोमी
hirsutidinBot. हिर्सुटिडीन (न.)
hirtoseBot.(having hairs) लोमी, रोमी hirtous
HirudinidaeZool. हिरुडिनिडी (स्त्री.)
hispidBot.(well covered with stiff hairs or bristles) दृढलोमी, दृढरोमी
hispidulousBot. (minutely hispid) अल्पदृढलोमी
hist-(in comb.) (tissue) ऊति- histio- histo-
histidineChem.(also histidin) हिस्टीडीन (न.)
histiocyteZool. (a phagocytic tissue cell that may be fixed or freely motile, is derived from the reticuloendothelial system and rsembles the monocyte with which it is sometimes identified) भक्षकपेशी (स्त्री.) (also histocyte or clasmatocyte or rhagiocrine cell)
histiocytosisZool.(pl. histiocytoses) (abnormal multiplication of histiocytes; a condition characterised by such multiplication) भक्षकपेशीगुणन (न.)
histochemistryऊतिरसायनशास्त्र (न.)
histogen theoryBot. ऊतिजन सिद्धांत
histogenesisBot., Zool. ऊतिजनन (न.)
histogenousBot., Zool. ऊतिजनी
histogramBot., Zool.(a graphical representation of a frequency distribution by means of rectangle whose widths represent the class intervals and whose heights represent the corresponding frequencies) आयतचित्र (न.)
histoimmunologyBot., Zool. ऊतिप्रतिक्षमताशास्त्र (न.)
histologicalZool. ऊतिशास्त्रीय, ऊतिशास्त्र-
histology१ (as a science pertaining to tissues) औतिकी (स्त्री.), ऊतिशास्त्र (न.) २ (as an arrangement of tissues) ऊतिरचना (स्त्री.)
histolysisBot., Zool. ऊतिविघटन (न.)
histolyticBot., Zool. ऊतिविघटनी, ऊतिविघटन-
histoneChem. हिस्टोन (न.)
histozoicZool. (living in the tissues of a host) ऊतिवासी
hit१ ठोकणे २ प्रहार करणे ३ लागणे
hit१ ठोका (पु.) २ प्रहार (पु.) ३ टोला (पु.)
hoaryBot. (covered with a short greyish white down) श्वेतरोमी
holandric१ (inherited solely in the male line) पुंगुणसूत्री २ (transmitted by a gene or genes in the nonhomologus portion of the y-chromosome) y गुणसूत्री
holandric geneGen.(a gene located on Y-chromosome; Y linked gene० पुं-जीन, y गुणसूत्री जीन
holandric inheritanceZool. पुं-गुणसूत्री वंशागति
Holarctic regionGeol. होलार्क्टिक प्रदेश
holardBot.(the entire water content of soil) पूर्णमृदाजल (न.)
Holarrhena antidysentericaBot. होलॅऱ्हेना ऍन्टिडिसेंटेरिका (कुडा)
holdfastBot.(as hapteron; as something that secures, holds in place or supports) संलग्नक (पु.), दृढधर (पु.)
holismसाकल्यवाद (पु.), पूर्णतावाद (पु.)
holistic approachसाकल्यवादी दृष्टिकोन
Holmskioldia sanguineaBot. होल्मस्कीओल्डिआ सांग्वीनिआ (तवा)
holo-(in comb.)(complete, entire, total) पूर्ण (also hol-)
holobasidiumBot.(a basidium which is not septate) अपट बेसिडिअम (पु.) (also homobasidium)
holoblastic cleavageZool. पूर्णभंजी विदरण
holobranchZool. (a fish gill in which the branchial arch has two rows of lamellae or filaments) पूर्णक्लोम (पु.)
holocarpicBot.१ (having the whole thallus developed into a fruiting body or sporangium) पूर्णफलिक २ (said of a fungus, which is completely enclosed in the host cell) पूर्णावृत
HolocephaliZool. होलोसेफॅली (स्त्री.)
holocrineZool. पूर्णस्त्रावी पूर्णऱ्हासी
holocrine secretionZool. पूर्णऱ्हासी स्त्राव
hologameteBot., Zool. (a hologamous gamete) पूर्णयुग्मक (न.)
hologamyBot., Zool. पूर्णयुग्मन (न.)
HolometabolaZool. (a group comprising all insects that have complete metamorphosis) होलोमेटॅबोला (पु.)
holomicticBot., Zool.(of a lake undergoing a complete circulation that extends to the deepest parts during overturn) पूर्णपर्यासी (सरोवर)
holonephrosZool. (archinephros) आद्यवृक्क (पु.)
holophyteBot., Zool. पादपसमभोजी (पु.), वनस्पतिसमभक्षी (पु.)
holophyticBot., Zool. (able to manufacture food from the simplest beginnings by photosynthesis and neither parasitic nor saprophytic - opposed to holozoic) पादपसमभोजी, वनस्पतिसमभक्षी
holoplanktonZool.(plankton composed of organisms that pass their whole life floating, drifting or swimming weakly in the water) पूर्णप्लवक (पु.)
holopneusticZool. (having all the spiracles or tracheal stigmata open) सर्वश्वासरंधी
holopneustic respirationZool. सर्वरंधी श्वसन
Holoptelia integrifoliaBot. होलोप्टोलिआ इंटेग्रिफोलिआ (बावळा)
holoptic eyeZool. पूर्णनेत्र (पु.)
holosaprophyteBiol.(a totally saprophytic organism) पूर्णमृतोपजीवी (पु.)
holosereBot. पूर्णक्रमक (पु.)
HolosteiZool. होलोस्टी (स्त्री.)
holostylicZool. (having jaws connected directly with the cranium) पूर्णस्वयंनिलंबित
HolotrichaZool.(an order of ciliata) होलोट्रिका (पु.)
holotrichousZool. पूर्णरोमी
holotypeZool.(allotype) (the original type specimen, from which the description of a new species is established) मूलप्ररुप (न.)
holozoicBot., Zool.(obtaining food after the manner of most animals by ingesting complex organic matter - opposed to holophytic) प्राणिसमभोजी, प्राणिसमभक्षी (also called phagotropic)
HomalodotheriidaeZool. होमॅलोडॉथिरिडी (स्त्री.)
home rangeZool. (the area to which an animal confines his activities) आवासक्षेत्र (न.)
home-(in comb.)(like, similar) सम, स्थिर- homeo-
homeostasisBot., Zool. समस्थिति (स्त्री.), स्थिरावस्था (स्त्री.), अंतःस्थितिस्थिरता (स्त्री.)
homeostaticBot., Zool. समस्थितिक, स्थिरावस्थी, स्थिरावस्थात्मक
homeostatic mechanismBot., Zool. समस्थितिक यंत्रणा
homeostatic plateauZool. स्थिरावस्थी पठार
homeostatic regulationZool. स्थिरावस्थात्मक नियमन
homeothermZool.(an homeothermic organism) समतापी (पु.) (also homoiotherm)
homeothermicZool. समतापी (also homoiothermic or homothermous)
homeothermyZool.(the state of being homeothermic warm blooded condition or state) समतापन (न.) (also homoiothermy)
homeoticZool. स्थिर (also homoeotic)
homing instinctZool. स्वगृहागमन सहजप्रवृत्ति
HominidaeZool. होमिनिडी (स्त्री.)
HominoideaZool. होमिनॉयडिआ (पु.)
homo-(in comb.) १( one and the same; similar) एकविध २ सम (also hom-)
homobasidium holobasidium
homobiumBot.(a self supporting association of a fungus and an alga, as in lichens) शैक सहजीवन (न.) (शैवालकवक सहजीवन)
homoblasticBiol. १ (having a direct embryonic development - opposed to heteroblastic) समविकासी (समभ्रूण विकासी) २ समकोरकी
homocaryoticBot. समकेंद्रकी (also homokaryotic or homoplasmic)
homochlamydenousBot. (having a perianth whose inner and outer series are similar and not differentiated) समपरिदली
homocyclicBot. समवलयी (also called isocyclic)
homocyclic compoundChem. समवलयी संयुग
homodontZool.(said of teeth which all have the same characteristics- opposed to heterodont) समदंत-
homodontZool. समदंत (पु.) (प्राणी, इ.)
homodromousBot. (having the genetic spiral following the same direction in both stem and branches) एकमार्गी
homodynamic hybridGen. मध्यमलक्षणी संकर
homoeosisBot.(a type of variation in which a plant membner takes on the characteristics of an unlike member as when a petal changes into stamens) परांगायन (न.) (also homeosis)
homogameticZool. समयुग्मकी
homogametic sexZool. समयुग्मकी लिंग
homogamousBiol.१ (also homogamic) (characterised by or relating to homogamy) समयुग्मकी Bot. २ (having all being either hermaphrodite, staminate or pistillate etc.) समपुष्पी ३ (having the anothers and stigmas ripe at the same time) समकालपाकी
homogamyBiol. १ (opposed to heterogamy) समयुग्मकता (स्त्री.) २ समयुग्मन (न.) Bot. ३ समपुष्पता (स्त्री.)
homogenateBiol.(a substance that has been homogenised) समांगीकृत पदार्थ (पु.)
homogeneityBiol. १ एकविधता (स्त्री.) २ समांगता (स्त्री.)
homogeneousBiol. १ एकविध २ समजातीय, समांग
homogenicBiol. १ (homogeneous) समजातीय, समांग २ (having only one allele of a gene or genes used of a gamete or of a population) समजीनी
homogenisationBiol. समांगन (न.), समांगीकरण (न.)
homogeniseBiol. समांगन करणे, समांगीकरण करणे
homogeniser(a machine) समांगित्र (न.)
homogenousBiol. १ एकविध २ समजातीय, समांग
homogonyBot.(a condition of having one kind of flowers with the androecium and gynoecium of uniform relative length - opposed to heterogony) समजनन (न.)
homoimerousBot.(said of a lichenthallus in which the algal and fungal components are mixed, not arranged in layers) शैकमिश्रित (शैवाल कवक मिश्रित)
homoiosmosisZool. समपरासरण (न.)
homoiosmoticZool. समपरासरणी
homoiosmotic behaviourZool. समपरासरणी वर्तन
homoiothermic homeothermic
homokaryotic homocaryotic
homologousBot., Zool.१ (with ref. to alternation of genertions) समजात, समजातीय २ समरचनात्मक
homologous chromosomesCyt.१ समजात गुणसूत्रे २ समरचनात्मक गुणसूत्रे
homologous organsBiol.समरचनात्मक इंद्रिये
homologous reverse synapsisZool. समजात व्यस्त सूत्रयुग्मन
homologous theoryBot. समजात वाद (समजात पिढी एकांतरण वाद)
homologous variationBot.(the occurence of similar variations in related species) समजातीय विभेदन
homologueBot., Zool. समजाति (स्त्री.)
homologyBot., Zool. १ समजातता (स्त्री.), समजातीयता (स्त्री.) २ समरचनात्मक (स्त्री.)
homolytic reactionसमलयनी अभिक्रिया
homomorphicCyt.(said of chromosome pairs which have the same form and size) समरुपी
homomorphosisZool.(the regeneration of a part in the same form as the original part) समरुपजनन (न.)
homonomyZool. समनियमता (स्त्री.)
homonymBot., Zool.(the same specific name for the same plant animal when it is placed in another genus a name which has been used earlier in a different sense and so should not be used again) समनाम (न.)
homophyllousBot.(having foliage leaves all of the same kind) समपर्णी, समपर्ण- heterophyllous (also isophyllous)
homophyllyBot. समपर्णता (स्त्री.)
homophyllyBot. समपर्णता (स्त्री.)
homophyticBot. (having the diploid thallus bisexual) द्विलिंगी द्विगुणित
homoplasticBot., Zool. समतोविकासी
homoplastyBot., Zool.(correspondence between parts or organs acquired as the result of parallel evolution or convergence) समतोविकास (पु.)
homopolymerZool.(a polymer containing only units of one single monometer) समबहुवारिक (पु.)
homosporangicBot. (having only one kind of sporangium) समबोध (समबीजाणुधानीयुक्त)
homosporangyसमबोधता (स्त्री.) (समबीजाणुधानीता)
homosporousBot.(having spores all of the same kind) समबीजाणुक
homosporyBot.(the production by various plants of asexual spores of only one kind- opposed to heterospory) समबीजाणुता (स्त्री.)
HomostiidaeZool. होमोस्टिडी (स्त्री.)
homostyledBot. (having styles all of the same length) समकुक्षिवृंती
homostylyBot. कुक्षिवृंतसमता (स्त्री.), समकुक्षिवृंतत्त्व (न.)
homosynapsisCyt.(the pairing of two similar chomosomes) समसूत्रयुग्मन (न.)
homothallicBot. समजालिक (also haplomonoecious or haplosynoecious)
homothallismBot. समजालिकता (स्त्री.)
homothermous homeothermic
homotropousBot.(curved or turned in one direction) एकानुवर्ती atropous
homotypeBot., Zool. समप्ररुप (न.)
homotypicBot., Zool.(conforming to the normal condition) समप्ररुपी heterotypic
homotypic diviisonCyt. समप्ररुपी विभाजन (also called equatorial division)
homoxylemBot. समकाष्ठ (न.)
homoxylous woodBot. समकाष्ठ (न.)
homozygosisGen. समयुग्मनजता (स्त्री.)
homozygoteGen. समयुग्मनज (न.)
homozygotyसमयुग्मनजता (स्त्री.)
homozygousGen. समयुग्मनजी
homozygous genotypeGen. समयुग्मनजी जीनप्ररुप
homozygous phenotypeसमयुग्मनजी दृश्यप्ररुप
honey guideBot. (lines, dots etc. on perianth lobes showing insects the way to honey) मधुसूचक (पु.) (बिंदु इ.)
honey stomachZool. मधुसंचयी (पु.)
honeycomb१ Bot. मधुकोष (पु.) २ Zool.(reticulum) जालिका (स्त्री.)
hood of clitorisZool. शिश्निका छत्र
hook climberअंकुशलता (स्त्री.)
hordenineChem. होर्डेनिन (न.)
horizon१ क्षितिज (न.) २ Geol. (a stratum of the soil) संस्तर (पु.) A horizon, A संस्तर B horizon, B संस्तर C horizon, C संस्तर
horizontal cellZool. क्षैतिज पेशी
horizontal colonZool. क्षैतिज बृहदांत्र
horizontal planeZool. क्षैतिज प्रतल
hormesisBot.(the stimulus given to an organism by a non-toxic concentration of a normally toxic substance) प्रौद्दीपन (न.)
hormocystBot.(a short hormogonium enclosed in a thick stratified sheath) छन्नखंडपुटी (स्त्री.)
hormogonBot.(a portion of a filament between two heterocysts in many blue green algae that becomes detached as a reproductive body) छन्नखंड (पु.) (छन्नतंतु खंड) hormogone hormogonium
hormonalBiol. संप्रेरकी, संप्रेरक
hormonal controlBiol. संप्रेरकी नियंत्रण, हार्माएनी नियंत्रण
hormoneP)hysiol. संप्रेरक (पु.), हार्माएन (पु.)
hormosporeBot.(a terminally borne hormogonium in some blue green algae with cells modified in shape and having exceptionally thick walls) अग्रछन्नखंड (पु.)
hornZool. शिंग (न.), शृंग (न.)
horologicalBot. १ (said of a flower which opens and shuts at a definite time of day) समयबद्ध २ समयमापनशास्त्रीय
horologyसमयमापनशास्त्र (न.)
hortensisBot.(Latin of gardens) उद्यानी, बागायती
horticultureउद्यानविज्ञान (न.)
hostBiol.(an organism which, temporarily or permanently, supports another organism at its own expense) पोषिता (पु.)
host parasite relationshipBiol. पोषिता परजीवी संबंध
host parasite systemBiol. पोषिता परजीवी संस्था
host specificityBot., Zool. पोषिता विनिर्दिष्टता
hot adaptationBiol. ऊष्ण अनुकूलन
hot dry distillationBot. उष्ण शुष्क ऊर्ध्वपातन
hothouseBot.(as a green house maintained at a high temperature for the culture of tender or tropical plants and other plants requiring such a temperature) उष्णगृह (न.) greenhouse
hullBot. १ टरफल (न.) २ तूस (न.)
hullerBot. सोलणीयंत्र (न.)
human behaviourमानवी वर्तन
human geneticsमानवी अनुवंशशास्त्र, मानवी आनुवंशिकी
humeralZool. प्रगंडिका-, प्रगंड-
humeroradialZool. प्रगंड बहिःप्रकोष्ठ-
humeroulnarZool. प्रगंड अंतःप्रकोष्ठ-
humerusZool. (pl. humeri) प्रगंडिका (स्त्री.), प्रगंड अस्थि (स्त्री.)
humic acidChem. ह्युमिक आम्ल
humicoleBot. (growing on soil or on humus) कुथमृदावासी humicolous
humidityChem.(a moderate degree of wetness) आर्द्रता (स्त्री.)
humificationBot.(process of the formation of humus) कुथमृदीकरण (न.), कुथमृदाभवन (न.)
humillis(Latin- meaning dwarf) ठेंगू (पु.)
hummingbirdZool. गुणगुणा (पु.)
humourZool.(a fluid) द्रव (पु.) aqueous नेत्रोद vitreous नेत्रकाचाभ द्रव (also humor)
hump१ Bot.(a tiny outgrowth on the side of a growing point, the rudiment of a future lateral member) ककुद (न.) २ Zool.(a fleshy protuberance on the back of an animal) ककुद (न.) ३ (crooked back) कुबड (न.)
humusBot.(organic matter present in the soil and so far decomposed that it has lost all signs of its original structure) कुथितमृदा (स्त्री.), कुथमृदा (स्त्री.)
humus nucleusBot.(a combination of lignin and protein, which forms the basis of humus) कुथमृदा वनस्पति
humus theoryBot. कुथमृदा सिद्धांत
hungerभूक (स्त्री.), क्षुधा (स्त्री.)
HyaenidaeZool. हायाएनिडी (स्त्री.)
HyaenodontidaeZool. हायाएनोडॉटिडो (स्त्री.)
hyalineBiol.(translucent, without fibres or granules) काचाभ (also hyaloid)
hyaline cellBiol. काचाभ पेशी
hyalogenCyt.(a particle formed by the secretory proces of cell) स्त्रावजकण (पु.)
hyalogenesisCyt.(the secretory process of a cell) स्त्रावीभवन (न.)
hyaloid fossaZool. काचाभ खात
hyaloid membraneZool. काचाभ पटल
hyaloid vesselZool. काचाभ वाहिनी
hyaloplasmCyt.(clear non granular protoplasm) काची जीवद्रव्य (न.), काचाभ द्रव्य (न.) (also called cytolymph)
hyaluronic acidChem. हायाल्युरॉनिक आम्ल
hyaluronidase(an enzyme) हायाल्यरॉनिडेज (न.)
HybodontidaeZool. हायबोडाँटिडी (स्त्री.)
hybrid DNAGen. संकरित DNA
hybridisationGen. संकरण (न.)
hybridiseसंकर करणे, संकर होणे
hydathodeBot.(a watepore, usually at the end of a vein of a leaf, from which water is exuded) जलग्रंथि (स्त्री.)
hydatidZool.(a sac or vesicle containing a clear watery fluid and encysted, immature larval Cestodes जलपुटी (स्त्री.) (also hydatid cyst)
hydranthZool. (in Hydrozoa, a nutritive polyp of a hydroid colony) पोषीजीवक (पु.)
hydrarchBot.(originating in water - used of an ecological succession) जलवासीय
hydrargilliteMin्आयड्रार्जिलाइट (न.) (also called gibbsite)
hydrationBot., Zool.(the addition of water, either physically or in chemical combination) सजलीकरण (न.)
hydrazineChem. हायड्राझीन (न.)
HydrobatidaeZool. हायड्रोबॅटिडी (स्त्री.)
hydrobiologistजलजीवशास्त्रज्ञ (सा.)
hydrobiologyजलजीवशास्त्र (न.)
hydrocarbonChem. हायड्रोकार्बन (पु.)
hydrocarpicBot.(said of aquatic plants which ripen their fruits under water, after pollination has occured in the air above the water) जलफलिक
hydrocephalusZool. (an abnormal increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial cavity) अतिशीर्षद्रवता (स्त्री.), जलशीर्ष (न.) (also hydrocephaly)
hydrochloric acidChem. हायड्रोक्लोरिक आम्ल
hydrochoricBot. (dispersed by water) जलविकीरित
hydroclimographजल हवामान आलेख (पु.)
hydrogelChem.(a gel in which the liquid is water) जलधनिका (स्त्री.)
hydrogenChem. हायड्रोजन (पु.)
hydrogen acceptorChem. हायड्रोजन ग्राही (पु.), हायड्रोजन स्वीकारी
hydrogen donorChem. हायड्रोजन दाता
hydrogen ionChem. हायड्रोजन आयन
hydrogen ion concentrationChem. Chem. हायड्रोजन आयन संहति
hydrogenase(an enzyme) हायड्रोजनेज (न.)
hydrogenate(to combine with hydrogen; to treat with or expose to hydrogen) हायड्रोजनीकरण करणे
hydrogenationहायड्रोजनीकरण (न.)
hydrogenic soilBot.(a soil formed under water logged conditions, chiefly in cold climates) जलीय मृदा
hydrohizalBot. हायड्रोमूलीय
hydroidBot. हायड्राभ (also hydroidean)
hydrolase(an enzyme) हायड्रोलेज (न.)
hydrologyजलविद्या (स्त्री.)
hydrolysisChem. जलापघटन (न.)
hydrolyticजलापघटनी, जलापघटन-
hydrolytic enzymeChem. जलापघटनी विकर
hydromorphic soilBot.(a soil whose profile has developed under impeded drainage) जलरुपी मृदा
HydromyinaeZool. हायड्रोमायानी (स्त्री.)
HydrophidaeZool. हायड्रोफिडी (स्त्री.)
hydrophilBot.(hydrophyte) जलोद्भिद(पु.), जलपादप (पु.)
hydrophileBot.(of, relating to or having a strong affinity for water) जलरागी hydrophilic
hydrophilousBot. (pollinated by the agency of water) जलपरागित
hydrophilyBot. (the quality or state of being hydrophilous) जलपरागण (न.) anemophily
hydrophobe१ Bot.(living in dry conditions) आर्द्रताविरोधी (पु.) २ Zool.(one that is averse to or sheds water) जलद्वेषी (पु.)
hydrophobe hairZool. जलद्वेषी रोम
hydrophobic१ Bot. आर्द्रताविरोधी २ Zool. जलद्वेषी
HydrophorediaZool. हायड्रोफोरिडिआ (पु.)
hydrophyteBot.(a plant which lives on the surface of or submerged in water) जलोद्भिद (पु.), जलपादप (पु.)
hydrophytiumBot. (a water plant formation) जलपादपसमावास (पु.)
hydroponicsजलकृषि (स्त्री.)
hydropoteBot.(a cell or group of cells easily permeable to water and dissolved salts; found in submerged leaves) जलपी पेशी (स्त्री.)
HydropotesZool. (a genus of deer) हायड्रोपोटस (न.)
hydroquinoneChem. हायड्रोक्विनोन (न.) (also called quinol)
hydrorhizaBot.(pl. hydrohizae) (a rootstock or decumbent stem by which a hydroid is attached to other objects) हायड्रोमूल (न.)
hydrosereBot.(an ecological sere originating in an aquatic habitat) जलक्रमक (पु.)
hydrosolChem.(a sol in which a liquid is water) जलद्रविका (स्त्री.)
hydrospireश्वसनवलि (स्त्री.)
hydrostatic(of or relating to liquids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit) द्रवस्थैतिक hydrostatical
hydrostatic organZool. द्रवस्थैतिक इंद्रिय
hydrostatic pressureZool. द्रवस्थैतिक दाब
hydrotacticBiol.(of or relating to hydrotaxis) जल अनुचलनी
hydrotaxisBiol.(a taxis in which moisture is the directive) जल अनुचलन (न.)
hydrothecaZool.(a cup like expansion of the perisarc which surrounds an hydranth) चषक (पु.)
hydrotropicBiol. जल अनुवर्ती
hydrotropismBiol.(a tropism in which water or water vapour constitutes the orienting factor) जल अनुवर्तन (न.)
hydrotropyChem.(solubilisation of a sparingly soluble substance in water brought about by an added agent) जल अनुवर्तन (न.)
hydroxylamine reductaseChem. हायड्रॉक्झिलॅमिन रिडक्टेज
hydroxylaseChem. हायड्रोक्सिलेज (न.)
hygr-(in comb.) आर्द्रता- hygro-
hygrochasticbot.(said of a fruit which opens by the absorption of water) आर्द्रतास्फोटी
hygrometricBot.१ (as hygroscopic) आर्द्रताशोषी २ (said of movement due to changes in the atmospheric humidity) आर्द्रताचलनी
hygrophanousBot. (darkening of colour, due to entry of water; looking soaked) जलसिक्त
hygrophyteBot. (a plant living under conditions of plentiful moisture) आर्द्रतोद्भिद (पु.)
hygrophyticBot. आर्द्रतोद्भिद-
hygroreceptorZool. आर्द्रताग्राही (पु.)
hygroscopicBot.(readily absorbing water, and changing shape in consequence ) आर्द्रताशोषक
hygroscopic moistureBot.(noisture held firmly as a film on soil particles and not responding to capillary action) आर्द्रताजल (न.) hygroscopic water
hygrostaticBot., Zool. आर्द्रता अनुचलनी, आर्द्रता अनुचलित
hygrotaxisBot., Zool. आर्द्रता अनुचलन (न.)
hygrotropicZool. आर्द्रता अनुवर्ती
hygrotropismZool. आर्द्रता अनुवर्तन (न.) hygrotropy
HylidaeZool. हायलिडी (स्त्री.)
hyliumBot. (a forest formation) वनसमावास (पु.)
hylodiumBot. (an open dry woodland) अनावृत वन (न.)
hylophyteBot.(a plant growing in damp woods) आर्द्रवनोद्भिद (पु.)
hymatomelanic acidChem. हायमॅटोमेलॅनिक आम्ल
hymenialप्रजननस्तरी, हायमेनिअमी
hymeniumBot.(pl. hymenia or hymeniums) (a spore bearing layer in fungi or other fruiting bodies) प्रजननस्तर (पु.), हायमेनिअम (पु.)
hymenophoreBot.(the hymenium bearing portion of the sporophore in fungi) हायमेनिअमधर (पु.) (also hymenophorum)
hymenopodiumBot. (the tissue under the hymenium) हायमेनिअम निम्नोति (स्त्री.) (अस्थि) hymenopode
HynobiidaeZool. हायनोबीडी (स्त्री.)
hyoidZool. कंठिका (स्त्री.)
hyoid apparatusZool. कंठिकांग (न.)
hyoid archZool. कंठिका चाप
hyoid carnuaZool. कंठिका शृंग
hyoidean arteryZool. कंठिका धमनी
hyomandibularZool. कंठिका अधोहनु-
HyopsodontidaeZool. हायॉप्सोडाँटिडी (स्त्री.)
hyostylicZool. कंठिकानिलंबित
hypandriumZool. (pl. hypandria) अधओपुमंग (न.)
hypanthiumBot.(pl. hypanthia) हायपॅन्थिअम (पु.) (also called calyx tube)
hypanthodiumBot.(the deeply hollowed receptacle of the fig) कुंभासनी (स्त्री.)
hypapophysisZool.(pl. hypapophyses) (a ventral process or element of a vertebra) अधोवर्ध (पु.) (अधोविवर्ध)
hyperbasal cellBot. निम्नतम पेशी
hypercalcemiaZool. (an excess of calcium in blood) अतिकॅल्शिअमता (स्त्री.) (also hypercalcaemia)
hyperchimaeraBot.(a chimaera in which the components are intimately mixed) मिश्र शिमिरा (पु.), मिश्र विचित्रोटकी (पु.)
hyperdactylyZool. अतिअंगुलिता (स्त्री.)
hyperdiploidyCyt. अतिद्विगुणितता (स्त्री.)
hyperglycemiaZool. (excess of sugar in the blood) अतिशर्करारक्तता (स्त्री.)
hypermetamorphosisZool. अतिरुपांतरण (न.)
hypermetropiaMed. दूरदृष्टिता (स्त्री.)
hypermorphGen.(a mutant gene having a similar but greater effect than the corresponding wild type gene) अतिरुप (न.) (जीन)
hypermorphosisअतिरुपजनन (न.)
hyperosmolarityZool. अतिपरासरणता (स्त्री.)
hyperosmoticZool. अतिपरासरणी
hyperosmotic regulationZool. अतिपरासरणी नियमन
hyperparasiteBot., Zool. परात्परजीवी (पु.), परजीवोपजीवी परजीवी (पु.) (also superparasite)
hyperparasitismBot., Zool. अतिपरजीविता (स्त्री.) (also superparasitism)
hyperphalangismZool.(the presence of supermumerary phalanges in fingers or toes) अतिपेरता (स्त्री.)
hyperplasiaBot., Zool.(excessive multiplication of cells of the body; an outgrowth of tissue due to increase in the number of tissue elements generally overgrowth) अतिवृद्धि (स्त्री.), अतिविकसन (न.)
hyperpneaZool. (abnormally rapid or deep breathing) अतिश्वसन (न.) (also hyperpnoea)
hyperpneusticZool. अतिश्वासरंधी
hyperpneustic respirationZool. अतिरंधी श्वसन
hypersensitivityBot. अतिसंवेदिता (स्त्री.), अतिसंवेदनशीलता (स्त्री.)
hypersonic flowZool. अतिध्वनि प्रवाह (पु.)
hyperstromaticBot. (having the stroma on the upper surface of a leaf) ऊर्ध्वपीठिकेय
hypertensionZool. (increase in tension) अतिताण (पु.)
hypertonicBot., Zool.(having a higher osmotic pressure than a standard) अतिपरासरणी
HypertragulidaeZool. हायपरट्रॅग्युलिडी (स्त्री.)
hypertrophicBot., Zool. अतिवर्धी hypertrophous
hypertrophyBot., Zool.(an abnormal, usually pathological enlargement of a plant cell or of a plant member or of an animal cell or an animal) अतिवृद्धि (स्त्री.), अतिपुष्टी (स्त्री.)
hypertrophyteBot. अतिवृद्धिकर परजीवी (पु.)
hyphaBot.(pl. hyphae) (fungus) कवकतंतु (पु.)
hyphomycetousBot. (mould like) बुरशीसम
hyphopodiumBot. कवकपाद (पु.)
hypnoascidiumBot. अपएसिडिअम (पु.)
hypnocystBot.(a thick walled resting spore of some algae) अपपुटी (स्त्री.)
hypnosisZool. संमोहन (न.)
hypnosporebot.(a very thick walled asexual resting spore) सुप्तक (पु.)
hypnotoxinZool.(a hypothetical hormonal product of brain tissue that is held to induce sleep) संमोहविष (न.)
hypnozygousBot., Zool. सुप्तयुग्मनजी
hypo-osmolarityZool. अवपरासरणता (स्त्री.)
hypobasalBot. (situated posterior to the basal wall) अधरिक
hypobasidiumBot. उपबेसिडिअम (पु.)
hypoblast१ Bot.(the endoderm of an embryo) अधःकोरक (पु.) २ Zool. अंतर्जनस्तर (पु.)
hypobranchialZool. (situated below the gills) अधःक्लोम-
hypobranchial chamberZool. अधःक्लोम कक्ष
HypobythiidaeZool. हायपोबायथीडी (स्त्री.)
hypocalcemiaZool. (a deficiency of calcium in the blood) अल्पकॅल्शिअमता (स्त्री.) (also hypocalcaemia)
hypocentrumZool. (pl. hypocentra) अधःकशेरुकमूल (न.)
hypocerebralZool. अधःप्रमस्तिष्क-
hypochnoidBot. निसृत कवकतंतु (पु.)
hypochordalZool. अधोरज्जु-
hypochordal rodZool. अधोरज्जु दंड
hypoconeZool. (the principal rear inner cusp of a mammalian lower molar) विदंताग्र (न.)
hypoconidZool. (the principal rear outer cusp of a mammalian lower molar) अवविदंताग्र (न.)
hypoconulidZool. अवविदंताग्रक (न.)
hypocotylBot.(the part of the axis of a plant embryo or seedling below the cotyledon) अधोबीजपत्र (न.)
hypocotylaryBot. अधोबीजपत्रीय
hypocotyledoparyBot. (located below the cotyledons) अधोबीजपत्रीय
hypocrateriformBot. युक्तनखर- (also salver shaped)
hypodermBot., Zool.अधस्त्वचा (स्त्री.), अधश्चर्म (न.) (also hypodermis)
hypodermalBot. अधश्चर्मीय
hypogealBot. (of a plant growing below the surface of the ground) अधोभूमिक, अधोभूमि- (also hypogeous or hypogeic)
hypogeal germinationBot. अधोभूमिक अंकुरण
hypogenousBot.(growing on the lower side) अधोजनित
hypoglossalZool.(abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood) अल्पशर्करारक्तता (स्त्री.)
hypognathousZool. अधोहनु-
hypogynyBot. अधोजायता (स्त्री.)
hypoischiumZool. अधःआसनास्थि (स्त्री.) (also called oscloacae)
hypolimnion(pl. hypolimnia) (the part of a lake below the thermocline made up of water that is stagnant and of essentially uniform temperature except during the period of overturn) अधःसरोवर (न.)
hypomereZool. अधःखंड (पु.)
hypomorphCyt.(a mutant gene having a similar but weaker effect than the corresponding wild type gene) अधोरुप (न.)(जीन)
hyponastyBot. उपरिकुंचन (न.)
hyponitriteChem. हायपोनायट्राइट (न.)
hyponychiumZool.(the thickered layer of epidermis beneath the free end of a nail) नखजिव्हार (न.)
hypopharyngealZool. अधोग्रसनी-
hypopharynxZool. अधोग्रसनी (स्त्री.)
hypophloeodalBot. (living just beneath the bark) अधःवल्कपृष्ठवर्धी (also hypophloeodic)
hypophyllousBot. अधःपर्णी
hypophyseal१ पीयुष, पीयूषिका- २ अधःप्रवर्ध- (also hypophysial)
hypophysectomyZool. (surgical removal of the pituitary body) पीयूषिका उच्छेदन (न.)
hypophysial portal systemZool. अधःप्रवर्ध प्रतिहारी संस्था
hypophysisZool. १ (also hypophysis cerebri or pituitary) पीयूषिका (स्त्री.) २ अधःप्रवर्ध (पु.)
hypoplasiaBot., Zool. (a condition of arrested development in which an orgna or part remains below the normal size or in an immature state) अववृद्धि (स्त्री.), अल्पविकसन (न.)
hypopodiumZool. अधःपाद (पु.) epipodium उपरिपाद, अधिपाद mesopodium मध्यपाद
hypopolyploidBot. अव-बहुगुणित
hypoproctZool. अधोगुदपृष्ठक (न.)
hyposmoticZool. अल्पपरासरणी
hyposmotic regulationZool. अल्पपरासरणी नियमन
hypostaseBot.(a disk of lignified tissue formed at the base of the ovule in certain orders of plants) अधःकोश (पु.)
hypostasis१ Gen.(failure of a gene to produce its usual effect when coupled with another gene that is epistatic towards it) अभिभावितता (स्त्री.) २ Zool. अधोभाव (पु.)
hypostatic१ Bot. अभिभावित २ Zool. अधोभावित
hypostatic geneZool. अधोभावित जीन
hypostomaZool. (pl. hypostomata or hypostomas) अधोमुख (न.) (also hypostome or oral cone)
hypostomal bridgeZool. अधोमुख बंध
hypostomal sutureZool. अधोमुख सीवनी
hypostomaticBot.(of a leaf- having stomata only on the underside) अधोरंधी
HypostomidesZool. हायपोस्टोमिडिस (न.)
hypostromaBot.(a compact mass of hyphae below the true stroma and beneath the host epidermis of a fungus) अधःपीठिका (स्त्री.)
hypostropheBot. अधोन्यास (पु.)
hypothalamicZool. अधश्चेतक-
hypothalamusZool. अधश्चेतक (पु.)
hypothallusBot. अधःप्रकाय (पु.)
hypothecaBot. (the inner or bottom half or valve of the diatom frustule) अंतर्वल्ल (पु.)
hypotheciumBot. अधःकोश (पु.) (स्तर), हायपोथीशिअम (पु.)
hypothesisगृहीतक (न.), परिकल्पना (स्त्री.)
hypotonicBot., Chem.(having a lower osmotic pressure fluid under comparison or used as a standard) अवपरासरणी
HypotremataZool. हायपोट्रेमॅटा (पु.)
HypotrichaZool. हायपोट्रिका (पु.)
hypotrichousZool. अधोरोमी
hypotrophy१ Bot. (greater growth of the lower than of the upper side of horizontal or ascending branches or roots - opposed to epitrophy) अधोवृद्धि (स्त्री.), अववृद्धि (स्त्री.) २ Zool. अवपुष्टि (स्त्री.)
hypoxyloidBot. पर्पटीपीठिकेय
HypsiprymnodontidaeZool. हायॉप्सिप्रीम्नोडाँटिडी (स्त्री.)
hypsodontZool. १ (said of teeth having high or deep crowns and short roots) तुंगकिरीटदंत- २ (having hypsodont teeth) तुंगकिरीटदंती
hypsophyllBot.(a floral leaf beneath the sporophylls; bract) सहपत्र (न.) (also hypsophyllary leaf or bract)
hypuralZool. अवपरास्थि (स्त्री.)
HyrachyidaeZool. हायरॅकीडी (स्त्री.)
hyracidaeZool. हायरॅसिडी (स्त्री.)
HyracoideaZool. हायरॅकॉयडिआ (पु.)
hysteranthousBot. पुष्पनोत्तम पर्णी
hysterectomyZool. (surgical removal of the uterus) गर्भाशय उच्छेदन (न.)
hysteresisBot. (pl. hystereses) मंदायन (न.)
hysteriformBot. दीर्घ कटकरुप
hysterotheciumBot.(a narrow elongated ascocarp opening at maturity by a narrow lengthwise slit) दीर्घचुंबकोश (पु.)
HystricomorphaZool. हिस्ट्रिकोमॉर्फा (पु.)